Happy Birthday Dean

I just wanted to wish Dean Stockwell a very happy 68th birthday day. I hope that it is a special day for him. One filled with golf, cigars and crude jokes! <img border=0 src="http://www.binaryrhyme.com/ubbicons/hurray.gif" />

Thank you for 68 glorious years, with many more to come.

Leap On!

<a href="http://www.quantumleaping.com" target="_new">www.quantumleaping.com</a>
Happy Birthday for yesterday.

You still make us smile! :)

Janna Galaxy
As one of the Sassies, I'm embarassed to say I forgot it was his birthday until I read it in the newspaper just a few moments ago in the celebrity birthdays... ^_^;;;

Happy birthday, Dean! Go play some golf and enjoy a Guiness or three!

... Mike. ^_^
Happy b-day Dean

Happy Birthday , Happy Birthday :hurray
Thanks for over 50 years of movies and television.
Your that loveable sexy guy we all enjoy and secretly
Lust for.
Happy Birthday Dean:hurray
Re: Happy b-day Dean

Wait...what do you mean secretly?:sup
Your Right

You know your right, I meant to say we LUST for
Al, lets cross out the secretly.:b

Oh Yeah, Al's HOT! :sup

Forever Live Sam & Al