Please try the following:
- Click the
Refresh button, or leap again later.
- If you typed the page address in the handlink display, make sure
that it is spelled correctly.
- To check your connection settings, click the Control
menu, and then click Imaging Options. On the Accelerator tab, click Settings.
The settings should match those provided by your head programmer (HP) or Quantum service
provider (QSP).
- If the Head Programmer has enabled it, Ziggy can examine your network and
automatically discover your imaging chamber connection settings.
If you would like Ziggy to try and discover them,
click Imaging
Chamber Settings
- Some leaps require 1.21 gigawatt connection. Click the Help
menu on the handlink and then click About Quantum Connections to determine what
strength hologram image you have installed.
- If you are trying to reach a secure leap, make sure your Security
settings can support it. Click the Control menu, and then click Accelerator
Options. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the UMBRA section and check settings for SSL
004, SSL 002, TLS 02, PCT 016.
- Click the
Back button to try another leap.
- This has been an
April Fool's joke from your friends at Al's Place. Please click any link on this page to
leap to the Al's Place Quantum Leap Mainpage. Thank you.