Howdy from the newbie


Project QL Intern
Mar 10, 2007
Hershey, PA/Albuquerque,NM
Since this show has been off the air for a while I am just curious how many fans post here. I did not watch the series when it was first aired and did not watch it in syndication. I have since purchased all seasons on DVD from eBay and am enjoying it tremendously. I am just beginning season three. I was also a big Voyagers! fan and did watch that on first run with my kids when they were very small. Well, back to the future!:D
I am willing to bet I am in a position a lot of posters would like to be in... enjoying the series for the first time in chronological sequence and all without commercial interruption! I am just two episodes in to the third season so I probably won't read too much on this site until I finish the entire 5 season set. I don't want to spoil any surprises that are very "old news" for the rest of you. My Omni is green so I'm going to watch another few episodes!
Welcome from the resident :wacko Brit.

Yes, there is something special about seeing an episode for the very first time, and I for one envy you that experience.

However, there are compensations in that subsequent viewings often bring out things you may have missed first time, or little nuances that add to the enjoyment, so it never gets 'stale'.

Welcome aboard.

Pull up a barstool, have a Rodbeer on me, and let us know your 'initial' thoughts on the series we all love.:dreaming
Thanks for the "Welcome aboard" everyone. I am a retired Navy Supply Corps Captain and my son watched the series when it was new. He is now a Lieutenant in the Navy Medical Corps (he is an MD) and told me to be sure to give him the DVDs when I have finished! Some things never change! I am really enjoying this series. My son and I watched Voyagers! together when he was too young to remember it so I'll probably give him those DVDs as well. Thanks again for the kind welcome. :)
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NewFederalist said:
I am willing to bet I am in a position a lot of posters would like to be in... enjoying the series for the first time in chronological sequence and all without commercial interruption!

I was in that position too, last year (pretty much; it wasn't all in order). It was great! I just devoured the DVDs one after another.

And you're right, you should watch them without being spoiled. I purposely avoided this board for a while, until I had seen all the episodes.

I'm in PA too. :wavey
Sup, capt'n?

I only recently stumbled upon QL myself thanks to late-night reruns and my chronic insomnia.

Be sure to tell us a bit more about yourself though. You sound like you've got an interesting life.
Welcome to the Board!!

I actually only saw EVERY episode about 7 weeks ago , I had never seen 'The B**gieman' or 'Catch a Falling Star' all the way through, I agree, nothing beats seeing an episode for the first time.

Season 5 however, fell to my 'Marathon QL sesh' at X-Mas, 3 series, 1 week - and one heck of a stockpile of fizzy drinks. Good Times!
Welcome! I only found out about Quantum Leap when I was bored, so I was having a flick 'round when the words 'Quantum' and 'Leap' caught my eye. 'Is this the show I've been seeing adverts for for the last few years?' I thought, watched it, then I was hooked. Season4, it was - the episode 'Dreams'. That was around '92.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy your time at the community, and that I succeed in changing my cousins' behaviour.
Have a great time here.
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Hey Ditto everything you have written, I'm up to series 3 as well and I bought that of Ebay too, Was a big voyager fan too but that started before I had kids but finished when I did have kids. I didn't watch QL either when it first aired (I think I was 18 and spending all my time out) In fact I didn't even know it existed until recently. We have a lot in common!!! I'm a newie too (refer: I just leaped in) Welcome anyway, even though you were here before me HA HA!!

NewFederalist said:
Since this show has been off the air for a while I am just curious how many fans post here. I did not watch the series when it was first aired and did not watch it in syndication. I have since purchased all seasons on DVD from eBay and am enjoying it tremendously. I am just beginning season three. I was also a big Voyagers! fan and did watch that on first run with my kids when they were very small. Well, back to the future!:D
For those of you at home keeping score... I am now about half way through season three and loving it! I am watching an episode per day on average (my wife insists I not get ahead of her) so it will probably take me another couple of months to finish the entire series in order. When I am done with them all I will probably jump into many discussion threads and I am looking forward to it. See you in time! 8)
Good on you, I had to go back and watch the last 2 eps of season 2 cause i got season 3 before i finished season 2, i just watched MIA with my 13 year old niece. I've turned her into a fan!!! Unfortunately she now wants to watch leap home 1&2 which I've already seen so I'm no where near the middle of season 3. I'll have to have a QL marathon this weekend to catch up with you. NOW WHO CAN FINISH SEASON 3 FIRST!!!
Bexter said:
Good on you, I had to go back and watch the last 2 eps of season 2 cause i got season 3 before i finished season 2, i just watched MIA with my 13 year old niece. I've turned her into a fan!!! Unfortunately she now wants to watch leap home 1&2 which I've already seen so I'm no where near the middle of season 3. I'll have to have a QL marathon this weekend to catch up with you. NOW WHO CAN FINISH SEASON 3 FIRST!!!

I just finished watching the last episode of season three. All I can say is it was shocking! :lol
NewFederalist said:
I just finished watching the last episode of season three. All I can say is it was shocking! :lol

Hey Good for you, I'm no where near the end, but my neice is coming over on Tuesday night so we'll probably watch 3 or 4 in one hit, last one I watched was 8 1/2 months. Pretty funny, but I just loved the one with the Salvation Army in it, I was a member of the Salvation Army for 27 years (I left when I was 27) and am now AOG, but just loved the stereo types it gave me a real giggle.
Just finished the stripper/deaf dancer one. Neice didn't come over to watch it with me though, her boyfriend moved to Sydney last night and her poor little 13 year old heart is broken, so she stayed home to cry. Its really quite sad isn't it :cry .
Bexter said:
Just finished the stripper/deaf dancer one. Neice didn't come over to watch it with me though, her boyfriend moved to Sydney last night and her poor little 13 year old heart is broken, so she stayed home to cry. Its really quite sad isn't it :cry .

I am now a few episodes into season four and not finding them as enjoyable as previous seasons. They seem to be very "heavy" and too serious. I am just getting ready to watch "Raped". Can't wait... :rolleyes
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NewFederalist said:
I am now a few episodes into season four and not finding them as enjoyable as previous seasons. They seem to be very "heavy" and too serious. I am just getting ready to watch "Raped". Can't wait... :rolleyes

I also found that with Star Trek Enterprise with Scott Bakula as Capt Archer, it seemed every episode they'd be making a new enemy, getting on each others nerves and all the comic relief just seemed to disappear. I'm a firm beleiver in watching TV and films to be entertained, glimpses of seriousness is always refreshing, like Al in Jimmy when he's talking about his sister who died, but when it becomes more than glimpses at takes over the show entirely it just starts to get depressing. I don't own Season 4 yet so may have to wait a while before I get to see it. My daughter wanted me to put this emoticon in :hair , so here it is.
Am still catching up with series 3 and I LOST THE SET, however eventually found it under the couch (shows you how often I clean up) so when I finish it I'll sell it on ebay and then buy series 4, we are a bit short on the $$$ at the moment so thought would be a rather frugal way of doing it. When I start watching series 4 I'll tell you what I think. Are you up to series 5 yet? How many series were there? 5 or 6
NewFederalist said:
Thanks for the "Welcome aboard" everyone. I am a retired Navy Supply Corps Captain and my son watched the series when it was new. He is now a Lieutenant in the Navy Medical Corps (he is an MD)

Thanks for your service, and please thank your son for me, too! My nephew just graduated from Marine Corp Basic training.:hurray:
cookiemom6067 said:
Thanks for your service, and please thank your son for me, too! My nephew just graduated from Marine Corp Basic training.:hurray:

Hoo-RAH! By the way, it's called Basic Training in the Army and the Air Force but in the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard it's called Boot Camp. Either way it is no fun while doing it but a proud accomplishment when it is behind you. My congrats to your nephew! The Marines really are a special breed. ;)
I have now completed season four. The first part of the season seemed way too serious. The episodes seemed to get better and have some elements of humor toward the end. The last episode, although fairly serious in content, was done well. Now on to season five and then I can hit the chat rooms!
Now about half way through the final season. My observation so far is that it is much better than the first part of season four! Can't wait to finish so I can lift my self imposed restriction against reading other threads here.