Our rating system this season consists of six raters and three back-up raters! We took the average of six raters and came up with an average for that episode. Based on ratings of 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, the average of this episode was: 8.25
Please be aware that some reviews may contain spoilers! Some of the comments given were:
Seeker said:
No Comment Given
Morris J. Finkle said:
No Comment Given
Sporty said:
No Comment Given
Allie Cat said:
I thought that this story was an interesting look at how the Evil Leapers came to know of Project Quantum Leap in this alternate timeline and vice versa. It was neat seeing Tom leap into himself but it does bring up some questions about what happened with certain members of Lothos' band of miscreants. What about Zoe and Thames? Are they in that alternate timeline?
There is one part in the story that confuses me and that is when Albert is talking to Gooshie about Tom's leaps. Albert and Gooshie seemed to be deeply concerned about soemthing but it isn't clear what it is they are worried about. It couln't be the Evil Leapers, since it is clear this is their first encounter with them. What could they be concerned about?
Nonetheless, it was a nice read and well-done for being written in a jam. Good job, ladies!
Ziggy's Soul said:
A really nice piece, again written rather quickly... but having three fantastic writers collaboarte was good for the story. I don't want to give any spoilers but overall, the best of QL fanfiction is here... making choices for the betterment of all and confusion regarding "WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Albert continues to be an interesting character (enough different from Al but enough like him as well) that adds depth to the story. I didn't realize that Dr. LoNigro was quite THAT jealous... and the little nod to the "Heart of a Chamption" episode was fun. Heat and icecubes...
Well done ladies! Hoping that things get back to normal soon though. As much as I really enjoy Leaper Tom and this AU, I'm ready to get reacquainted with the good Dr. Beckett. Get the wrong of his untimely death righted soon!
Gooshie said:
No Comment Given
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