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2x10 "The Family Treasure"

Leap Date:

Synopsis: A cursed treasure hunt draws Ben to Mexico in 1953, putting him between two estranged siblings struggling with their late father's legacy. As they navigate a series of lethal obstacles, Ben finds the real challenge lies in repairing this broken family's bond.

Audio from this episode:

Ian & PQL: My love language
Addison/ Ben: The accelerator
Wells & Ben: 40 million

Rachel & Ian: Gideon knows
Dean & Ben: Non-binary
Tom & Addison: Take that time
Gideon & Rachel: He's here

Hologram Fade-in SFX

Episode Menu
TV Guide Synopsis
Broadcast Date
Leap Date
Leap Location
Name of Leapee
Synopsis & Personal Review
Project Trivia
Ben Trivia
Addison Trivia

Ian's Outfit Worn in the Episode
Kiss With History

Miscellaneous Trivia
Guest Cast
Guest Cast Notes
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes
Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes

Songs & Music
Say What?
Quotable Quotes

Production Photos
Production Videos
Production Credits

Poster by J.J. Lendl

Commercial for this episode:

TV Guide Synopsis:

A cursed treasure hunt draws Ben to Mexico in 1953, putting him between two estranged siblings struggling with their late father's legacy. As they navigate a series of lethal obstacles, Ben finds the real challenge lies in repairing this broken family's bond.

Broadcast Date:

Tuesday, February 6, 2024  |  10pm on NBC

Leap Date:


Leap Locations:

Texas, near the U.S./Mexico border
Dos Estrellas, Mexico

Name of Leapee:

Nadia Malek

Detailed Synopsis:

Ben arrives as 17 year-old Nadia Malek via the eye-zoom sequence this time as the last will and testament of Nadia's father, Salim Malik, is being read by Mr. Wells. He is accompanied by his siblings Sarah (oldest of the three siblings with two children and married) and Dina (the middle child), who identifies as Dean.

Ben catches a glimpse of his host as a young woman in the reflection of the family portrait hanging nearby. As the will is read, Sarah receives a terra cotta vase, Dean is given a sentimental baseball glove, and Nadia (Ben) is left with a ship in a bottle. It becomes known that their father spent all his money on a "search." Sarah is upset that all their father left them was junk. Mr. Wells accidentally bumps into Ben, causing him to drop the bottle, causing it to shatter on the floor. Ben notes a small scroll that is revealed in the broken glass. It is a piece of a larger map!

Jenn holds Addison's engagement ring and says, "You're getting married.... today!?" Addison says she knows it's sudden but she wants each of them to be there. Tom adds that it saves them the trouble of planning a wedding when things are so hectic at work. Ian comments that wedding planning is their love language. Magic says that's sweet, but this is more about Addison and Tom's love. Addison says she planned a wedding once, and once was enough. She wants it to be low key. Ian receives a notification on their device and says they have a lock on Ben. The team exits with congratulations to the couple as they prepare to get started with the leap. Alone, Tom asks Addison if he is rushing her. She says, "If there is one thing I have learned from all of this, it is do not wait to live your life."

Dean smashes Sarah's vase, which reveals another piece of the map! And of course their own item has two pieces to complete the map. Dean says it's a map to the treasure of San Patricio, her father's last great obsession: the cursed jewels of St. Patrick's Cane! Sarah is skeptical and says it's just another one of their father's stories. Addison arrives and waves Ben over. He excuses himself with a bathroom break.

Alone with Addison, Ben asks her what happened (from the previous episode "Off The Cuff") when he could have saved Josh's life but leaped out before he could tell Hannah. Addison says he knows the accelerator doesn't let them choose who they get to save. Ben asks what he is supposed to do now; find buried treasure or stop his sisters from fighting. Addison says it might be easier to find the treasure, as they listen to the siblings argue about the quest ahead. Addison gives him the basics of the family history and finishes with Dean disappearing in Mexico a week after the will is read, in the original history. Ben surmises that Dean went looking for the treasure alone, and then heads back to the living room. Ben says he's in to go on the treasure hunt. Mr. Wells agrees that because his best friend/ (heir father) gave each a piece of the map, he wanted them to work together to locate the very real treasure valued at 40 million dollars. Sarah argues that her fathers' obsession with the treasure ripped their family apart since he was not there for them, even after their mother died.

Arriving in
Dos Estrellas, Mexico, Addison informs Ben that the town used to be two settlements that shared a river before the Spanish built a dam and dried up this side of it. Ben asks Addison whats wrong and knows she wants to tell him something. She appears ready to answer about her upcoming wedding, but is interrupted by Dean telling him about the history of the jewels they are searching for. Sarah says she is thirsty and Dean asks why she didn't bring a canteen instead of two suitcases full of clothes. Sarah says she's not taking fashion advice from Dina. The middle sibling says, "It's Dean! I've told you a hundred times. Call me Dean!" Ben tried to change the subject by asking them to stop for a drink and plan their next move.

Pouring over the map, Ian reads the first clue: "I stand on cursed ground, before the path well concealed." Jenn rushes up and says Ian is just working on the clue so they don't have to talk about Tom and Addison getting married. She says, "Addison deserves a life, Tom makes her happy... does anything else really matter?" Ian smiles, adding, "Who are you and what have you done with Jenn?" Ian's phone rings and he answers it, asking Rachel what she thinks the clue means. Rachel says she doesn't have time for that and is frantic, saying Gideon knows (about the Quantum chip) and is having security search everyone's office. Ian says that's impossible. Rachel explains that the man has puppets in every government agency, the NSA comes to him for encryption advice, and they were idiots to think he wouldn't find out. Ian says to take a breath and think. Rachel says to think fast because once he finds her, he finds Ian and everything else.

Dean comes over to the bar at the cantina with a brochure featuring a map very similar to the one their father left them. Sarah smirks, thinking this is a waste of time. Ben says the brochure being similar just means a lot of people must believe the legend. Sarah raises her voice saying her father was a fool and the entire client�le of the cantina becomes silent. The proprietor tells everyone in Spanish to stop looking at the girls and to leave them alone. Ben tells his sisters what the man, Ricardo, has said. Sarah asks when Nadia learned Spanish and Ben quickly answers, "Finishing school?" Ricardo asks if they need a room, with mixed answers. He says, Family. I understand." He is friendly and offers to put their bags behind the bar. Dean asks to keep th satchel containing the map and Ricardo takes no offense. He asks if they are here for the treasure, because most people are. He adds that it's a big hoax but good for business. Sarah says she knew this was a waste of time. Ricardo points out photos on a wall nearby that is full of treasure hunters. He says he has a camera and could put Sarah up there too. Sarah gets flushed by the flirt and smiles, "Me?" Dean passes Sarah the satchel and tells her to watch it while they go look at the pictures.

Looking over the photos, Dean comments that they are surprised Sarah wants any male attention after the way her husband treats her, then talks a bit about how she never fit in. Sarah comes over and asks what they are doing, with the response being, "Looking for Dad." Sarah spots him in a photo on the wall with their father standing in front of a well. Ben realizes the well means something an Dean says, "The path WELL concealed! Dad and his puns!" Ben goes to get the map, but soon realizes that Ricardo is now gone and so is the satchel. After a brief flare of Dean accusing Sarah of losing the satchel due to flirting, Ben says he can redraw the map (he has a photographic memory), which he does. Sarah is skeptical,
"Am I to understand that we are heading into the desert, chasing a man who's likely armed, following a map from Nadia's head?" Ben answers, "Sounds like an adventure to me." Sarah smiles, finally in agreement.

Jenn tells Ian she has put word out for help on their situation, but adds the last person any hacker wants to tangle with is Gideon Rydge. Ian is afraid Rachel is going to lose her job and they are going to go to jail. Jenn says it's time to tell Magic. Ian disagrees.

In true Indiana Jones style with an animated red line crossing the map, the three siblings set out on foot across the desert to find the well. They reach it, and Ben turns to the second clue, "Snakes underground hide the Shamrock key." Also in Indiana Jones form, Sarah says, "Snakes? I'm not doing snakes." Ben says their father was not talking about literal snakes, he was talking about tunnels underground. Dean finds a rope conveniently nearby. Sarah says she is not interested in drowning down the well, so Ben tosses in a rock, which takes 3 seconds to be heard striking the bottom. Ben says, "It's dry." Sarah responds, "I hate you."

Inside the tunnel beneath the well, they use flashlights to explore. Addison arrives and notes stacked rocks to suggest the way to proceed. The three discuss the legend of the jewels leading to the possibility that the priest that stole the jewels from St. Patrick buried them as an offering to a god in order to bring the water back to their settlement. Sarah asks how long ago it was when the water dried up, and again in Indiana Jones style, she backs into a skeleton covered in cobwebs as they all scream! Ben says that it seems like it's been awhile.

As they approach a pile of rocks covering their path, Addison advises that the tunnel should have gone on for two more miles. Sarah is ready to give up again as the cavern starts to shake briefly. Sarah and Dean argue about their imperfect lives. Ben figures out the next clue and interrupts them. He says the shamrock clue they are looking for is actually a fake rock... a sham rock! Ben goes to Addison and quotes, "Look for the rock that has no earthly business being down here." They both recite, "Shawshank Redemption!" Addison smiles, "You are such a nerd."

They locate the fake rock and Sarah uses her "ballerina arm" to reach inside the hole behind the rock. She screams as if something grabbed her, but then begins to laugh. She is messing with her siblings and pulls out the key! Ben says he didn't think it was funny as Ricardo shines a light on them and says that he did think so. Mr. Wells appears behind him and says they are going to need that key. Addison exclaims, "Of course it's the lawyer." Ben surmises that he set them up when he knocked the ship in a bottle out of his hands. Wells says that their father lied about finding the treasure after 20 years of friendship. He says the father gave his 40-million dollar find to his children to his children who can't stand him. Ricardo faces Wells and says he told him his half was 10 million. Wells then shoots Ricardo! Wells tells the three to stay put for an hour and that if he sees them at the church, he'll kill them. Ben makes up a story about knowing how to avoid traps in the church. The siblings play along to get Wells to take them with him. Wells falls for it, distracted, and the three daughters overpower him. But, the cave begins to collapse and Wells is knocked out. Addison finds the way out of the cavern and they exit.

Dean holds up the map, reading the last clue and Sarah notices bandages wrapped around their upper body. She asks if Dina is okay, very concerned. Dean explains that they when they wear the bandages, they feel more like themselves. Sarah asks if Dean wants to be a man. Dean responds that they aren't one or the other and doesn't have words for it. Ben offers that he has a best friend who asks him to use the terms "they and them" instead of "he and she" which is very binary, or one way or the other. He is of course speaking about Ian, who is watching from the project monitor, smiling, and identifies as non-binary. Dean likes the term a lot. Sarah asks if Dean is still her sister. Dean corrects her, "I'm your sibling." Sarah says she can live with that and says, "I love you, Dean." Embracing their sibling, Dean states,
"Thank you for listening to me when I tell you who I am." Ian cries happy tears, "Well done, Ben Song." Sarah exclaims that she is leaving her husband and is mean to her and her children. Ben says she will never be alone and that they are family for life. They head off to find the treasure.

In the church, they find a panel with a keyhole. Ben tries it, but it doesn't open. They read the clue again, "A turn for every season of Guadeloupe's flower." Ben says, four petals, four seasons." They each take a turn rotating the key and after four turns, the panel opens revealing a chest. Ben pulls out the chest to find gears beginning to rotate underneath. The church bell begins to ring as Ben reads an inscription in Spanish, "Fortune unleashes the flood of condemnation." Ben realizes that the gears have opened a spillway from the dam and they need to run!

They make it out of the church as a flood of water rushes towards them. They narrowly escape being swept away and open the chest to find only a note from their father inside. "My beloved children, if you're reading this, it means you followed my trail to the treasure of
San Patricio. Now you found what I found: the emptiness at the end of a life not shared... The real treasure is at home, with family." The three decide to go home together. Ben wants to talk with Addison and tells the two he will catch up. He asks again what's going on with Addison. She says, "No, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

Tom holds the engagement ring as Addison enters his office. Addison enters and Tom says he had a buddy at city hall to convince the judge to stay a little late. Addison stops him and says she can't. She underestimated what her being back at PQL would mean and she needs a little time. Tom asks if the time would also involve needing space, and Addison says it probably should. Tom tears up a bit and says he will go back to D.C. and that, "I knew that the more time you spent in the past, the further apart things fell here in the present. I started to worry about the future." She tells him this isn't about Ben. Tom snaps back, "You take that time. I think you'll come to a different conclusion."

Ben writes a letter to Hannah explaining that she should get Josh's heart checked to prevent his death. He signs it, "All my love, Ben." Ben gives the letter to Sarah and asks her for a favor that will not make sense and she can never ask about it again after that moment. He asks her to mail the letter sometime after May 1, 1970. Sarah remarks, "You are just like Dad, you know that? He was right.
The real treasure is family." They all embrace but then Ben realizes, "Actually what he said was... the real treasure is at home with family." He goes to the family portrait and they take it off the wall revealing a panel containing a pile of jewels: the lost treasure of San Patricio! Ben Leaps.

Jenn and Ian watch from the monitor and Jenn asks Ian if they have talked to Addison yet. Ian says, "Since she came to her senses and decided to push the wedding? No." Rachel enters the Control Room behind them and she looks petrified. She tells Ian, "He's here." Gideon Rydge enters and tells Rachel he's not upset and he gets it. "Water... bRydge." He introduces himself to Jenn as Rachel's boss. He looks around, menacingly and says "Look at this place. This is something." Gideon sees Ian and stares, "Ian." He walks over to Ian and sighs, saying, "It's good to see you." Fade to black.

Personal Review by Brian Greene:

I loved this episode! The Indiana Jones, The Goonies, and even Romancing The Stone themes alone made it worth the watch. The siblings were very believable in their roles as they squabble and unite. The mystery of the treasure and the adventure they go on was just what this series needed at this point! A small amount of predictability in this one as I figured either the lawyer or Ricardo would come back to bite them - but I didn't realize it would be both! There was just enough humor thrown into this adventure and plenty of heart.

There was an educational moment that taught the characters and the audience about what being non-binary really means, which was an important touch. We've had a non-binary character, Ian, throughout the series and I've seen online the misconceptions some fans have about what that really means. It was needed, I think, and they executed it nicely.

We got to see the storylines at the project push forwards finally. Meeting Gideon Rydge (Rachel's boss) was a treat in actor
James Frain. There is conjecture that Gideon is actually a grown up Jeffrey (Hannah's son). If so, why the name change? Is there significance to Gideon's shoes, since we got our first look at him from his feet as he walked in? What repercussions will we see regarding the tampering of the Quantum chip?

I will predict now that Ben and Addison will be back together sometime soon. With Hannah saying that you can love two people and with no possibility that she and Ben can ever actually be together, it is inevitable that he and Addison will reconcile their love. I do hope so, because I definitely don't want another love triangle situation between the past and the present again anytime soon! It will be interesting to see how Hannah's character will evolve and/or conclude by the end of the series. Also, have we seen the last of Tom? Will he become a force to reckon with after this?

Overall, I enjoyed this one very much and it was a definite step up for the series! Looking forward to seeing where we head next in director Deborah Pratt's, "The Outsider" next week!

Project Trivia:

Gideon Rydge enters the Project Control Room, which he has never visited before.

Ben Trivia:

Ben seems to have no memory loss at all between leaps now. This has been the case for some time now, but worth noting.

Addison Trivia:

Addison pauses her wedding plans with Tom due to being unsure because of her feelings about the situation with Ben.

Ian's Outfits Worn in the Episode:

Black pant-suit with black tank top underneath the jacket. Silver chain necklace. No glasses.

Kiss With History:


Miscellaneous Trivia:

Casting call sheet for this episode:

There were no hologram effects in this episode. We only hear the sound of Addison appearing.

The year this episode takes place is never disclosed in the filmed episode. Ian mentions it is the 1950's, but no specific date or year is shown. We know it is 1953 only from the official synopsis put out by NBC in promotional materials!

Gideon is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin that embodies the potency of will. Gideon's most popular meaning is "one who cuts down." Already inspiring images of great strength and ferocity, Gideon is further emboldened by its roots in the Hebrew Gid'on, which means "great warrior."

Fate's Wide Wheel Fun Fact: A title in the original running for the episode was "Ben-diana Jones."


Someone on the show must be a fan of the movie, The Big Lebowski. Ben is wearing the exact same sweater as The Dude.

From the Quantum Leap Writers' Room:

DID YOU KNOW? The writer of tonight's episode,
@Shakeenz also wrote 01x12, "Let Them Play"!

Binding with elastic bandages can cause injury, but it was way more common back then before we had clothing made by and for gender queer people. Nowadays you can buy safe and comfortable binders online!

The flash flood through old Mexico is an iconic attraction on the Universal Studios tour.

Lady Gaga stands on the same pile of rocks that Ben, Sarah, and Dean hide behind during the flood in her music video for Judas. The exact spot in the video is at the 3m47s mark.

We built a whole elevated well set just to get that one pull back shot of Ben, Sarah, and Dean looking down into the tunnel. Our director Jude Weng wanted to convey the sheer depth of the well, and give us a classic Goonies-esque shot!

We hope you had as much fun watching tonight's episode as we did making it! See you all next week


Dr. Ben Song
(Portrayed by Raymond Lee)
– Ben is a first-generation American, a world-renowned physicist, and a man of faith. He’s also working on Quantum Leap, a time travel project. But when he uses the project on himself, he’s transported back in time, setting things right that once went wrong, and hoping he will return to the place and people he calls home.

Addison Augustine (Portrayed by Caitlin Bassett) – Addison is a smart, witty, fearless ex-military operative who now serves as Project Observer at Quantum Leap HQ. She’s in charge of the technology they use to communicate with the past, and tries to rescue Ben from his time-flung existence.

Ian Wright (Portrayed by Mason Alexander Park) – Quantum Leap’s nonbinary chief architect of the AI program.

Herbert “Magic” Williams (Portrayed by Ernie Hudson) – A Vietnam vet and current lead of the Quantum Leap time travel project. Herbert “Magic” Williams tries to keep the Pentagon at bay while the team tries to rescue Ben. Doctor Sam Beckett leaped into Magic during his Vietnam tour.

Jenn Chu (Portrayed by Nanrisa Lee) – Head of security at Quantum Leap HQ.

Tom Westfall (Portrayed by Peter Gadiot) a former special forces soldier and a high-ranking US Army Officer in the realm of Army Intelligence. Thoughtful, centered, a spiritual kind of warrior who both men and women admire, but whose humility keeps him from ever being arrogant. Tom takes on a crucial role overseeing the project.

Hannah Carson (Portrayed by Eliza Taylor) A complex
young woman, who may be more than she appears.

Guest Cast:

James Frain as Gideon Rydge
Dan Bakkedahl as Mr. Wells
Wilder Yari as Dean (Dina) Malek
Hollie Bahar as Sarah
Keon Alexander as Ricardo Barragan
Alice Kremelberg as Rachel

Guest Cast Notes:

James Frain as Gideon Rydge: James Frain is one of Hollywood's most versatile and respected actors who has a reputation for bold, intelligent performances in a diverse body of work in which he's collaborated with some of the finest actors and directors working today. In television, he most recently completed filming a leading role in the BBC miniseries Showtrial, airing on AMC+ in the US. He is known for his portrayal of real life current and historical figures including; Lord Warwick "The Kingmaker" (The White Queen), Henry VIII's right hand man and godfather of the English Reformation Thomas Cromwell (The Tudors), world famous conductor and classical musician Daniel Barenboim (Hilary and Jackie), LBJ speechwriter Richard Goodwin (Path to War) and Olympic rowing trainer Jack Beresford (Bert and Dickie). James' past film credits include Tron: Legacy opposite Jeff BRydges, Water for Elephants opposite Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson, The Count of Monte Cristo with Jim Caviezel and Guy Pearce, Where the Heart Is opposite Natalie Portman, Reindeer Games with Ben Affleck and Charlize Theron, and Elizabeth opposite Cate Blanchett. James has an extensive theatre background having performed in the UK with The Royal Shakespeare Company, The Almeida, and The Royal Court. James co-starred with Ian McShane on Broadway in The Homecoming for which the cast won The Drama Critics Circle Best Ensemble Award. In 2019 James played Lionel Logue in The Chicago Shakespeare Theater's world premiere of The Kings Speech. He earned his degree in Drama and Film at the University of East Anglia and studied acting at London's Central School of Speech and Drama. While studying in London, James was spotted by Sir Richard Attenborough who immediately cast him in his first feature Shadowlands opposite Sir Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. James was born in Leeds, in the north of England, to an Irish Catholic family and has seven brothers and sisters. He is married to director Marta Cunningham with whom he has two children. They live in Los Angeles.

Dan Bakkedahl as Mr. Wells:
Dan Bakkedahl was born on November 18, 1969 in Rochester, Minnesota, USA. He is an actor, known for Veep (2012), The Heat (2013) and Life in Pieces (2015). He is married to Irene. They have two children.

Hollie Bahar as Sarah: Hollie Christine Bahar is an actress, award- winning writer, and director. She was born second of five children, and her heritage is a mix of Lebanese, Syrian, British, and Irish. Hollie is known for her roles on HBO's "Westworld," Netflix's "Monster: The Jefferey Dahmer Story," and the upcoming feature "Way Down Bundy."

Wilder Yari as Dean / Dina: Wilder Yari is known for 4400 (2021), Keep Delete (2022) and Busted (2015).

Keon Alexander as Ricardo: Keon Alexander is known for The Expanse (2015), Tyrant (2014) and Impulse (2018).

Alice Kremelberg as Rachel: A film, television and theater actor born and raised in New York. Alice has most recently starred in the final season of The Sinner as Percy Muldoon, and played Bernadine in Aaron Sorkin's Oscar nominated The Trial of the Chicago 7 for Netflix/Dreamworks. She recurred as Nicole Eckelcamp on the last two seasons of Jenji Kohan's Orange is the New Black for Netflix. Alice was nominated for an Emmy for their performance as Kat in The Feels, which they both co-wrote and acted in. Upcoming, Alice will be playing Abby in Monsterland for Hulu/Annapurna, and Duff in the independent film Bleecker. They can also be seen as Sorrell in Doomsday (ITV Fest, Brooklyn Web Fest + HollyWeb Fest winner). Her other film and television credits include New Amsterdam, The Taking of Pelham 123, NCIS, Nurse Jackie, Blue Bloods, The Big C, Smash, Law and Order: SVU, and 30 Rock. On stage she originated the role of Reba in Ruby Rae Spiegel's breakout play Dry Land (NYSAF+HERE, Adrienne Campbell-Holt of Colt Coeur). Alice had the pleasure of playing 'Cassandra' opposite Austin Pendleton in Dress of Fire (The Abingdon). Other theater credits include 'Catherine' in Suddenly Last Summer (ATNYC), 'Missy' in Road Veins, 'Maggie' in Lend Me a Tenor and 'Beth' in A Lie of the Mind. Alice has trained at The Atlantic Acting Conservatory, Fordham University, UCB, The Professional Performing Arts School and studied with Tanya Berezin, Ted Sluberski, Larry Moss and Bob Krakower among others.

Guests Who Appeared in Other Quantum Leap Episodes:

Alice Kremelberg returns as Rachel, Ian's love interest.

Characters who appeared (or were mentioned) in Classic Series episodes:


Songs & Music:

"Tu Solo Tu" by Pedro Infante is played as they arrive in Dos Estrellas. The title is translated "You Only You."

Daniel James Chan's score is rich and adventurous for this episode!

Say What?

Ben acts as if Addison or someone at the project was responsible for him leaping out before he could save Hannah's husband. The leaps have always been random before, so why would it be any different this time?

There is a photo of a treasure hunter (Salim Malek) on the wall of the cantina standing in front of the well that hides the key to the treasure. How have very few people (apparently) attempted to find the treasure up to this point?

The distance the trio cross based on the map montage is quite a haul. Why did they not rent burrows or horses to cover that distance instead of on foot?

When Ben holds up the rock to drop in the well, his satchel is on his right shoulder. When the camera angle changes to look up at the trio, the satchel has disappeared from Ben's shoulder.

It takes just over 3 seconds for the rock to be heard touching the bottom of the well. This would be about 44 meters/144 feet in depth, which just under the width of a football field. From the filmed footage, the distance from the top of the well to the tunnel floor is nowhere near that measurement. It appears to be closer to 20 or 30 feet deep.

Addison appears as a hologram. She (or anyone at the project watching) should have seen Ricardo take the satchel. She could explore the tunnels before they go down the well or, at the very least, walk through the mountain of rocks to see how far back it goes. None of this happens in the episode to help Ben until she finally walks ahead to find a way out and uses the handlink as a flashlight to show Ben near the end of the underground scene.

There is a very large key hole in the chest inside the church. It seems like someone would have pryed open the panel with the keyhole very soon after it was installed.

The dam is about a mile from the church but the flood waters reach them near instantly.

The water appears to stay inside the spillway path and subsides quickly. They could have just waited inside the church and stayed dry!

Divorce was extremely difficult to obtain in 1953, especially for a woman.

When Ben writes the letter to Hannah, you can tell he is just randomly scribbling with no actual words being put to paper.

We still do not know Rachel's last name, which is unusual for a recurring character.

How does Gideon gain access to a top secret government time-travel project so easily? The project does not seem to have very tight security in place when even Jenn is surprised and Magic is not brought on-site as it is happening. Also, how has Rachel gained access so easily lately, even though she is Ian's partner?

Quotable Quotes:

"Wedding planning is my love language."

"If there is one thing I have learned from all of this, it is do not wait to live your life."
-Addison to Tom

Sarah: "Am I to understand that we are heading into the desert, chasing a man who's likely armed, following a map from Nadia's head?"
Ben: "Sounds like an adventure to me."

Ben: "Look for the rock that has no earthly business being down here."
They both recite: "Shawshank Redemption!"
Addison: "You are such a nerd."

Sarah: "Look what I found!"
Dean: A sense of humor, apparently."
Ben: "I didn't think it was funny."

"Thank you for listening to me when I tell you who I am."

Tom: "I knew that the more time you spent in the past, the further apart things fell here in the present. I started to worry about the future."
Addison: "This isn't about Ben."
Tom: "You take that time. I think you'll come to a different conclusion."

"The real treasure is family."

"We're family. And family's for life."

Production Photos:

Photos by: Jordin Althaus/NBC


From universalstudioslot on Instagram:
This set #rocks! 🤘 The #fabrication & #staff shop created these realistic boulders, rock wall, concrete and steel beam set pieces for a recent action adventure TV show. Their talents help create the magic of every scene!


Production Videos:

Production Credits:

Edited by: Ian Mayberry
Production Designer: Mayling Chen
Director of Photography: Alicia Robbins
Producer: Meg Fister
Supervising Producer: Tim Scanlan
Supervising Producer: Kristy Lowrey
Co-Executive Producers: Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes
Co-Executive Producer: Drew Lindo
Co-Executive Producer: Aadrita Mukerji
Co-Executive Producer: Dylan K. Massin
Executive Producers: Steven Lilien & Bryan Wyndrandt
Executive Producer: Alex Berger
Executive Producer: Chris Grismer
Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Executive Producer: Dean Georgaris
Executive Producer:
Martin Gero
Developed by:
Steven Lilien & Bryan Wyndrandt
Created by: Donald P. Bellisario
Written by: Shakina
Directed by: Jude Weng

Co-Producer: Margarita Matthews
Co-Producer: Rammy Park
Associate Producer: Ethan Henderson
Executive Story Editor: Shakina

Casting by:
Jennifer Cooper, CSA
Original Casting By: Kamala A. Thomas

Music by: Daniel James Chan
Unit Production Manager:
Francesco M. Tignini
Unit Production Manager: Dylan K. Massin
First Assistant Director: Maria Mantia
Second Assistant Director: Alex Duffey
Costume Designer:
Genevieve Tyrrell

A Camera Operator: Nick Davidoff
B Camera/Steadycam Operator: Rocker Meadows
Production Sound Mixer: John Lakin
Chief Lighting Technician: Donna Vega
Key Grip: Peter Chrimes
Location Manager: Dan Milner

Art Directors: Phil Toolin and Jann Engel
Set Director: Tim Stepeck and Brent Mannon
Costume Supervisor: Heidi Higginbotham
Property Master: Erik Grasteit
Coordinator: Matt Sazzman
Location Manager: Dan Milner
Department Head Hair: Amy Marie Wilson
Department Head Makeup: Julia Lallas
Leadman: David Napoli
Coordinator: Jeff Barnett
Transportation CoorDeantor: Jay Smith
Production Controller: Natalie Chiengkul
Production Supervisor: Matt Sagona
Production Office Coordinator: Nicole Orefice
Assistant Production Office
Coordinator: Stephanie Barnes
Script Supervisor:
Heather Pollock

Coordinator: Sue Palmer
Casting Associates: Lindsay Jameyson & Mia Cascio
Post Production Supervisor: Gabriella Scudieri
Music Supervisors: Season Kent and Leah Harrison
Music Editor: Zed Starkovich

Assistant Editor: Katie Rose Cornblath
Online Editor: Richard Wells
Colorist: Chris Boyer
Visual Effects Supervisor: Trent Smith
Visual Effects Editor: Mengle Han
Supervising Sound Editors: Kelly Cabral and
Kevin Zimmerman
Re-Recording Mixer: Yuri Reese & Sean Madsen

Production Staff:
Esmeralda Fernandez
Tristan Gunvaldson
Alek Kotoyan
Michaela Chilenski
Josh Lehrfeld
Connor Johnson
Evan Throop

The State of California and the California Film Commision, California Soundstage Filming Tax Credit Program

Copyright 2024 Universal Television LLC All Right Reserved

Dean Georgaris Entertainment
Quinn's House
Universal Content Productions
Universal Television

If you or your child are trans and in need of support please call Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860 or visit for help.

Special thanks to M.J. Cogburn, Mike Bloxam, Jan Fennick, Damon Sugameli, Hayden McQueenie, Albert Mark Burdge, Sam Fain and Nikki Glyn Smith for their shared information and thoughts used on this episode guide page!


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