"It's a Wonderful Leap"

Oh, I break for holograms, huh?
-- Al, after Sam slams on the breaks, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

Leaping around in time, I've run into many people.  But never OVER one.
-- Sam, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

I love taking a siesta on Thirty-fourth Street.
It's a miracle you weren't hurt.  I ran over you.  There isn't a scratch on you.
Except for the skid mark across my tummy!
-- Angela and Sam, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

Madre de dios.  Why do you do that for?
To...test the brakes?
With my head?
-- Angela and Sam, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

I was trying to save your life!
By knocking me down and beating me up?
-- Sam and Angela, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

I want you to run a check on Angela...Carmen...Guadalupe...Cecelia Jimenez.
Yeah sure. There's gonna be a lot of them in the phone book.
-- Sam and Al, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

You should not be tempted to listen to that devil! He don know what he's talking about.
And which devil might you be talking about?
The one in that horrible red suit.
-- Angela and Sam (about Al), "It's a Wonderful Leap"

Have you been able to see him the whole time?
Then why didn't you say something?
I thought if I ignored him, then he'd go away.
-- Sam and Angela (about Al), "It's a Wonderful Leap"

It's he "gives me the heeby-jeebies.
You too?  You see, you make us both sick!
-- Sam and Angela (to Al), "It's a Wonderful Leap"

Si. Angela Carmen Guadalupe Cecilia Jiminez. But to you, Angela. I was born Angelita, which means "little angel", but as you can see, I grew up.
Guess they must serve plenty of sweets in heaven.
You're never gonna get there, so you're never gonna know.
Oh, yeah, why not?
There's a dress code.
If I wasn't a gentleman and a hologram....
-- Angela and Al, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

What if I'm here to correct her mistake?
Well if that's true, that means that there's a whole flock of guardian angels out there and they're slacking off on the job.
And that's why you leap in, to fix their mistakes.
Uh huh.
Kinda like God's clean up crew.
-- Sam and Al, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

She can't be an angel. Angels are... lighter.
I got stuck in Limbo too long; I got hungry. <laughs> I make a little angel joke.
-- Al and Angela, "It's A Wonderful Leap"

She sings like an angel, that doesn't mean she is one.
-- Al, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

There'll be taller buildings all around here.  There might even be a glass tower right over there next to Tiffany's.
-- Sam, to Mr. Trump and his son Donald, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

Look what the pig dragged in.
It's "cat".
You never lived in Puerto Rico.
-- Angela, about Al, and Sam, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

How'd you two meet?
Max ran over me on 34th Street.
-- Lenny and Angela, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

It's no called a deadend for nothing.
-- Angela, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

Sam, who are you gonna listen to after all these years?
Okay, let's go.
-- Al and Sam, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

You're not really going let her go, are you?
Who?! Angelita!
Huh? Do I know her?
Hun? Do you kno..do you know her? Quit fooling around, Sam.  You know what I'm talk... I'm talking about Angelita... THE ANGEL.
The Angel. Al, Come on, there's no such thing as angels.
-- Al and Sam, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

I got connections.
-- Angela, looking up, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

She died in 1928.
Oh, boy.
-- Al and Angela, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

Sam, don't tell me...  you think she's an angel.
I ran over her with my car and she's alive.
Give me a shot at her and see how she comes out.
-- Al and Sam, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

I don't know. I think I'd like an angel like Clarence. You know, one that's not so LOUD.
I'm not loud! I'm just Puerto Rican!
- Al and Angela, "It's A Wonderful Leap"

I was trying to save your life.
By running me down and beating me up?
No, no. I thought...I thought that your heart had stopped. I was just trying to get it started again, that's all.
Oh, why don't you back over me a couple more times?
You shouldn't move.
You shouldn't drive.
--Sam and Angela, "It's a Wonderful Leap"

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