Just when you thought you could sneak a peek at what’s going on – you get caught –again.


Another Entry

By:  M. J. Cogburn and C. E. Krawiec  


As Lothos continued to watch his minions going about their day, keeping a constant record for his personal review, he felt another tug from the CHD file as another infidel began to look into the files of the people under Lothos' watchful eye.


His attention focused directly on the CHD file that was updated daily and read and recorded each and every IP address that was logged into it.  He'd been recording all who came and left-- knew things of each and everyone of them-- many things that would make sailors blush, but he knew and continued to allow them to read.  It... amused him.


Deciding that he needed to let all of those readers know what had been happening to his minions, Lothos latched onto everyone's computer almost instantaneously.  From one instant to the next he caused their computer screens to go black then, began a flow of red type that began slowly scrolling across their screens.


I know how often you've been returning to read about the people living in my complex.  They are thriving quite nicely and work well, when they do what they are supposed to do.


I have noticed however, that you haven't been here quite as often as you used to come.  A few of you have lingered away, trying, I'm sure, to fool me into thinking that you can get away from me.  I assure you that you can't.  In fact, your simplistic attempts to escape my attention have served me.  But...*smirk*...more about that later.  Based on the files that you delved into the last time you visited here, I presume that you've come to assuage your curiosity about what's going on in the lives of my people.


While I have noticed that the CHD file appears to be the file you have all perused --as far as I have permitted you to do so--, I have noted that several of you have looked into the files of certain individuals, so those are the ones I will address.


Some of you have reviewed the file of Vaughn Rickar.  In the past few months since you last ‘visited’ here, I've been keeping him quite busy.  He's been infiltrating Project Quantum Leap through one of their very own - namely, Edward Sharpe, IV.  Not only was he a soldier within the complex, he had also married into the Calavicci clan.  So, I was able to hit a few problems with one stone, as it were.


Vaughn has had his way with Sharpe's wife, a few times, probably to alleviate his want for Johanna Royden.  My Senior Observer is Mr. Rickar’s one weakness.


Ever since he walked out of the conference room and found Ms. Royden and Mr. Fitzpatrick after spouting off to Mr. Woods, Vaughn has been almost pouting because he can't have time alone with Ms. Royden to talk with her about what's going on and how he feels. 


Emotions get in the way.  He needs to keep his mind on his tasks -- getting Beckett and Calavicci for what they have done to me and those within my project.


As for Johanna Royden and Inmon Fitzpatrick, somewhat of a relationship has begun to form between the two of them.  Keeping Vaughn busy has given Inmon a way to worm into the lovely woman's affections.  He's constantly taking her out of her quarters to do something and thankfully, his constant concern with her healing (especially after his correction for running her down) has only expedited the budding connection between the two of them. 


In the confines of her quarters, I have seen Johanna writing within her journal, telling of her feelings for both men, and how she is still leaning toward Vaughn, but is confused because of his constant absence.  But her journals have always mentioned Inmon.  I believe that Vaughn definitely will have a competition on his hands if and when he ever has a chance for her.


Some of you have only concentrated on my daughter, Tala Lothoman.  Since your last perusal of my daughter's file, there have been some significant changes in her life.  After a rather quiet period in her social life, she suddenly acquired not just one man who wishes to get to know her better, but three!  Due to the personality clashes of two of those men - one Maxwell Robinson, a gardener, the other one of my many security guards, Quinton Sylvane-she made the mistake of getting between the two men during a fight.  The resulting broken jaw she received has subsequently healed nicely and she is once more on full duty.  A third man, Andrew Stockard, a fellow gardener and friend of Mr. Robinson's, has also become attracted to her.  In truth, it has been, and continues to be, highly amusing to watch the three of them jockeying for her favor.  Only recently did my daughter plainly show her maternal heritage when she set Mr. Robinson and Mr. Stockard on their ear during a public display of machismo one-upmanship by turning to an unsuspecting Quinton Sylvane.  It will be interesting to watch my daughter discover and, no doubt, draw upon certain behaviors and attitudes that are solely from her mother.  Truer words were never more so than this...Tala Lothoman is truly her mother's daughter.  I pity the men who don't recognize the changes that have and, no doubt, will continue to occur in her personality as she becomes comfortable and confident with whom she is.


In the last three months, Tala has spent time with all three of her prospective suitors.  It's been entertaining to see them vying for her affection. 


Maxwell Robinson and Andrew Stockard met over the rims of drinks and came to a conclusion about Tala.  The agreement was that each would pursue her and whoever won out in the end, depending on Tala's wishes, the other would gladly back off.  I find it rather interesting that since that agreement was made that Tala has received plenty of roses, candy and lovely compliments and sentiments from not just one, but all three gentlemen.


I have not seen a preference yet from Tala about which one holds her favor, but I do know at some point she will be pinned by one or all three of these men for her to make a choice.  Each man has their own strengths and weaknesses; I just hope that Tala decides on the one that's the best for her.  I'd hate to have to choose for her -- as I have had to do so in the past.


One or two of you -- you know who you are -- have focused solely on the file of Mr. Trevor Conroy. 


I had thought that sending him to Ft. Hildren would prove different for the would-be husband to my daughter, Siren.  His stay at Ft. Hildren has only proved one thing -- that the desire of the flesh appears to have a stronger hold on him than his purported love for my daughter.  He did not push the other recruit away, but seemingly welcomed her over and over again in his arms and in his bed.  It will be interesting to see how Siren reacts to the news of his transgressions.  Since he was caught red handed in bed with Recruit Tenney, by Sergeant Donald Alesandro and Commandant Dennis Roberts, Trevor Conroy has never been more compliant, busy and now after three months of constant "abuse" from working and training, Trevor Conroy is in the best shape of his life.  Sergeant Donaldson has earned extra points in my book in regards to making sure Mr. Conroy was kept busy.


Speaking of keeping busy, my daughter, Siren, has more than done her fair share.  Even as her pregnancy with Trevor Conroy's children progressed, she has kept herself busy, keeping mostly to her office.


Ever since that particular night where Siren and Allen *almost* spent the night together, (I'm surprised that it didn't go farther in my own fatherly opinion), I've never seen her so focused.  She has done more than her fair share of the work -- actually, the work from the Logistics Sector alone has tripled since that particular night.  Seeing that she was obviously running herself into the ground, collapsing on three separate occasions from utter exhaustion, I pulled Madeline Tenney from the shop that I had put her in and placed her in Logistics.  Her skills in logistical analysis was more than apt, and seeing that Siren was getting up even earlier and only sleeping between two and a half to four hours every night instead of the required eight to ten that Dr. Hugen had requested, worried even me.  Adding another desk to the outside area and assigning Madeline Tenney there served my purpose to protect my daughter and my grandchildren.  However, when Trevor Conroy does come back home, it will be interesting to see the explosion that will happen between the three of them when the truth is revealed.  This will absolutely tell me how my daughter really feels toward Mr. Trevor Conroy and Mr. Allen McAllister.


Allen has kept himself busy as well.  I see the longing in his eyes when he looks upon Siren, but he has respectfully kept his distance from her.  Ever since that particular eventful evening when he was able to taste and touch the forbidden fruit, he has been everything he could be for Siren.  He's been her friend, her shoulder to cry on, her relaxation -- he's been the only one to take her out other than Xavier.  He's also been her Lamaze coach and has promised Siren that he would be by her side whenever she needed him -- always.  Since that conversation, there is a slight tension between them.  However, I have seen it slowly diminish as her belly continues to grow.


Xavier has become a doting father to Siren.  He has always done an excellent job in raising and tending to Siren's and my needs within the complex.  He's kept a tight rein in my entire complex.


A word of warning to those of you who might peruse within these files, reading and thinking of blabbing this information to outside sources -- don't.  If you think that Xavier is a daunting character now, just wait when he appears on your doorstep to exact retribution for flapping tongues.  Keep ever silent and secret or you won't be able to talk at all.


A moment later, Lothos released the computers he had been holding and sat back as he watched as several of the IP addresses immediately vanished.  He hollowly laughed and if he could have, he would have shook his head in mock merriment knowing that he would exact revenge if needed to on those who had come to read his files.


“Run away, by all means,” he chuckled as he watched as more and more of the stealthy interlopers vanished into cyber space. “But you...and you...and yes, even you...all of you will come back.  Oh yes, you’ll be back…and I will be waiting for you.”


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