Favorite Quotes

Sam Beckett Fan

Re-Writing Life
Jun 3, 2005
I was searching the threads and I don't think this has been done yet. I know I did a thread about funny quotes but in this thread they don't have to be funny, just any quotes that you particularly like for any reason.

I am watching Return Of the Evil Leaper now and one line caught my ear that somehow didn't before maybe it was because I was always laughing at Sam suggesting that he perhaps reminds Alia of Clark Kent. Anyway after that he says
"Everyone needs to be cared for"
awwww *kisses Sam* :dreaming

I will post more as they come to mind or ear hehe.
This one is from "Revenge Of the Evil Leaper" when Sam is hypnotizing Alia and Al interjects:

Sam: "Where are you?"
Al: "Vegas!"

"Honeymoon Express":

Al: "My first...third, and fifth wife..."
Sam: "How odd."
Al: "Very funny, Sam."

"Leap Of Faith" (when Sam is asking Al why Ziggy knows things sometimes and other times "he" doesn't):

Sam: "How come sometimes he knows stuff and other times he...?"
Al: "I don't know, wanna ask him?"

If you look at the expression on Dean's face you can see that it's the series'/writers' way of actually poking a little fun at themselves, because Ziggy's scenarios are usually the plot devices for most episodes.
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lol, I just started Leap Between the States
"This is a real civil war uniform, and this is a real wound!"

lol, thats such an adorable line. Sam is so cute sometimes. :)
My all time favourite is from The Leap Back: "If a pound of butter's all it takes, I got me a dairy farm ...". Delivery and reaction is just fantastic, and it makes me laugh every time. It just amuses me greatly. I love smutty Sam.
"I had a flush, she had a pair, oh what a pair"

I just find alot of Al's lines funny.

"Kick in the butt, ain't it?"

Another line that Al seems to say alot in Season 1, which made me think it would be a recurring line of his. Although after the 1st Season, he hardly ever says it, if at all! Everytime I hear him say it, it makes me smile, but also makes me sad because he never says it anymore..