New Fic - God Rest You Merry Gentlemen


Project QL Intern
Aug 16, 2004
Under the pen name of QLTales, ASearcher and I have written a Christmas Quantum Leap story. It takes place shortly after Sam and Al have met but it isn't a part of the 'universe' created in our other stories.

God Rest You Merry Gentlemen (

It's early days in Sam's and Al's friendship and Sam finds himself down on his luck after a series of mishaps. The two men spend the holidays together and start to get to know each other better.

The story will be posted a chapter a day until it's completed on Christmas day.
Nice! I've read the first chapter and I like it a lot :)
Knowing my busy and easily distracted self I probably won't get to read very much more, but I'll sure try to.
(Loved the oil with sugar and cream and for some reason maxwell's equasions :) )

There's something really humane and kind about your writing, and I can really imagine being there. Great! Thanks very much!:hurray:
