Different music? Something's wrong!


PQL Security Staff
Jul 11, 2002
Missouri, USA
Could someone who already has the DVD set skim through "MIA" and confirm whether or not any of the music has been changed?

A Sassies member posted the following article on the Sassies:


Here's the excerpt we're concerned about:

Selected songs remain. The big finish to the second season of Northern Exposure, for example, still showcases Etta James' At Last. And a Quantum Leap episode that has time-traveling Sam (Scott Bakula) working as a radio DJ still includes the songs that Sam actually mentions in the episode.

But in other places, each show substitutes generic-sounding tunes for the carefully selected originals, and it hurts the shows. A song shift changes the tone of a romantic moment on Leap and another ruins a joke in Exposure. Given how much fans are willing to pay for these sets, it's too bad they're not getting what they wanted.

I'm very afraid that this might be "Georgia On My Mind" in "MIA." It could be conflicting with the movie "Ray."

Someone please, please let us know what song in the second season has been replaced!

I can't believe it ,I've just checked and they have changed those songs! They don't play any of Georgia On My Mind or Unchained Melody in any of the parts they should be. Instead they've put just a new tune with no singing. It's rediculous. I haven't watched the episode all the way through (just checked after reading your post) but how can the last scene work without us hearing that song? Why did they do this??!! First there're no extras when the box sayd there are and now they've changed the actual episodes. Is this what they were on about before when they said the reason they couldn't bring out all the episodes on video was getting rights to some of the music? I just don't think I'll be able to watch this episode as it is on the DVD, I'll have to see my video copy every time instead, it's crazy. I wonder if there are any other changes in the other episodes. I've seen the first two so far and I didn't notice anything, I hope there's nothing more they've messed up.
Becoming a big issue on all DVD releases

I don't have mine yet. But I know this has become a big issue for most TV releases on DVD. No one ever imagined ahead a time that the DVD format would exist. So music rights contracts only covered broadcast use of songs. So every single song has to be cleared before it is included again. Meaning every person in the creation of a song that has a legal say has to given permission for its use. So if someone would object for whatever reason, a song can't be used - period! Of course it is also about money. The music studios ask huge licensing rights for the use of each song. It is all very complicated and frustrating! You would think they would realized that it is good promotional exposure to have these songs featured on TV series.Not to get everyone one worried about this. But it is more complicated than "Universal won't pay for the songs". They are responsible though for the lack of bonus features.... >:

Universal has its own music division and I would not be surprised if a certain percentage of songs on QL are already owned by them and were chosen in the first place for that reason. So those should not be a problem. Also unlike a lot of newer series, QL did not feature songs in the background of every single scene. I am a fan of the show "Roswell" and
the creators of the show were forced to replace most of the music for the DVDs. But QL relied much more on a composed musical score than most current shows. Hopefully with few songs to clear it will be easier to get them....

EDIT- I just read your post Dan...."Georgia On My Mind" is not there! >: >: Unbelievable!....I was very happy with the first set but this combined with no features.....
Who decided this...

The thing I am really wondering is who decided all this. I know for "Roswell" the creator of the show and his original musical team, the same people who pick the original songs, pick all of the replacements. There was even a letter from him in the first set explaining all of this and saying it was the only way it could be released at all. He made certain songs a priority to pay for the rights, guaranteeing they stayed the same at least. Not that he could get all of the important ones, but at least someone in the creation of the show was making the decisions.

I wonder if Don Bellisario or Deborah Pratt were involved in this process? Or was it just someone at Universal Home Video?
I bet you are right Joy that the movie Ray has something to do with this. Even though I knew music rights might be a problem, I forgot about it after the first season set. Nothing seemed to be changed on it, did it? There was even an Elvis song in the Pilot. The big name stars are usually the most expensive. I know that George Lucas did not use any Elvis songs in American Graffiti because it would have cost too much. But in the early 70's most of the studios did not see the money in music rights yet, so he was able to get all of those other Classic Rock songs for next to nothing! How things have changed...:cry
Oh no. :( Guess that means since "Georgia..." isn't in MIA, then it won't be in the series finale, once the season 5 set rolls around. Since that song is very important to the series, I would've hoped they delayed the set until they were able to come to an agreement.

This seriously sucks.
Re: Who decided this...

I shall go sulk in a corner and mourn. M.I.A. is quite simply my favorite QL episode of all time. "Unchained Melody" used there was far more emotional and effective than in GHOST.

I am so not happy with Universal, though I understand they are not 100% to blame in this change, they still take some of the rap for me.

:protest :cry :cry

That's right, I bet this means that Mirror Image's scene will have to have this new music too. There's going to be a lot of disappointed Leapers. Of all the songs in the series they could have had a problem with, Georgia On My Mind has to be the most important one for them to leave alone.

What is the connection to the movie Ray? I've never even heard of the movie before, so I have no idea what the link is.
It's a biopic...

"Ray" is a new movie about the life of Ray Charles staring Jamie Foxx. It includes many of Ray Charles songs including "Georgia". The price for any of his songs would have been high any ways but with the film interest in his music has gone up. Ray Charles also died early this year so the legalities of who controls his music rights maybe up in the air.

I imagine any songs referred to by any of the character should be safe. This was the case with Roswell. Even though "Georgia" was mentioned in an earlier scene, Beth or Sam never said "Georgia is playing right now"....If they had it might still be there! Otherwise they would have to edit the dialog. Similarly any songs song by Scott or anyone else should be safe as well.


I don't know what good it will do but I think we should organize some kind of campaign to complain about Universal's shoddy treatment of the show on DVD. Its like they threw this set together in a day! Season 1 did not have much but there were only 9 episodes. But at least there was something. Maybe we can have some influence before they start season 3. It does not seem like they listened to the suggestions we gave Deborah Pratt. In fact other then the interviews on the first set it does not seem like Universal has sought out any real involvement of any one from the show!
Re: music rights?

Yup, I think letter writing is about due.

Thank them for releasing the episodes, but reiterate the need for extras and for maintaining the integrity of the show.

QL without Georgia? :cry Have they no shame?

Dan, Sometimes the Leap-Ins in one episode were different than in the next episode that Leap is about. Music is sometimes one of the differences. Likely because they had not finished the final sound mix and music selection for the episode. But needed the scene for the Leap-In at the end of the episode before. I don't know if that was the situation with the Leap-In you saw, but that is my guess. It was always like that.
music rights?

Ok,the music rights idea doesn't work. I've just watched the Leap-out from Blind Faith into Good Morning, Peoria and the music that plays on the record is one of these new tunes like the added with M.I.A. But then in the actual episode Good Morning, Peoria they keep the original song. So why change one and not the other. It can't be only to do rights to the songs, unless they've made a real mess of it and not changed something that they needed to and released the wrong version!
This is absurd!

How in the world could Universal do this? I can understand if they needed to change some tunes in "Good Monring, Peoria". I would still be upset at that, but changing "Georgia on My Mind" in one of the most pivotal QL episodes, "M.I.A.", really angers me to the core.

I agree with what was said above. We need to get some kind of letter-writing campaign together. We should draught up some kind of general declaration and get a petition going. I'm willing to send out the notification to every QL-related group out there if/when we get something written up.

If it was a timing issue, delay the release of the DVDs. If it was a money issue, well shucks, it's not like Universal is in debt or will suffer a loss at paying the extra rights. The material for a DVD set is cheap to produce: it's all of these "rights" added to, of course, profit (which I don't blame them for) that bring up the price so much.

Who's with me? :protest

... Mike. >:
Re: This is absurd!

One of my friends from Loon-dom said she'd sign a petition of we do one. (I'm griping about it to her.)
Re: ...

You have got to be KIDDING me!!!!!! This just...

:cry :banghead :realmad :shoot :cry :cry :cry

I'm sorry, I can't even express how I really feel, otherwise, I might get banned for foul language. Let me try to calm down first...

Okay... well, this just bites big-time! I know it's just a song, but come on! "MIA" can't NOT have "Georgia On MY Mind" playing in the background with Al and Beth dancing. It was THEIR song, for crying out loud... wasn't it? That would be like showing the movie Ghost and substituting "Unchained Melody" with something inferior. Or watching the Star Wars movies without John Williams' musical score. It's NOT. THE. SAME. Period! I mean, Dean's acting was superb and nothing can ever change that, but... omitting "Georgia" from what I think most QL fans would agree was THE most important and powerful moment in Quantum Leap history... it just completely destroys the emotional impact I felt after watching that episode for the first time. Honestly, now I don't even know if I want to get the set for Christmas... THAT'S how depressed I am over this!

And what makes no sense to me is this... UNIVERSAL is the movie company that released Ray! Which tells me one of three things... either Universal REALLY (and I mean, REALLY!!!) screwed up big-time... the music company that owns the rights to "Georgia" only agreed to let Universal use the song for the movie (from what I looked up on a Ray Charles discography, the 2 major music comapnies seem to be Atlantic and Rhino)... or, Ray Charles' family is not giving permission for some stupid reason. Either way, I agree that something has to be done. This is the last straw as far as I'm concerned!

QL fans have pulled together in the past to bring the series back from the brink of cancellation... we were there to show our support for all these years that they're now pushing this new movie into production... we need to band together once again, in my opinion. Our voices HAVE to be heard, and if we have to go beyond Universal, then so be it. I personally feel we need to go one step further and demand that Universal recall and/or reissue the 1st and 2nd seasons and give us what we, as the true fans, deserve.

"MIA" without "Unchained Melody" and "Georgia" just DOES. NOT. WORK. People watching the DVDs for the first time who've never seen "MIA" in its original form won't comprehend what was so special about that moment because THEIR song is not there!

I don't know what else to say at the moment... I never imagined I'd be this upset over something like this... :cry
Re: This is absurd!

I agree, Universal should be told how important Georgia is to the series and how much we need it to be there. I've just watched Peoria and a lot of the songs have been cut. As posted earlier, the songs that Sam mentions are kept but the others are replaced. Avilos, the song in the Leap-out version and Leap-in version are the same, it's the Tutti Fruiti song and it's played more than once in the actual episode, so it was only in the Leap-out from Blind Faith that it was replaced, for whatever reason. I just can't believe they've released them like that, I don't really mind so much about not having extras, it would have been very nice but it's the actual episodes that are important. And these sets aren't cheap, so to have the episodes like this Universal has to be almost expecting us to complain.
Re: This is absurd!

They'd respond to a letter-writing(snail-mail) campaign better than online petitions/emailing. But remember, cooler heads prevail. Meaning, be nice and respectful. "wtf universal u suxx0rz" will not get anywhere with this. ;)

I'd wait for an official statement, or at least something, from Universal on the matter, though.
Re: This is absurd!

Absolutely. The sandwich method is best---good nice thing, criticism negative thing, good nice thing. Polite, respectful, and remembering that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Re: This is absurd!

Wow, I don't know what to say!!!

What is WRONG with these people at Universal!!!

I am absolutely down to make them regret their decision to leave out Georgia, and also ANY extras WE DESERVE!!!

I'll write anything that needs to be written, and ask any of my friends to write them too!!! This is just NOT fair!!! I have pre-ordered the set, and will get it anyways, but I guess I must thank god I still have the original version of it on my computer. This is infuriating!!! >: :realmad >: :realmad :realmad

It almost makes me wish I hadn't pre-ordered it... now I can't do a thing about it!!! Grrrrrrr, those people at Universal.... If only there was a way to reach more people, like internet, or radio, or TV... We the fans DESERVE to have a minimum, and by leaving the song out, we don't EVEN get the very MINIMUM...

I will do whatever is necessary with you to make them understand what a mistake they have made by doing this to us... and the worse thing is they didn't even give ANY explanation... This is frustrating...

I hope they will understand how wrong they were... :protest

Re: This is absurd!

I think we should cc any letters to Don Bellisario as well. M.I.A. was his baby, too, and I wonder how he feels about it.

I'll see if I can't work up a prototype form letter or something before the week is out, if y'all would like.
Re: This is absurd!

It occurs to me now too...

Perhaps this was WHY the DVD set was pushed back from October in the first place. Just a thought.

And yes, Jennie, that sounds good. If you want help with it, I could try to offer my two cents as well. We have to put right this horrible wrong... somehow... :cry

Re: This is absurd!

Good point, Damon... who knows? I don't think we really need to dwell on that, but it is an interesting point.

Of course we need to be courtious in our letters. Flaming Universal will get us nowhere. I am willing to help out in any way possible to get the word to Universal (and Don) that this is a major error on Universal's part.

We have to band together and make sure it's an organised effort of peaceful protest.

... Mike. :realmad
Re: This is absurd!

Where is my axe.... This is a sin.
Re: This is absurd!

This is so saddening, and upsetting too. I was so looking forward to opening Season Two at Christmas. It's not fair that what was excitement now is depressing. I still look forward to having the episodes, but I'm glad I still have MIA taped, won't be taping over it anytime soon either!
If a letter campaign is started I'm totally interested in participating and showing my support.
To be honest though, I'm curious to know if anyone at Universal even realized the extent that this "mistake" is, are there no fans of the show working there??
Oh well...I'm off to bed with this depressing news!

What the HECK!

First double sisded,>:

then comes no extras! :banghead



I've not been this depressed since QL was cancelled when I was at school! I'm going to my room to cry! :cry

If you do a letter campain I sign! Definatly!

What about "Catching a Fallen Star" ? that is another great music episode
Re: What the HECK!

I haven't got to Catch A Falling Star yet, but they've messed up with Thou Shalt Not... too, this set is a complete joke.
Re: What the HECK!

Well it has me thinking that I may just wait for the region 2 release this time, in the vague hope that they may have come to their senses before then.
If it is a question of fees, surely a little market research would tell them that most of us would pay that bit extra to have the right stuff (pun intended) in the episodes.

Whatever happened to the addage that the customer is always right?

I never thought I could be disappointed in anything QL, even my least favorite episodes have some redeeming features (both original and VS), but this is just an insult to true fans everywhere.