Summary of Previous Episode:  

Sometimes surrendering to the enemy is better than not surrendering.



By:  M. J. Cogburn and C. E. Krawiec

rate the episode

WARNING:  The creators of QR have rated this weeks episode 

"Surrender" --  *R* --due to some explicit sexual content.

Xavier felt the smile on his face take on a different quality, and understanding of where his daughter was venturing.  “All right,” he told her.  “I’ve got some research to do for a special project,” he said evenly as he stepped back and start to close the door.  Just before the latch clicked, he said loudly enough for them to hear, “I’ll lock the front door on my way out.”

        He didn’t pause for any reason.  He turned off the television on his way to the front door.  Walking thoughtfully down the hall, he knew that all he’d ever know of what happened in Siren’s room would be what his imagination created, but it didn’t matter.

        As the elevator doors opened before him, he stepped inside, and only because he was alone, knowing that Lothos heard him, he murmured softly, “Be gentle, Mr. Conroy.  Be gentle.”





        Trevor’s pulse quickened, desire beginning to run hotly through his veins as he listened to Siren and Xavier talking.  He watched, even more surprised, as Xavier left the room.  Suddenly, the very air in the room was charged with a sexual tension that was almost tangible as he gently let his hand slide up higher under Siren’s shirt, and with a single easy move released the catch of her bra.  He felt her quiver, but she didn’t pull away.  In fact, she slightly turned to face him.

        “You’re sure?” he asked softly, removing his hand from her back, bringing it up to cup her cheek, tracing her lips with one finger.

        Siren leaned down and lightly kissed his lips in response.  Leaning back away from him, she ran her hand down his chest letting until it rested on his abdomen, then watched her fingers trace a slow circle there.  Looking back up into his eyes, her fingers continuing to trace lightly, she simply said, “Without a doubt.”  She knew that she was taking a chance on something that would change her for the rest of her life, but as long as it was with the man beside her, she didn’t care.

        Hearing her words, Trevor’s desire broke free.  Sliding his arms behind her waist, turning her toward him, he plundered her mouth with a thirst that only her lips could satisfy.  Gently, but persistently, his tongue gained entrance and he explored the warmth of her mouth.  Then, breaking the kiss, he carefully laid her down beside him and reached for the buttons on her shirt.  But before the first button was undone, there was something else to be done first, and he got off the bed. 

        Though her cheeks stained a darker red, Siren never looked away as Trevor shed his clothes before returning to her side.  Again, he reached for the top button of her shirt then paused when her hand covered his.

        Siren removed his hands from the shirt and slowly got up from the bed and then turned to face him.  Meeting his eyes, she slowly began to unbutton the shirt in front of him.  Once the last button was undone, she let the flannel shirt fall to the floor as well as her bra with it. Seeing him blink at her, she shed her underwear then approached the bed once again without hesitation and lay down beside him.  She took a slow steady breath then cupped his cheek and told him softly, “I want to be with you.  Only you, Trevor.”

        Trevor knew that there was no need to rush anything now, and he gave her all his attention, rubbing his cheek lightly against her hand.  To her confession, he turned his face slightly and touched a kiss to her palm. 

        “You can’t know how much I’ve wanted to hear you say that,” he told her softly as he moved a hand to her waist then caressed lightly up to cup one of her breasts.  Then before she could say a word, even before Siren could catch her breath, Trevor leaned slightly over her and lowered his head to delicately flick the tip of his tongue against her nipple.  Hearing her gasp, and feeling the quiver that ran through her body as she seemed to arch up toward him, told him just how eager and wanting she was.

        “Oh God,” she gasped softly as her hands came to Trevor’s head, running her fingers through his hair.  She couldn’t control the low moan that escaped deep within her throat.  “Oooh Trevor,” she whimpered.  Slowly, her hands moved from his head to his back, her fingernails trailing down his back as far as she could go and back up again tracing small circles upward toward his neck.

The feel of Siren running her fingers through his hair, gently holding his head as he licked and suckled her breasts, learning the taste of her skin, the satiny smoothness of it just making him want to taste more of it, enticed Trevor.  The exquisite delicate pain of her fingernails drawing urgently as far down his back as she could all urged him to move even faster. 

        “Ohhh, God,” Trevor paused to whisper against the sweet valley between her breasts.  “God, I want you.”  He wanted to experience her body.  He wanted to teach her how just the slightest touch could be almost as exciting as that for which he knew they both were so eager.

        Siren was excited at just his words.  She looked down at him and said breathlessly, “I’m yours, Trevor.  Only you.”  She reached down and cupped his head for him to look up at her, then drew him up to kiss him hungrily.

        Her tongue explored his while her hand moved back down his back, her hand resting lightly on his hip.  When his hand came up her side, it ignited the fire inside of Siren, and she lightly gasped at the feel of his hands on her.

        Trevor’s own need guided him and he gently rolled Siren onto her back even as he held her close in his arms, his mouth hard and demanding on hers.  Feeling her body tremble when he moved one hand down to caress her abdomen, he pulled back from her lips only far enough to whisper reassuringly, “I’ll be gentle.” Her whimper against his lips, and the way after only a second of hesitation, he felt her shift her hips, told him that she was ready.  Slowly, he slipped his hand lower, and kissed her firmly as he cradled the soft warmth between her legs. 

        Siren moaned deep within her throat.  Moving her head away from his lips, she again ran heated kisses down his jaw, to his neck and licked at his neck.  “Oh God,” she whimpered softly as she kissed his neck feeling his fingers exploring parts of her body not known to any man… and as far as she was concerned… were only going to be known to him.  As she licked and kissed her way back up toward his ear, she whispered, “Teach me… teach me what you like.”  When he leaned back to look down at her, her breath caught in her throat and she said, “I… want to give you… as much pleasure… as you are giving me.”  Siren then trembled and gasped as Trevor began to teach her how a simple kiss and a soft breath could enhance desire.

For several minutes, after shifting his position, Trevor touched light kisses over her breasts, down over her belly, pausing to breathe softly on each kiss.  Hearing her gasp, “Oh… my… God… don’t stop,” as he moved down to her right thigh, he knew that she was so close that she almost had to be in pain.

        Siren lightly tossed her head from side to side, reveling in the intensity of the moment, her hands groping at the sheets on either side of her.  Trevor was driving her to a point that she had never been before and she was finding it difficult to think as her body craved him.

        Finally there was no more waiting for either of them.  This time, when Trevor moved, it was to be over her, to press her legs wider.  For a moment, as he kneeled above her, Trevor saw a mixture of fear and desire in her eyes.  “There’s no turning back, Siren,” he told her plainly.  She didn’t look away, and with as much gentleness as possible pressed into her, soothing her with kisses as her body accepted him.

        Siren whimpered against his lips, her eyes opening in shock, then just as suddenly squeezed her eyes shut.  She could feel him kissing her all over her face, hear soft murmurings coming from him, but she wasn’t sure as her mind concentrated on what was happening to her body.  Slowly, as his hands traveled up and down her body, his body pressing hard against and into her, his kisses traveling along her jaw, running down her neck and back up to her lips, all she could focus on for a moment was the feel of their bodies joining.

        Such a moment wasn’t meant to be rushed, and Trevor had no intention of rushing Siren.  He wanted her to be relaxed with him; to be one with him for a moment, just kissing her, letting her get used to the feel of him inside her.  Then slowly, gently he began to move inside her.  He wasn’t surprised at her awkwardness, but after a few moments, her body began to almost effortlessly match his movements.

        “That’s it,” he whispered against her ear when he felt Siren’s body rise up slightly in response to his.  “Just relax and let it happen,” he told her softly.

        It was only moments later when Siren’s breathing rapidly increased as a warmth spread from the center of her being; seemingly to take her up into an even higher level of need for the man on top of her.  “Oh… oh… God… what…” she gasped as she felt something else building in side of her.  The sudden rush of the feeling overwhelmed her and she moaned deep in her throat feeling a passion, a hunger that she hadn’t known even know existed.

        “That’s it,” Trevor panted in her ear when her gasps became moans, and then the near shriek as Siren experienced the heat and depth and height of her first orgasm.  No sooner had she fallen into hers before Trevor joined her in the best of intimate feelings between a man and a woman.

        Siren felt Trevor’s hands come up behind her head, hugging her to him, holding her, placing heated kisses along her shoulder, up her neck until his lips came back to hers for a sweet tender kiss.  Upon ending the kiss, he leaned back to look into her eyes.

        She gazed deeply back.  She didn’t know what to say to this man who had just shared something so intimate with her, but at the same time, it slowly dawned on her what she had just done with him.  She had given him a piece of her that she would never be able to take back again, but even as she gazed into his eyes, she found that she still couldn’t come up with words to talk to him.

        Slowly, she brought her hands up from behind his back and brought his head down to her so that she could kiss him once more before he slowly and reluctantly moved off of her.  “I…” she finally found her voice as she looked up at the ceiling.  “I… I’ll be right back.”  Before he could stop her, she quickly got up and went to the bathroom. 

        She leaned back against the door and closed her eyes lowing her head before she took a step forward and looked at herself in the mirror.  She wasn’t sure what she expected to see; but the reflection that stared back at her wasn’t any older than when she had looked at it this morning.  Glancing down at her body she saw the blood staining her thighs.  Getting a washcloth, she cleaned herself up. 

Once done, Siren stood in the bathroom for a few more minutes before she took a hesitant breath and opened the door of the bathroom.  She headed back toward the bedroom then stopped before she entered the room.  She looked in the room and saw him lying on the bed; his hands behind his head again, a thoughtful expression on his face.  She put her hands on the doorway, leaned her head against her hands and looked at him.

        She started at his feet and let her gaze make its slow way up, letting her eyes linger on his hips and saw that he was still somewhat aroused.  She blinked as her eyes slowly moved up his rippled abdomen, to his chest, then gazed at his handsome face.  She heard him say something softly, but even though she strained to hear it, it escaped her.  She just stood there looking at him; wondering when he was going to see her leaning against the door. 





Trevor had been with other women before Siren, and he had enjoyed the intimate moments he had shared with them.  But now, though the act was the same, there was something different this time.  Being Siren’s first was, he was discovering, very important to him.  And when she gave herself to him, not only was she changed in a way that she could never reclaim, so was he.

Siren’s cries of passion as her body awakened to its desires, also a hunger that he helped to satisfy, had etched themselves into his mind.  The heat of her body, her strength as her body matched his was special to him.

Hearing the sound of water come on and then the silence behind the door just down the hall, gave him a pretty good idea of what she was doing.  And unexpectedly a feeling, a warm, calm feeling seemed to flood slowly through him at that thought.

        “God, Trevor, what have you done?” he murmured under his breath as he lay back on the bed, putting his hands behind his head.  “What have you done?”  Closing his eyes, he saw in his mind’s eye Siren’s expression in the moments just past.  He heard again her gasp and whimper of pain as she yielded to him; he heard her moans and shriek of satisfaction.  “Thank you,” he whispered so softly under his breath that he wasn’t sure it wasn’t just a thought.  Then he heard something, a sound, and he opened his eyes, his gaze going automatically to the bedroom door.

Physically, Siren didn't look any different.  Her body... her face... were flushed and there was a soft glow of perspiration on her skin.  But her eyes.... her eyes were... a bit wiser, the look in those beautiful orbs shining with a need that a few minutes ago she hadn't known existed within her.

        "Are you okay?" Trevor asked softly, shifting slightly onto his side toward her, propping himself up on one elbow.  To her somewhat shy nod, he smiled at her.  "You were wonderful, love," he told her, a warmth that he had never given to any other woman heating his voice.  "And," he hungrily surveyed her from her eyes down to her toes and up again.  "I want you, again... now.  If you want to."

        Still she didn't move.  At least, not until he did the only thing that came to him.  Lying back down, he opened his arms, reaching them out toward her.   "Come to me, Siren," Trevor said softly, his gaze fixed unwaveringly on her face.  "I need you," he whispered.  "I want you.  Only you."

        Siren stepped into the room and moved toward him slowly.  By the time that she made it to the bed, she had no idea what just that simple walk might have meant to him.  Getting on the bed, she lay down beside him, letting him wrap his arms around her again, her body pliantly molding against him.  From somewhere deep inside, she needed to make sure.  “Only me?” she questioned as she glanced up from his lips to gaze into his eyes.

        Trevor knew what she was asking with those two little words.  As he held her sweet warmth against him, he knew what his answer was.  He had wondered many times about it and long before he even knew this woman existed, but uncertainty of past musing and wonder vanished like fog in the warmth of the sun as he looked deep into her eyes.

        “Only you, Siren,” he answered quietly.  “From this moment on,” he told her, stroking one hand the length of her back and up again.  “Only you.”

       Hearing his answer, her body lightly arched against from his light pressure of his hand.  She couldn’t help but gasp at the sensation but she quietly asked with a bit of a giggle, “What about a little bit ago?” she looked up into his eyes, her eyes sparkling.  “Was I yours then?  What about two days ago?”

        Trevor had to grin, a bit shame-faced at her question.  Liking the way Siren arched against him each time he stroked his hand lightly over her back, he admitted, “You wouldn’t have believed it in a thousand eons, but the first time I kissed you… that’s when I started thinking of you as mine.”  He saw her tilt her head slightly, giving him an ‘oh-come-on’ look.

        “Well,” he hesitated, reaching up to run his fingers through her hair.  “Maybe being called an ‘oaf’ might have triggered something.” When Siren giggled again, Trevor held her tighter and kissed her hard.  Breaking the kiss, he pressed her back against the pillows and lowered his head to kiss her yet again.  He whispered warningly against her lips, “If you ever tell Allen that bit about the ‘oaf’… I’ll get you for it!  And that’s a promise.”

        Hearing the warning that he gave, Siren looked up at him with a wicked grin as she let her fingers lightly run down his back and told him, “Well, I want you to keep that promise… so I’ll have to tell him now.”  When he growled at her, she traced her fingers back up his back liking how the growl turned into a moan.  “Well, if you hadn’t told me not to tell…” she barely got out.

        Her ‘cat in the cream’ grin was her downfall.  “Is that so?” Trevor demanded, letting his eyes speak over his voice.  “Just for that… here’s your reward!”  Running one hand down her side, he started tickling her ribs, soft little pokes with his fingers here and there.  And her pleading squeals of, “Oh no, Trevor!  No!  Stop it!  Please… don’t!” just spurred him on.

        By the time that he finally stopped, they were both laughing like hyenas and tangled up in the sheets together.  But as they lay, more or less still, catching their breath, the feeling of Siren warm and pliant beneath him, and the look in her eyes as her laughter faded was all that Trevor needed to see.

        Again, he took his time as he began kissing her lips and then tasted every inch of her skin that he could put his lips to, and in between each kiss he told her again and again, “Only you.  Only you.” Trevor couldn’t recall every whispered longing but his body seemed to feed off of them, but this time it was Siren who was more insistent.

        As Trevor’s kisses came back to her lips, she wrapped her arms around him and using her legs, turned him over to where she was laying on him instead of vise versa.  Leaning back to look down at him, her hair hanging down on either side of her face, she looked at him intensely.  “I don’t want anyone else but you, Trevor.  I...” She didn’t know if the timing was right or not, but she wanted to tell him, let him know just how much she cared for him… loved him.  Instead, she decided that she should show him.

        Leaning down, she kissed his lips lightly, then let the kiss build, becoming passionate, then ravenous; wanting to taste his sweet tongue over and over again; wanting to taste his skin again; needing him.

        Siren’s boldness only strengthened Trevor’s want of her.  But instead of rushing, he lay back and let her have her way with him, yielding to her kiss, their tongues darting and flicking over and with each other.  By the sound of her breathing and the quickening beating of her heart, he knew that her hunger was building, too.

        When she broke the kiss, Trevor brought his hands up, reaching gently within the veil of her hair to cradle her face in his hands.  Leaning up, he kissed her urgently, plundering her mouth for a long moment.  Then easily, he slid his hands down her sides to her hips.  Siren’s eyes came to his, wonder in them until she knew that he was guiding her body down.

        As their bodies joined once more, her gasp was soft, but instead of being a whimper of pain, it was more of a sigh as he prepared to teach her more.  When her quivering ceased, he slid his hands up her abdomen, moving them up to cup her breasts, then pressed gently but firmly, urging her to sit up.

        “This time,” he told her, the heat of his want plain in his voice.  “I want to see your face while we make love.”  She blushed deeply and ducked her chin, but he told her, “Don't be embarrassed, Siren.  You're a beautiful woman... my woman, and I want to see your face, see in your eyes how our being together makes you feel."

        Without Trevor saying or doing anything else, Siren experimented herself with the newness of the position, surprised that their joining hadn’t hurt like before, and concentrated on what was happening about her.  Her eyes closed, her head tilted slightly to the side, she moved slightly upward feeling a warm throbbing deep inside of her from Trevor before moving back down again. The angle itself excited her more and she gasped at the sensations that began to overwhelm her as she bit at her bottom lip.

        Trevor watched her lifting up only to sink down again, encompassing him with an urgency that just seemed to continue to increase and grow.  He was enjoying it; enjoying being in her, enjoying being beneath her.  When she experimented with slight shifts of her hips, Trevor could only gasp, “Oh… my… God,” and grabbed her hips.  Closing his eyes, as waves of urgency built in his loins, he matched Siren’s sensuous undulations.

        From this position, Siren could see that she was the one in charge of how fast the motion could be, and could control just about everything.  At the same time, she discovered how much pleasure she could give to both of them.  She also noticed how any move that she made whatsoever enthralled Trevor.  She opened her eyes, glancing down at his face, watching the expressions that mixed there.

        Slowly, Siren leaned down, letting her fingers trail up his abdomen, his chest before she caught his lips with hers, kissing him ravenously with reckoned abandon.  “Oh God,” she murmured against his lips before she slowly moved back down his chest, flicking her own tongue across his pecs.

        “God what… oh geezus… don’t stop,” Trevor half moaned, half gasped as she just kept the trail of fire moving over his chest with her lips.  It was hard to catch his breath when she sat up again, but then he could hardly draw a breath when Siren leaned back just that little bit more.  “God… help me… ohhh yes!  You feel so good.”  Closing his eyes, his breath coming faster, all Trevor could do was grab and claw the sheets, twisting them as Siren quickly learned how the rising and lowering of her body was driving him to the edge.

        Siren watched Trevor, his eyes full of passion and his whispers only thrilling her, making her want to give him as much pleasure as he was giving to her.  Again, she slightly rolled her hips watching him moan lowly again, closing his eyes and she did the same.  Tilting her head, she slightly leaned back on Trevor’s hips and arched her body toward him as his hands grabbed her thighs, running them up to her hips, holding her there for a moment.

        Her hands came to rest back on his thighs for a brief moment before she rose up once more just enjoying the sensation of their bodies as one.  A shiver of delight ran through her as she felt his hands guiding her; almost gripping at her hips.

        Trevor just whimpered under his breath, “Oh...yes.  Oh...yes."

        Only when Siren seemed as breathless as he was, Trevor saw his chance and rolled her onto her back once again.  To catch his breath, he began kissing her body.  She whimpered and moaned each time his lips touched her skin.  The tip of his tongue teased her and increased her squirming.  When Siren tried to reach to put her arms around him to draw him back up to her mouth again, Trevor gently but firmly pinned her arms against the bed as he continued to kiss against the valley between her breasts.

        “This is my turn,” he whispered breathily against her skin.

        “Trevor… please…” she pleaded, but it quickly turned to a low moan when he licked his way down to her navel, sucking and probing softly with the tip of his tongue.

        She was eager and ready, almost ready to weep for the heat burning in her belly when he moved over her again.  “You seem to be in need,” he teased her lightly, leaning down to taste her lips, savoring their sweetness; however, his own need was about to explode.  With maddening slowness he sucked on her lower lip then trailed kisses down her neck and back up to her lips again. But that wasn’t what was making Siren squirm and pant, even to go so far to lift her hips slightly toward him.

        “You need something?” he continued to tease her as he reached down to lightly stroked between her legs.

        “Yes!  I need you.  I want you!”

        Trevor laughed softly at her gasped words and continued to stroke the warm cradle between her legs until even he couldn’t stand the teasing anymore.  The passion raging inside of him drove him to enter her again, and this time there was no pause for gentleness.  Quick, hard thrusts that she eagerly matched soon brought both of them to the precipice of physical pleasure.

        Her breathy panting, “Ohh… God, what you… do to me,” was the spur to his own need.  In that moment when the fire in his loins raged out of control, he thrust hard into her and went still.  It was the best moment, the one special moment of intimacy with Siren that he would remember for the rest of his life.  Clinging to her as their bodies trembled, he couldn’t speak to tell her how incredible she was, so he began kissing her shoulders lightly, softly.

        “I love you,” were the first words to cross his lips when enough air finally allowed words to escape.  “I love you, Siren.  I love you.”  Those were the only words that his mind seemed willing to allow to escape.  Finally, he lifted his head enough to look at her lovely face.  Just before he claimed her lips in a long, slow kiss, he told her yet again, “Only you, my darling.  Only you.” 

        Siren couldn’t believe the words that he had just told her, not once, but three times in a row.  She didn’t know what to say back to him and before she got a chance to tell him anything, he leaned down and kissed her softly, slowly and longingly.  She savored the kiss he gave and knew that she’d never forget this day.

        She finally turned her head away from him trying ever so slightly to catch her breath and told him lightly, “I love you, too.”

The couple continued to kiss each other lovingly for a few minutes then Trevor reluctantly moved off of Siren and lay down beside her.  Turning his head, he pressed his lips to her right shoulder, tracing his finger down her arm.

Siren was content and she smiled at him with everything inside of her then turned her head to the clock on the bedside table; she couldn’t believe what time it was.  “Oh God, Trevor, it’s… it’s seven fifteen.  Didn’t you say that we were supposed to meet your mom at seven thirty?”

        Trevor’s eyes closed. ‘What a way to end a romantic interlude… with thoughts of facing my mother for being late to dinner!’ Trevor thought.  “Oh geezum,” he muttered.  All thoughts of the wonderful time he’d spent in Siren’s arms and what they had shared fading like mist in sunshine, as he rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom. 

        “What are you doing?”

        Trevor paused long enough to tell her with a knowing look in his eyes, one that made her blush as he said, “I am not walking through this complex with the aroma of our lovemaking floating around me on my way to my place to get changed.  And if you think I'd walk into my parents' home ... like this.... you got another think coming, baby love."

        Siren giggled at that. 

        “Okay,” he told her, “I’ll shower then you do the same while I get back to my place to change."

        “May I join you?” Siren questioned softly under her breath as he moved away.

        Trevor shook his head, as he kept moving toward the bathroom.  “No.  We’ll never get to dinner if you join me in the shower.”

Siren smiled at the response that she got and watched as he headed toward the bathroom door. 





        Trevor had dated other girls, spent time with them, even spent nights making love with them.  There had also been a number of times he’d showered at the girl’s place the morning after, usually with her, before leaving.  But each time, he’d left to go back to his own quarters and duties and there weren’t any serious emotional ties.  Not that there weren’t two of three who hadn’t wanted the relationship to deepen.  But now, when Siren pulled him into her arms as he came out of the bathroom, his skin still slightly damp and a towel slung around his hips, it felt easy, natural, like it was supposed to be this way.  Like she was the one he’d been subconsciously waiting for all his life.  And when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him… ‘God! He felt the heat of her lips all the way to the tip of his toes.  ‘You’re the one,’ he thought as she slowly broke the kiss, opening his eyes to watch her face for that instant before she looked up at him.  ‘If this isn’t love, then whatever it is, I don’t want out of it,’ he continued to muse silently to himself.  At least, until Siren pulled the towel from his hips and smacked his butt playfully as she informed him that the towel was hers.

        "Okay, it's your towel," he grinned at her.  "Mind if I use it?"

        “See you in a few minutes, Dimples,” Siren said with a grin as she saw the dimple at his hip as he walked toward the bed. 

When he stopped and turned his head to her his mouth agape, “What did you just call me?”

In response, Siren just laughed as she closed the door to take her shower. 

        “Great,” he muttered under his breath, as he pulled on his jeans and fastened them then yanked his tee shirt over his head.  “Just what I don’t need for Allen or Ron…” he closed his eyes and sighed deeply, shaking his head at the thought of the ragging his younger brother would give him about it.  “… to find out, that I now own the pet name of ‘Dimples’.”  Grabbing his shoes and socks, Trevor went to the bathroom door and opened it. 

"Hey..." he said a bit loudly to be heard over the water.  "It’s seven twenty-one; I'll be back in about six minutes," he said a bit loudly.  "And remember, this is just dinner with my family, not a gala at the Ritz."

         He didn’t wait for a response. Shutting the bathroom door, he tore out of Xavier's quarters at a dead run, socks and shoes in hand.  Once back in his quarters, it took Trevor all of four minutes to get a quick shave and then change into light tan slacks and a soft yellow short-sleeved pullover.  Putting on clean socks and a pair of casual loafers, he ducked into the bathroom, combed his hair, slapped on a touch of cologne and was out the door... and ran smack into Allen. He must have been over his tirade about the party, because the gleam in his eye and the grin spreading across his face as he looked Trevor over and got a whiff of his cologne, told Trevor that he was about to get ribbed unmercifully. 

         And he was too, at least as far as the elevator.  Hitting the call button, Trevor told Allen, “When this punishment’s over, pal o’ mine, you can put me on a spit and roast me, but right now…” he hit the button for the fourth level where Xavier’s quarters were, “… if I’m not back with Siren in about a minute and a half, my ass is gonna be grass and I really don't want to think of who might turn out to be the lawnmower!" Trevor gave him a cocky salute as the doors closed.




While still in the bathroom, Siren pulled out her hairdryer after hearing that she’d not going to meet a duchess, just Trevor’s mother, and she chuckled and remembered that first impressions were very important.  So, out came the hairdryer and she began to blow dry her hair.  She knew that she only had a few minutes, so she did the best that she could.  Pursing her lips, she wondered what to do with the mop of hair on her head and finally decided that putting some of it up and leaving some to touch her shoulders was the best bet.  A quick slap of mascara and eye makeup and she was out of the bathroom to put on a dress.

        Putting on underwear and a strapless bra, she slipped the dress over her body and looked at herself in the mirror and grinned.  She loved how the dress fit her body; loose but still fitting close enough to cling too just the right curves.  She ran her hand along the silk before she moved to her closet and slid on her dark blue shoes.  Grabbing the mask, she headed toward the living room and took a deep breath before she opened the door.

        She was just stopping out of her front door and turned to see Trevor coming out of the elevator and she couldn’t help but smile at him as she saw him.  She lightly ran her eyes over his outfit and ‘damn’ if he didn’t look good in everything… and nothing. 

"God, you are so beautiful," Trevor told her softly as she hurried toward him, his mind totally off the subject of his mother chastising him for being late for dinner.

Siren lightly blushed and only then saw Allen standing behind him.  Clearing her throat, her smile faded.  “Thank you, Trevor.  Allen.”

Allen couldn’t believe what he heard Trevor say when he stepped out of the elevator to see Siren.  What had happened in the hours since last night? But as he looked between the two of them, he already knew.  “Evening, Siren.  Going out on a night on the town?”

        Siren licked her lips and looked at Allen.  “Yes, Allen.  So to speak.  I’m going to dinner with Trevor at his parents’ place.”  Siren linked her arm with Trevor and felt the burning sensation of his arm on her own.  And she looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile.  “Are you ready to go, Dim…” she didn’t even get the word out of her mouth before Trevor put his hand over her mouth.

        Trevor’s eyes grew big at the beginning of the word.  Thank God for quick reflexes, because otherwise Allen would be glued to my back, or at least circling like an annoying satellite with my new nickname pouring out of his mouth like a record with a stuck needle,’ he thought to himself.  

        Giving Siren a mildly pleading yet warning glance Trevor slowly removed his hand from her mouth.  "Come on," he said with a smile. "We're two minutes late as it is.  When it hits five, the inquisition starts when the front door opens."  Sliding his arm from hers, he put it behind her waist and guided her into the elevator.  But when Allen made a move to join in, Trevor gave him a grin he had seen before and gave him a light push against his chest.

        "This car's full," Trevor told him.  "I'm sure there'll be another along any minute.

        Only when the elevator doors closed did he relax. "One rule, please?" Trevor said turning to Siren.  "The nickname is only between us.  Deal?"

        Siren tsked at his rule.  “Oh, now, Trevor.  I mean Dimples, come on.  It’s so cute.”  She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips as her hand came around to his behind to where the dimples were hidden under his clothes.  “They are so cute.”

        "That may be, but that doesn't mean I want to go through the gauntlet from hell from every guy I know calling me Dimples.  Besides, if I wanted everyone to know, I go around without my pants."  To that Trevor got a look that said she was not to thrilled about that idea.

        "What's the matter?" Trevor teased as the elevator came to a stop on the sixth level. "Jealous of the idea of other girls admiring my dimples?"

        Ron had been standing outside of the elevator when it came to a halt and he heard Trevor’s voice over the din and heard his last words.  Ron frowned. 

        Siren shook her head softly as she stood back from Trevor as the doors opened up.  “Not particularly.” But when she saw a young man standing in the hallway, she most definitely could see the family resemblance.  He had Trevor’s chin and his eyes.  That had to be his younger brother.  She lightly smiled at him as they stepped out of the elevator.

        “Mom is already starting the freaking inquisition on me because you aren't here yet.  Thanks a lot Trevor," Ron said with a quirky grin. 

        Trevor shot his brother a grin back.  “What can I say? Pawns are expendable.  Better that a snotty younger brother be roasted at the stake than the heir apparent.”

        Trevor noticed Ron’s quick but thorough stock of Siren.  Ron was a bit like Allen; he loved the ladies and figured that he was a prize for any one of them that looked his way.

"Who's your friend?" he asked letting his eyes lightly scan her features... and the mask... why a mask?

“To answer your question,” he said in a tone that got his brother’s attention back in a hurry.  “This is Siren.  And…” Trevor paused. ‘Oh well, might as well get started with it all right off the bat,’ he thought.  “She’s… my girl,” he said the words aloud for the first time, “And she’s also co-partner in punishment at the moment.”  

“Where do I sign up for punishment like that?!” Ron questioned back with a grin.

Trevor punched him brotherly on the shoulder.  “Trust me, kid,” Trevor ragged him.  “You don’t want to know.”

        A cleared throat from down the hall caused all three to turn and look.

        Siren was more than embarrassed.  She was a bit awe struck as well.  She hadn’t expected Trevor to say that she was his girl, or mention any of their punishment, but when she saw an attractive older woman stick her head out of the door and clear her throat, she elbowed Trevor quickly in the side to get his attention.  “I believe that someone is waiting for us.”

        “Right,” Trevor whispered softly back as he guided her toward his mother.  As always, he noticed that Ron was tagging behind.  “Hi, mom,” he said with a smile and moved to kiss her cheek quickly.  “Sorry we’re late.”

        Siren tried to ward off the problem before hand.  “It’s my fault, really,” she began.  “My hair wouldn’t work just right.”  She glanced up at Trevor and lightly fiddled with one of the long tendrils hanging down and then turned to face the lovely woman before her and waited for an introduction from Trevor.      

"Uh...Mom this Siren," Trevor said quickly by way of introductions.  "She's the new boss in Logistics."  Glancing at Siren, Trevor continued, "Siren, this is my mother, Marion Conroy."

        “As well as his girl,” Ron broke in giving his mom a grin and elbowing Trevor in the arm.

        Siren lightly blushed at Ron’s remark again not used to that being said and held out her hand to Marion.  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Conroy,” she said respectfully. 

        Marion glanced at her younger son when he made the comment about this young woman being Trevor’s girl and quirked an eyebrow at him.  “Thank you, Ronald,” she told him with a smile he had seen countless times as a boy.  “I’m sure Trevor would have gotten around to telling us that.”  Turning back to the young woman, she took her hand, smiling at her.  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.  Siren… is it?” When the young woman nodded, Marion stepped back and invited her in and her sons followed.

        Entering her home, Siren marveled at how Marion had decorated the living room.  It was amply fixed up in an American Southwestern style and was cozy.  “I like what you’ve done here,” Siren said softly looking around the room, her gaze slowly going to each little figurine, each piece of furniture.  “It’s very nice, Mrs. Conroy.”

It was then that an older gentleman, Trevor's father, walked out from the way of the kitchen from the looks of it, and stood there for a moment but Siren’s attention was transfixed on the pictures that she saw across the room.  Glancing at Trevor, then back to the pictures, she finally ask, "Is that you when you were younger or is that Ron?"  When Trevor looked at her oddly, she pointed to the higher picture of a young man standing with a fishing pole holding a fish in his hand.  "That one.  Is that you?"  Siren grinned at him.

        Glancing across the room at the picture Siren was interested in, Trevor flashed a look at his father and smiled broadly.

        ‘She’s got confidence, I’ll say that for her,’ Lyle Conroy thought as he just watched the lovely young woman with Trevor.  When she asked about the picture, Lyle caught his oldest son’s look.  “No,” he said conversationally, moving toward them.  “Actually, it’s me when I was a boy.”  A startled look that crossed her face and he couldn’t help but grin.  “You're not the first person to make that assumption."  While she was gathering her startled thoughts, Lyle offered her his hand.  "For the sake of names, hello, I'm Lyle Conroy.  Father of these two young grizzlies, otherwise known as my sons."

        Siren grinned at the way Trevor introduced himself; it gave her a chance to gather her thoughts and she couldn’t help but lightly giggle.  Grizzlies... grizzlies with dimples.  The thought came to mind and she couldn’t help but smile broadly as she looked at Trevor then back to his father.  She stuck out her hand and shook Lyle’s hand.  Nice to meet you, Mr. Grizzly. Oh... I mean, Mr. Conroy." 

        Lyle laughed delightedly at her slip of the tongue, his eyes twinkling at her as he took her hand politely.  "Sometimes it took a father grizzly's attitude to ride herd on these two in their wild and wooly days as boys."  Then he focused on her.  "But I must say that some of Marion's insistence on good manners and such seemed to have benefited Trevor mightily."

        Marion grinned at her husband’s interaction with the young woman and made a sweeping motion with her hand toward the couches in the living room.  “Dinner’s almost ready,” she said graciously.  “So, why don’t we sit down and talk for a few minutes?”

        Trevor inwardly rolled his eyes.  Oh boy!  Here comes the inquisition!



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