Message-Id: <9305191556.AA02879@hardrock> Sender: mav@hardrock-e1 Date: Wed, 19 May 1993 08:57:35 -0800 To: From: Subject: And A Child Shall Lead Them, Act I Part II ACT I, PART II INT. PROJECT QUANTUM LEAP DELIVERY ROOM Donna is in the middle of another contraction as they enter. The contractions are coming faster and Donna is torn between the physical and psychological pain: she desperately wants Sam. They put her on a semi-futuristic birthing chair. KATIE Breath, Donna. DONNA (between pants) Oh, Katie. I need him here. KATIE I know. We'd all like him back. It'll happen. Throughout this exchange, Al paces in the background. One of the techs tells him to douse the cigar. Something is whirling in his brain. He puts out the cigar and intercepts Verbena. OBSERVER (low) I need to talk to you right now. VERBENA Now's hardly the time, Al. Donna's close to delivery. Sam's in the past dying from AIDS. And next door, a scared little boy in a man's image wants to know if he's in Heaven. OBSERVER Hands full? She gives an exasperated exhale and starts to walk away. Al grabs her arm. OBSERVER I'm sorry, Beenie. Look. You have to prep me. I want Sam to be here for this. VERBENA (stunned) You're crazy! OBSERVER No. I've never been more serious. VERBENA (evasive) Ziggy says he'll be fine now. It was a momentary seizure brought about by his body acclimating... OBSERVER (seizing her arms) Listen to me. He needs to be here for Donna. He needs to be here for himself. The two stare at one another for a moment. Verbena nods her head then motions to a technician. VERBENA I don't like it, but for once you almost make sense. See that Dr. Blake is brought in stat for Dr. Aleesi. Let's go, Al. INT. QUANTUM LEAP HALLWAY DOLLY & INTERCUT The two swing out the door as Al begins taking off his bolo tie. OBSERVER I've already spoken to Gooshie VERBENA Fast mover. OBSERVER (with a twinkle) So I've been told. VERBENA Has Gooshie prepped the Accelerator? It'll take some time... OBSERVER We've been on standby since Donna's contractions started. VERBENA You and Gooshie been planning this since yesterday? OBSERVER Actually... VERBENA You guys are something else. OBSERVER We were picked by the best. They exit into a room with blazing lights. INT. CONTROL CENTER Ziggy, a blue mass of lights, hovers overhead. OBSERVER Good mornin', Ziggy. ZIGGY I was wondering when you'd show up, Admiral Calavicci. OBSERVER Everything primed? ZIGGY To 99.247 percent capacity. OBSERVER What's the E.T.A. on completion? Al starts taking off his clothes and, to the amazement of Verbena, has the Fermi suit underneath. He really was ready for this. Gooshie works at the controls. Tina helps nearby. ZIGGY 21 seconds. VERBENA Ziggy, what's Sam's status? ZIGGY Currently experiencing severe respiratory distress, mild dehydration, temperature 105.7... OBSERVER What are the odds for my surviving this leap? Verbena, Gooshie and Tina all give him a concerned look. OBSERVER (shrugs) Call me curious. ZIGGY Admiral Calavicci has a slightly below odds chance compared to Doctor Beckett's. OBSERVER See? Don't worry. VERBENA Ziggy, what are Doctor Beckett's odds? ZIGGY 42 percent. OBSERVER (not phased) So I'll be careful. VERBENA (poking Al's chest) You'll be dead. OBSERVER (angry) Better me than Sam. Verbena stalks over to Tina and the two talk briefly. Tina leaves giving Al a concerned look. OBSERVER (continuing) What are you up to? VERBENA AIDS vaccine. OBSERVER It's still experimental. VERBENA Yes, and it has lousy side-effects. You have a better idea? Ziggy...? ZIGGY Odds have increased to 48.3 percent. OBSERVER Thanks, doll. VERBENA (still frosty, but thawing) Keep it professional, Admiral. OBSERVER With you, Beenie, always. GOOSHIE Ready, Al. OBSERVER Right, Gooshie. Don't get gooshie. GOOSHIE (sniffing) Me? OBSERVER Yeah, you're a barrel of laughs. Keep an eye on Sam. GOOSHIE Aye, aye, Sir. Tina reenters and hands Verbena the hypo, who lifts her eyebrow as if to ask if he wants to go through with it. Al sticks his arm out toward her. OBSERVER We're go for liftoff. She injects him. Al starts, then rubs his arm. AL Ow! He stares at Verbena, outraged. Then his eyes narrow. AL You enjoyed that, didn't you? Verbena smiles sweetly, leaning closer to whisper in his ear. VERBENA Don't let them give you any hydropenthal*. It will neutralize the effect of the vaccine. *fictional medicine...I think :) Al nods then goes to Tina. He kisses her passionately. TINA (emotional) Al, come back soon. I love you. OBSERVER (quietly) But not as much as Gooshie. Tina's mouth drops and her eyes blink fast. Gooshie hasn't heard. TINA How did you...? I mean... OBSERVER (sadly) It's OK, Tina. Our times together were great. I wouldn't trade them for anything. If I don't come back... (beat) Have a terrific life, kiddo. He touches her cheek gently as Verbena zips up the back of the Fermi suit. With a final look around, and a cocky salute, he faces the Accelerator entrance, takes one large breath and enters. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM Sam, in a fitful sleep, lies prone on the bed with even more tubing and wires coming out of his body. In a chair beside the bed is the sleeping form of Rebecca. LEAP IN (SFX) Sam's image blurs and becomes Al. He acclimates himself to the new surroundings, blinking in momentary confusion. Suddenly his eyes squeeze shut to block out the incredible pain, then flit open cautiously. Al cannot speak with the tube in his throat, but his eyes speak volumes. The pain not only keeps him alert, but has prevented the 'Swiss-cheese' effect. He knows exactly why he's there. CUT TO: INT. PROJECT QUANTUM LEAP ACCELERATOR Blue lights clear to reveal an unconscious Sam. He crumbles on the spot. Even as the last of the bolts dissipate, Verbena and her team are right there. VERBENA Sam? Sam. She soothes his brow, trying to gently wake him. Sam moans then coughs violently in remembrance. His eyes open wildly and he clutches Verbena's shoulders, inhaling rapidly. Verbena pulls him into a hug, rubbing his back to calm him. VERBENA (continuing) It's all right now. You're going to be fine. Gooshie wraps an arm around Tina as the two watch the struggle. She is seeing Al's image and finds it difficult to remember it's really Sam. TINA Al? Verbena waves her off. VERBENA Gooshie, get her out of here. (to Sam) Can you hear me, Sam? He finds it hard to focus, but his breathing calms and he nods slightly. SAM (breathless) What...where... VERBENA Sam, look at me. He struggles to get his bearings and finally gazes at the serene woman. VERBENA (continuing) You're home. You're back. SAM (grabbing Verbena's shoulders) Donna? VERBENA Do you want to see her? Sam merely grins in answer. CUT TO: INT. PQL DELIVERY ROOM Katie is helping Donna through another contraction. The pain is excruciating, but Donna smiles gratefully at her sister-in-law. DONNA (panting) I don't think I could do this without you. KATIE You're doing fine. SAM (v.o.) Donna? The two women whip their focus to the door. There, in the white Fermi suit, is Sam. KATIE It's just Al. C'mon - let's concentrate on baby Beckett here. Donna grips Katie's arm. The contraction has subsided, but she stares at Sam as if deciphering his new persona. For Sam, everyone else on the planet has disappeared. DONNA (puzzled) Sam? SAM (nodding) Donna. Sam slowly walk to her. The distance from the door to the chair seems to expand and his gate is unstable, but his desire is too great for any thought but her. It's definitely a Kodak moment. Sam and Donna embrace. Katie finally realizes. KATIE (overwhelmed) Sam. Sam barely breaks away, but does momentarily to hug his sister. SAM Yup, baby sister. Boy, have I missed you - all of you. (to Donna) It's been so long. Donna, laughing and crying at the same time. DONNA (grabbing his hand) Sorry, Dr. Beckett, but my dance card's kinda full right now... She grits down at the pain of another contraction and Sam is suddenly aware of the drama unfolding. SAM Now? You're having a baby now? TOM (O.S.) You've been out of it for a while, little brother. Sam looks up to his uniform and grinning from ear to ear. Sam is open-mouthed shocked. His eyes are almost swirling trying to take in the sight of his wife, sister, brother... TOM (continuing) They told me you had leaped back. I got here in nothing flat. Mom's outside... KATIE (interrupting) Tom! Can't you see our resident genius is confused. Now all of you, clear out. Everyone else starts to move towards the door, but Sam's not budging. He move forward, rubbing Donna's tummy and obviously shifting into "doctor" mode. SAM Breathe, Donna. (demonstrating) Hee-hee-hee.... Donna gets a death-grip on his hand and complies. As the contractions wane, she notices Katie leaning against the door jam, grinning like an idiot. DONNA Katie? Katie shakes her head, though her eyes glow with the Beckett twinkle. KATIE Nope. The A-team's here now. I think we should let Dr. Beckett handle this delivery. Sam is torn between wanting to agree and a sudden, severe case of nerves. SAM You sure? KATIE (nodding) Sure. You're the pro. SAM (still doubtful) But I'm really out of practice. KATIE It's like a bike; it'll come back to you. Good luck, you two. We'll be outside. She shoos the stragglers out, gives a speechless Sam a gentle squeeze and a final look as the door closes. There is no sound but the panting of Donna and the severe swallowing of a dad-to-be. DONNA You going to gawk or help? Sam Gawking sounds really good to me right now. DONNA You really are part Al. SAM (teasing) I bet you'd like to find out. DONNA (pleased to one-up her husband) Isn't that how this whole thing got started? Now birth or I'll get Katie back in here. MONTAGE of birth. Sam is doctor, coach, father and husband. But most of all he's excited and scared. The baby, a son, is born to the ecstatic parents. Sam places the child in his mother's arms and kisses both. If for just a moment, Sam is home, happy, and part of a family for the first time in five years. END ACT ONE -------------------------------------------------- Christina Mavroudis Integrated Systems, Inc.