have you made a replica Handlink?


Project QL Intern
Apr 17, 2004

If you have made a replica handlink then send a picture here!
(If you want to say what its made from)

I made a handlink out of Perler/Hama beads. these are tiny beads that you put on a "peg board" and iron. (the white parts glow in the dark but it doesnt flash or beep.)


Thanks!! Yeah.. The one im making now is just unreal!! Im not trying to brag but it looks like it came right out of the television screen and landed on my coffee table! lol Im still working on this one though.. ive got more up to date pictures i'll try to put on here in a day or 2. Im installing some L.E.D lights still... its gonna have around 105 L.E.D's!!! Plus im putting a potentiometer on it so you can speed up or slow down the flashing lights just like the show... To answer your question, i can make one of these just like it almost anytime but it would cost more than the other ones i make. Its just the detail that goes into this one!! All the way down to polishing the acrylic at the end... Just email me at Neuro_mason@hotmail.com if you want one sometime.

Here is a pic of it after i drilled for the L.E.D lights and installed the upper right corner lights... I actually now have 5 blocks lighting up but have a ways to go to finish the rest...
Thank you... im trying very hard to be detailed with it but its just gonna take some time.. i just put the side walls on it today and the back pieces of acrylic.. its coming along now... i just have to install the potentiometer, side switch with blue button and then it will be pretty much done... here are a couple of pics from today...



:wavey :wavey :wavey :wavey
ha ha... yeah.. its coming along... i guess next thing i do is take on making a replica "Genisis Handlink".... I believe i know how to do that now...
yeah it can be time consuming... im gonna be putting this one in a display case and i'll put a Genesis Handlink with it once i make one. I'll probably even make one like Zoey used (evil leaper's hologram)
I havn't seen the entire series, but I think that they appear in season 5 or 4. I do know for a fact that they are not in season 1 or 2, but that's as far as you can quote me (I think I read somewher they come in season 5).
Yeah, i think it was season 4 and once in season 5... seems like they introduced the evil leaper for the first time when Sam Leaped into Jimmy Lemont for the second time..... then again in the 5th season.... i think
I usually read up on the brief plot synthesis that comes with the TV listings on the internet, and I read up on that particular episode. Is the Devil (who is mentioned in vague terms during the first two seasons) considered an "evil leaper", since he puts wrong what once went right, or not because he is not human and not part of the other project?

On another point, I just wanted to tell you how well made those handlinks were. They must have taken some considerable time and effort to make them that true to the series. In the words of countless eBay reviews, "A+++++++" >D
Thank you very much my friend... Im honestly not planning on making them very much longer though... im making one other one for a guy... its gonna be very nice but not this nice!! lol If i had to sale this one id have to have at least $700.00 for it!!!! Im talking major work... But i CAN make one very nice for around 300.00
Hey i really appreciate the kind words... Thank you all... Pure dedication and love for the show since i was a young kid is what has helped me to make one of these... Now i just need to find a way to either make it out to the convention and get a picture with Deal Stockwell and have him hold it and sign it! ;) im not sure if im gonna be able to make it though..... :(