The Last Episode of Season 1

Yeah it was. It was basically that they didn't want to boggle the minds of the viewers with Sam leaping into a woman in the first season, so they decided to have it as the cliffhanger for the second.

But they just decided to start with a different episode - I think it was because they hadn't yet got the script for What's Price Gloria finished yet.
I used the "Search" function to look for the thread which explains this, but with no luck. It was titled something to the effect of "Explanation of Order of Leap-outs" and was a sticky at some point. I can't find it now.
I believe this is what you're looking for:

The Season 1 DVD featurette explains why "What Price Gloria?" was pushed back to the 2nd season. And as far as I know, I think it was already filmed and in the can along with a few other episodes, and whatever was leftover was saved for the second season. Usually, whenever a network decides to pick up a series from the pilot episode, they'll issue an order of 13 episodes to go into production. If the show is successful beyond those initial 13 episodes, they'll then usually renew the series for a full season.

actually before all that i heard in the interview pervided on the first disc of the first season that they originally were not going to make What Price Gloria becuase they thought it was too out there. perhaps i misunderstood it though.
Thanks, Dman! It was really busy at work, and I couldn't concentrate on doing a thorough search, because of all the interruptions. Nozzles!