Teaser: As
an F.B.I. agent protecting a very feisty and beautiful woman,
Sam must protect her from being killed by a jealous criminal
will stop at nothing.
leaps into an FBI agent assigned to protect a feisty but fearful woman
from the murderous crook she used to work for. Nick: John Snyder.
Richardson: Stanley Brock. Andy: Rene Assa. Thomas: John Shepherd. Sam:
Scott Bakula. Al: Dean Stockwell.
finds himself standing at the front door of a suburban home, with his
finger pressed on the doorbell. From inside, a woman yells at him to
hold on, then she opens the door to obvious dismay as she sees Sam
standing there. She goes back inside for a moment, and comes back out
with two packed suitcases, closing the door behind her. She tells Sam
to put the suitcases in the car, then walks down the driveway, verbally
chastising herself for getting into this mess.
woman gets into the back of a car parked in the driveway, and tells
Sam to hurry up as he puts the suitcases beside her in the back seat
before getting into the driver's seat. Sam looks at his reflection in
the rearview mirror, and the woman tells him that men aren't supposed
to be that vain. Sam snaps at her that it isn't nice to be rude and
pushy, and the woman responds that she doesn't care about being nice,
she just cares about getting out of here. She angrily tells him to
start the car and drive off. Sam says he doesn't have the keys, and the
woman tells him that last time they were under the seat. Sam tries to
look under his seat, but can't find the keys. Exasperated, the woman
leans down to help him, just as a man with a gun opens fire on them
from a passing car. As shards of glass rain down on them from the
broken windows, the woman, now holding the car keys, shouts at Sam to
do something, telling him that he's the FBI agent.
It's September 1973, in Boston, Massachusetts, and Sam has leaped into
FBI agent Peter Langly (the leapee Peter is played in the episode by
Mark Harigian). The woman in the car is Dana Barrenger (played by Teri
Austin), who is under witness protection, and Peter has been assigned
to protect her. Sam's car is riddled with bullets from the shooting.
The other car has stopped and the shooter, Nick Kochifos (played by
John Snyder), gets out and starts walking toward Sam's car, still
carrying his gun. A man named Andy (played by René Assa) watches
intently from behind the wheel of Nick's car. Sam starts his car and
backs down the driveway, crashing into Nick's car as Nick jumps out of
the way. Sam quickly drives away, with Dana still crouched on the front
passenger seat. Nick fires at them again until Sam disappears around
the corner, then gets back into his car. Andy tries unsuccessfully to
start the car and tells Nick that something is wrong with the steering.
Nick gets out to fix it, but then sees several people coming out of
their homes to investigate the noise. He fires a few shots into the air
to scare them back inside, and then gets into the car again. This time
it starts and they quickly chase after Sam and Dana. Nick fires more
shots into the front of Dana's home as they round the corner.
In Sam's car, Sam and Dana are both suffering cuts from shards of
glass. They appear to have lost Nick. Dana demands to see someone
called Richardson and Sam tries to get her to calm down. She complains
about being in a bullet-riddled car with murderers chasing after her
and tells Sam to take her to the FBI building. Sam wants to take her to
a hospital first, but she wants to see Richardson so he can have Sam
"executed for stupidity". Sam insists that someone needs to stop her
bleeding first. Dana looks into the rear view mirror, and seeing the
blood running down her temple, she faints onto Sam's shoulder.
Later, Sam has found his way to FBI headquarters and after two hours in
the emergency room with Dana, he is eager for her to become someone
else's problem. Al arrives and Sam complains that as soon as he leaped
in, people were shooting at him. Al counters that they were technically
shooting at Dana, but Sam just wants to know why he's here. Consulting
the handlink, Al tells Sam that Dana is thirty-two years old, divorced
with no children, and used to work for Nick as his personal secretary.
Sam surprises himself by remembering that Nick's family works in
shipping and Al says that Nick uses the business to smuggle everything
from illegal aliens to drugs. Sam remembers that Nick was shot by a
Colombian drug lord, but Al explains that that won't happen for another
three years. Dana worked in Nick's Miami office as a stenographer
before Nick took a liking to her and made her his personal secretary.
Last year, Dana found out about Nick's criminal activities and reported
him to the authorities. She gave the Justice Department enough
information to put Nick away for life, but since the jury found him not
guilty, Al guesses that Nick paid off the jurors. Since then, Dana has
changed her identity twice, but Nick found her both times. Al tells Sam
that Nick is going to kill Dana at 3.18 that afternoon, which is in
less than five hours.
In another room, Dana is complaining to FBI Agent Greg Richardson
(Stanley Brock), the head of FBI headquarters in Boston, that she had
been promised by the Justice Department that Nick would be put away for
life. Richardson responds that the jury found him innocent and there
was nothing they could do about it. Dana tells him that the FBI is
supposed to be protecting her, but she has been protecting herself. She
jumped into a bayou full of alligators to avoid being shot by Nick in
New Orleans and this morning she only survived because she had to help
an incompetent Sam find his car keys. Richardson insists that Sam is
one of the department's best agents, but Dana is not impressed.
Richardson jokes that Dana shouldn't have gotten involved with Nick.
Dana insists that she only worked for him. Richardson is dubious, since
Dana was there for twenty-seven months and seemingly knew nothing. An
angry Dana protests that Nick is the criminal, not her, and now she is
on the run while Nick is a free man.
Sam is blaming himself for almost getting Dana killed, but Al argues
that he's been in more difficult situations than this, and he hasn't
let anyone down yet. Dana is watching from the doorway as Sam tells Al
that "yet" is the operative word. She asks Sam if he always talks to
himself or just when he's in over his head. Sam doesn't respond and Al
comments that Dana is beautiful. Dana hates that Sam is talking to
himself, but not to her, and says her ex-husband used to do that to her
all the time. Richardson arrives, having spoken to Washington and tells
the two of them that they'll have a new location ready for Dana in two
days, and in the meantime, the back-up plan is that Sam is going to
take Dana to a safe house in Baltimore. Dana refuses to go anywhere
else with Sam, but Richardson coldly responds that in that case, Dana
is on her own. Dana angrily leaves the room without another word and
Sam rushes out into the hall to follow her. She tells him she's going
to the ladies' room. Richardson watches her storm away with a grin and
tells Sam it could be worse - Dana could be short, fat and ugly.
Meanwhile, Nick and Andy are parked across the street from the FBI
building. Andy tells Nick that no woman is worth making him crazy. He
says that even though they've done everything right, including having a
man on the inside, they still didn't manage to kill Dana this morning.
He tells Nick that God is trying to tell them something and that God
doesn't want Dana dead. Nick tells Andy that he's forgetting something
- Nick wants Dana dead.
Sam and Richardson are walking down the hall with Al close behind. Al
is telling Sam where Dana's body is going to be found, but Sam doesn't
respond and instead asks Richardson why Nick is after Dana. Richardson
answers that Nick would never let anyone get away with testifying
against him in court, especially a woman. Sam asks Richardson if he
knows Nick personally, while Al complains that Sam is ignoring him.
Richardson admits that he and Nick have met and that he almost busted
Nick on conspiracy to commit murder. Reaching the ladies' room,
Richardson opens the door and tells Dana to get moving. He apologizes
to Sam with a laugh and assures him his next assignment will be
something more straightforward. He tells Sam to go down to the garage
and see if the laundry truck is ready. Al eagerly insists to Sam that
they should change the back-up plan. Sam points out to Richardson that
Nick has already broken Dana's cover twice, but Richardson responds
that only the two of them know where Sam is going to take Dana, so if
there's a leak, it has to be one of them. Al looks suspiciously at
Richardson and Sam agrees to go and check on the laundry truck.
Sam leaves Richardson waiting outside the ladies' room for Dana and
rounds a corner while Al agitatedly asks if Sam can even see or hear
him. As soon as Richardson is out of sight, Sam tells Al that he heard
every word he said, but his ranting was breaking Sam's concentration
while he was trying to get information from Richardson. Sam realizes
that they are in Boston and mentions to Al that he used to live there.
Al tells Sam that he made it through four years of M.I.T. in just two
As Sam and Al head downstairs in an elevator, Sam tells Al that he used
to spend weekends living in a cabin outside of Boston. He remembers
trees, and a lake, and tells Al it was a beautiful place. Al asks if
Sam ever took any women to the cabin. Sam tells Al that the cabin is
where he and a professor named Sebastian LoNigro (James Hardie) came up
with the string theory of quantum leaping. He decides to take Dana to
the cabin, to keep her from being killed on the way to the safe house
in Baltimore.
Soon after, Sam is driving away from the FBI building in a laundry
truck, wearing a professional cleaner's clothes. Nick and Andy watch
him go, then Andy starts the car and they start following the truck.
Andy tells Nick that he is worried about him, because he is obsessed
with killing Dana. Nick responds that there is nothing wrong with a
little obsession.
On his way to the cabin, Sam looks at his watch and sees that the time
of Dana's original death has passed by almost an hour. He looks at
Dana, who is asleep in the back of the laundry truck and hopes that he
will leap soon, but nothing happens. Meanwhile, Nick and Andy are still
following them, but staying far enough behind to avoid being spotted.
Dana wakes up and asks Sam how long she's been asleep. Sam tells her
it's been three hours and she wonders why he didn't wake her when they
stopped for gas. Sam says that he hasn't stopped for gas and assures
her that they still have half a tank, showing her the fuel gauge. Dana
sits down in the passenger seat and reluctantly thanks Sam for saving
her life earlier, but soon points out that if it wasn't for her
actions, they'd probably both be dead. Sam is annoyed by this, but
admits that it was a team effort. He checks the rear view mirror,
seeing nobody behind them, then asks Dana why she is so angry at him.
Dana responds that he almost got her killed twice. Sam tells her that
it wasn't intentional and points out that he almost got killed as well.
Dana admits that her bad mood has nothing to do with him personally,
but says that she hates being a fool. She shows Sam a bracelet on her
wrist which bears an evenly balanced set of scales and tells him that
she won it when she was nine, for a paper she wrote in school about
crime and citizen responsibility. She put it on and wore it during
Nick's trial to remind herself that she was making a difference, and
doing her duty as a citizen, and as a human being. Then Nick was
acquitted and now she feels like a fool. Sam tells her that what she
did was courageous, but Dana responds that it was stupid, and now
because of it, she's either going to get killed, or spend the rest of
her life pretending she's someone else. Sam says that he knows the
feeling, but tells her that men like Nick have enemies, and sooner or
later, he'll either end up dead or in jail. Dana says that until that
happens, she's going to wake up every morning and wonder if Nick knows
who and where she is. Sam promises to Dana that he won't let Nick touch
Back at FBI headquarters, another agent is telling Richardson that
there's no sign of Sam and Dana at the safe house. Richardson says he
should have tailed them with an escort car, but the agent tells him
they're short-handed as it is. Richardson tells him to put out an APB
and to call every state police captain between Boston and Baltimore.
The agent leaves and Richardson looks worried.
Sam and Dana continue toward the cabin. Dana sees mountains on the
horizon and realizes that they aren't headed to Baltimore. Sam admits
that he's taking her to a cabin, because he didn't think the safe house
was safe. Nick and Andy have also realized that they're not going to
Baltimore. Nick checks for other cars behind them, sees none, and tells
Andy to "do it". Andy speeds up to pull up alongside Sam, and Dana
screams when she sees Nick with his gun. Sam tries to run them off the
road, but Andy drops behind them and opens the roof, allowing Nick to
stand up and fire at them. Dana opens the back doors of the truck and
starts tossing laundry bags out onto the road in front of Nick's car.
Andy swerves repeatedly to avoid the laundry bags, rendering Nick
unable to shoot at her. Finally, Andy loses control of the car, which
veers off the road and down a hill. Dana happily returns to the front
of the truck and hugs Sam, the two of them smiling widely. Dana then
stops smiling and berates Sam for not helping, despite Sam's argument
that the laundry bags were his idea.
At the bottom of the hill, Andy is clearing tree branches from the car,
and tells Nick that the car hasn't been damaged. He says that once they
get back on the main road, Sam and Dana will have a big lead on them.
Nick opens the trunk and pulls out a suitcase marked with the words
reveal sophisticated computer equipment tracking the laundry truck's
location. Nick and Andy get back into the car and start following Sam
and Dana again.
Later that evening, Sam and Dana are still in the laundry truck, and
tensions are high. Dana complains that Sam has gotten lost. Sam asks
her about the feeling you get when someone scrapes their fingernails on
a chalkboard, and Dana asks him if he's saying she makes his skin
crawl. Sam tells her that he's been shot at twice today and if he's
going to continue risking his life for her, then he deserves a little
appreciation, or a lot less grief from her.
Taken aback by this, Dana tries to respond, but can't find the words.
Sam tells her that he admires her for trying to indict Nick because it
took a lot of courage, and that it isn't fair that the system is making
her pay for doing what's right. Dana tells Sam that Richardson makes
her feel like she's a criminal, and up until today, so has Sam. Sam
says that Peter Langly is sorry for how she's been treated so far. Dana
accepts his apology, and Sam offers a truce. Dana asks Sam if he
remembers the night he told her that if things were different between
them... but she doesn't finish this thought, instead telling Sam that
she wishes things were different too. They lean toward each other for a
moment, then Sam recognizes a sign pointing the way to the cabin.
Meanwhile, Nick and Andy are still using the tracking equipment to
follow Sam and Dana.
Sam and Dana walk up to the cabin and Sam tells her it hasn't changed.
Dana asks him when the last time was that he was there. Sam tells her
it was in the summer of 1973, then remembering that he's in 1973,
corrects himself to say it was in 1953. The two of them look out over
the lake, commenting on how beautiful it is. They look at each other
for a moment and then lean in to kiss each other. Dana pulls back
though and says it's no good for them to even think about it. She goes
inside, then tells Sam she can't find the light. Sam follows her inside
and turns on a lamp. Dana complains about the cold and Sam walks across
the room to light up the fireplace. She then complains about being
hungry and Sam asks her if she wants to eat or be warm. Dana offers to
go and find some food while he starts the fire.
While Dana continues to complain about the food, Sam pulls a matchbook
out of his coat. As he opens it, he sees a phone number written on the
inside. He looks at the number for a moment, then strikes a match to
light the fire as Al appears. Sam asks why he hasn't leaped, and Al
says he hasn't saved Dana yet. Al explains that the timeline has
changed, and now Dana is going to die at 4.18 in the morning on a
bridge near the cabin. Dana walks back into the room as Sam complains
that Al said Dana was going to die on the way to Baltimore. Al responds
that every time Sam saves Dana, the time and place of her death
changes, which will continue until either Nick is dead, or Dana is.
Dana walks over to Sam by the fire and tells him he should stop talking
to himself, or people who don't know him will think he's crazy. She
hands him a fork and a tin of sardines, the only food she could find.
Before leaving, Al tells Sam that even if Dana doesn't die until the
morning, Nick could still catch up with her before that. Sam gets up,
putting the sardines down on the table. Dana tells Sam that he made a
really good fire, and since they lost Nick, they're probably in the
safest place they could be. Sam reluctantly tells Dana that Nick and
Andy know they're in the cabin. Dana can't believe it, and asks Sam how
he could know that they know. Sam offers to go and bring the truck
closer to the cabin, but Dana doesn't want them to separate. Sam
realizes they have to stick together and the two of them leave the
Nick and Andy reach the side road leading to the cabin and Nick tells
Andy to make the turn. In the truck, Sam is trying unsuccessfully to
start the engine. After a few moments, the engine starts, but cuts out
again as soon as Sam tries to start moving. Dana yells at him for
making the truck stall. Sam starts to leave the truck so he can go out
and check the engine, but Dana wants him to stay inside, saying that
Nick has probably cut the wires and will hit him over the head as soon
as he steps out. Sam starts to argue that if the wires had been cut,
the engine wouldn't have started, then gives her his gun, telling her
to shoot them when they hit him on the head.
Sam goes out to check the engine. Dana looks at the fuel gauge,
noticing that the needle is still exactly halfway between full and
empty. She taps on the glass with the butt of the gun, and the needle
drops straight to empty. She steps out of the truck and tells Sam that
the gauge was stuck, and they're out of gas. She walks away angrily,
tossing the gun back to Sam. Sam reaches out to catch it, but falls
into the lake. Dana looks to the sky and asks, "Why me?"
Nick and Andy are getting closer and Nick tells Andy to turn off their
headlights. A shivering Sam walks back into the cabin with a towel
around his waist, carrying his clothes and gun. He sits down by the
fire as Dana follows him inside, bringing him a cup of hot water. She
tells him she couldn't find any tea or coffee. Sam thanks her for the
water and Dana picks up a picture from the mantel above the fire. She
asks Sam who the people in the picture are. Sam looks at it and sees a
picture of himself and Professor LoNigro. He tells her it's the
professor and one of his students. Dana is attracted to one of the
people in the picture, and Sam asks her which one. Dana puts the
picture back and gloomily answers that it doesn't matter, because she
won't live long enough to fall in love with either of them. Sam tells
Dana that she isn't going to die, but she claims that she is, and says
she's never even been in love. Sam asks about her ex-husband and Dana
says that if it was love, they'd still be married. She tells Sam that
she wants to love someone so much that the thought of living without
them would be too much to bear. She wants to look in that person's eyes
and know that she's alive. Sam and Dana lean toward each other again,
and this time they kiss.
They continue to kiss for a few moments, then Dana looks over Sam's
shoulder to see the open matchbook with the phone number on the inside.
She immediately backs away from Sam, then gets up and points the gun at
him, saying she's going to kill him. Sam is confused, and tells Dana
she's acting a little hysterical. Dana continues to point the gun at
him, but Al, who has just appeared, tells Sam that the safety is on.
Sam takes a step toward Dana and she pulls the trigger. The gun fails
to fire, so Dana throws it at him and runs out of the cabin.
Sam starts getting dressed, and asks Al what happened to Peter after
Nick tried to kill Dana in New Orleans, and after he killed her in
Baltimore. Al answers that Peter was unharmed both times. Sam shows Al
the matchbook and guesses that the phone number belongs to Nick. Al
tells Sam that Dana is going to die in eight minutes and Sam rushes out
of the cabin to follow her. Al looks up the phone number on the
handlink and realizes that the number does belong to Nick, and Peter
has been working for him all along.
Dana is still running away from the cabin and reaches the bridge. From
the other side of the bridge, Nick and Andy are approaching in Nick's
car. Dana stops when she sees them and Nick shoots at the ground in
front of her. Dana screams and Nick laughs loudly. Dana starts running
in the other direction and Nick shoots her in the arm. He gets out of
the car to follow her on foot, while Andy trails behind him in the car.
Clutching her arm, Dana continues to run back toward the cabin, but
stops when she sees Sam at the other end of the bridge, holding his
gun. Realizing she's trapped, Dana runs into the bushes and down a
hill. She passes Al, who calls out for Sam to hear so he can follow and
find her. Nick follows Dana's path into the bushes, still carrying his
gun. Andy tries to tell Nick to wait until morning to find her, but
Nick doesn't listen. Andy gets out of the car and starts following Nick.
Al is still following Dana as she runs out of energy and collapses by a
ridge overlooking the lake, still holding her arm in pain. Al calls out
again for Sam to follow the sound of his voice and find Dana. As Sam
reaches the spot where Dana collapsed, she appears from behind a tree
and hits him across the back with a heavy branch. Sam is knocked down,
and Dana runs away again. Nick and Andy are in pursuit, and Andy tries
to tell Nick it's too dark to find Dana, but Nick still isn't
listening. Dana reaches the end of the ridge, and looks down at the
lake below. Sam reaches her and she screams when she sees him. Nick and
Andy hear her scream and quickly follow the sound.
Dana threatens to jump off the ridge if Sam steps closer, then
despairingly says that's what he and Nick want anyway. Sam tells Dana
that he doesn't want her to die. Al says that Nick and Andy had to have
heard Dana scream, and Sam tells Al to go back up the trail and warn
him when they arrive. Dana tells Sam that he talks to an imaginary
playmate, and warns him again to stay back. Sam tucks his gun into the
waistband of his jeans, and tells Dana he's not going to shoot her. He
says that Peter might shoot her or turn her over to Nick, but tells her
he's not Peter. Al shouts that Nick and Andy are coming. Sam tells Dana
that she has to trust him if she wants to get out of this alive. He
moves closer to her, and the two of them embrace.
Nick and Andy arrive, and Sam turns to face them, pulling out his gun
and pointing it at Dana. Nick asks Sam why he tried to get away from
them earlier. Sam says that he didn't know it was Nick chasing them,
and he thought Richardson had tried to put a tail on them. Andy tells
Nick that Sam's story makes sense, because if he really wanted to get
away from Nick, he'd have turned off the beacon. Al urges Sam to shoot
Nick while he has the chance.
Nick tells Sam that he thinks Dana got to him. He asks Dana if she
turned Sam on the way she turned him on. He says that he didn't touch
Dana out of respect and she turned him in. Al urges Sam again to shoot
Nick, shouting "Shoot Him, Sam! Shoot Him!", as the two exchange
gunfire. Nick raises his gun to fire at Dana, but Sam shoots him in the
chest and stomach. Sam points the gun at the unarmed Andy, then slowly
lowers it to his side. Andy clutches the dead Nick to his chest, asking
him why he didn't listen, and tells him that God didn't want Dana to
die. He picks up Nick's body, looks at Sam one more time, then carries
Nick away. Sam leans down to check on Dana and the two of them embrace
once more. Dana winces in pain from her gunshot and Sam tells her they
have to stop the bleeding. Dana looks at the blood on her arm and
promptly faints.
Later, the sun has come up, and Sam and Dana are back in the cabin.
Dana has recovered and gives Sam her chain with the scales on it. Sam
says he wishes he could take it with him. Dana asks why he can't and Al
tells Sam he's going to leap at any moment. Sam gives Dana his gun, and
shows her how to take the safety off. He tells her to keep him covered
until Richardson gets there. Dana is confused, and tells Sam he's
crazy. Sam asks her to humor him. Dana asks what Richardson is going to
do to him and Sam says that Richardson will make sure that he gets what
he deserves. Dana tells him that he deserves a medal.
Al tells Sam that Peter is going to get eight-to-ten years in prison.
Sam and Dana kiss, as Al explains that Dana will testify on Peter's
behalf, which saves him from getting fifteen-to-twenty. Dana is going
to back to law school and in 1976, she will pass her bar and become a
senior partner in the firm of Elroy, Elroy & LoNigro.
the latter name, Al tells Sam that he's never going to believe who Dana
is going to marry. He doesn't have time to finish, however, as the door
to the cabin opens and Professor LoNigro walks in. LoNigro wants to
know who Sam and Dana are, and Sam excitedly tries to tell the
professor that their string theory works. LoNigro is confused, but as
Sam starts to say, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Sam Beck!", he
suddenly leaps. Source
Review by Carol
<aka> C_DEAN n C_AL:
leaps in ringing a doorbell with a woman’s voice
on the other side
yelling at him. He says to him self, "My 1st
guess is I’m not here for a date". He is Peter Langley, a bumbling FBI
agent that must protect the rude and pushy Dana Berenger, a witness
targeted for death by her ex-boss, who is in the "import-export"
is obnoxious towards Sam from the beginning. "All Right! All Right!
Just hold on to your pants!" She yells out from the other side of the
door. And when she opens it she says, "Oh no not you!" and Sam starts
to say, "I think …" Dana says, "Don’t think, it’ll just get us in
trouble". Then in the car she says, "Peter! You’re not that cute.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you that men aren’t suppose to be that vain?"
It gets worse from there. The insults never end.
Kochifos hired Dana as his personal secretary not knowing that she was
a "goodie-two-shoes" and saw too much of his
operation. She went to the Justice Department and told them what was
going on. Andy, Nick’s brother, thinks he is obsessing with the thought
that he has to kill Dana. He turns out to be right.
This is a funny episode if you watch how Dana is always tormenting Sam.
Al, in his own way, picks on Sam too. But he is always there to help
him. It has some pretty footage of the lake by the Professor’s cabin
and some pretty scenery of the trip there. Though I’m not sure it was
really shot in that State. This is not one of my favorite QL episodes
but I still like it, as I do all of them.
handlink is a thin piece of plastic with a 3 gold strips on the back
and red and green flashing lights on the front. It is contoured to fit
Al’s hand.
is not called a he or she in this episode.
Al walks
up a hill
and doesn’t use the handlink to
reposition himself.
This is the first episode where Al appears in the same outfit
throughout the Leap.
& white pin
stripe shirt, black pants, long cream
colored over coat (from "Good Night Dear Heart"), thin rust colored
tie, red
satin vest, red hat w/black band (from"The Right Hand of
Al likes Dana a lot, saying "Hey, she's beautiful.
How come you didn't
tell me she was beautiful?!"
third and final
version (for Season Two) of the new saga sell is heard at the beginning
of this episode, again featuring Deborah Pratt as the Narrator. She
would continue until the series ended.
Scott Bakula as Dr Samuel Beckett
Stockwell as Admiral Albert "Al" Calavicci
Pratt as Narrator
René Assa as Andy Kochifos
Austin as Dana Barrenger
Brock as Greg Richardson
Hardie as Professor Sebastian LoNigro
Shepherd as Thomas
Snyder as Nick Kochifos
Harigian as Peter Langly (Mirror image)
Cast Notes:
René Assa as
Andy Kochifos: René
Assa was born on November 15, 1944 in Cairo, Egypt. He was an actor,
known for Deep Cover (1992), Why Me? (1990) and Baywatch (1989). He
died on March 10, 2002 in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Austin as Dana Barrenger: Teri
Austin was born on April 17, 1957 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is
an actress, known for Knots Landing (1979), Raising Cain (1992) and The
Vindicator (1986). Her labor of love is the Amanda
Foundation, her
non-profit animal shelter in Beverly Hills, CA. Performed
on TV, stage, improvisation and radio drama in her native Toronto,
Canada. She studied theater in York University in Toronto. [Quotes]
Lucille Ball might have played Lucy, but I live it. [on
how she got into a drama class for much older students] I called the
teacher and said, "I'm Teri Austin's mother, and she'd very much like
to be in your class. It would be a big asset to her future career." [on
leaving acting to work with animals] When I put my head on the pillow
at the end of the day, it's not what fills me with joy. But knowing
that I've got an appointment with Captain Crunch the next day and he
might go home to a new home, that makes me smile! [on
her work with The Amanda Foundation] It's not work when you love it,
you know, and I do. And it fulfills me. I feel spiritually fulfilled. I
tell people, I say 'There are very few guarantees in your life,' but
when I help someone adopt a dog or a cat, I can guarantee them that
that creature is going to put love in their life.
Brock as Greg Richardson: Stanley
Brock lived in the lower east side of Manhattan on E.14th St. In his
earlier days he was doing a comedy routine with a girl. The name of the
act was called Stan and Nan. They would perform one nighters in the
Upstate NY area - the Catskills' - or, as the area was more commonly
known; The "Borscht Belt" (in reference to the many holiday camps,
which primarily catered to the Jewish population from the NYC/Tri-State
area). He also augmented his living by doing clerical work for an
Refrigeration and Air Conditioner Co. in Manhattan. He would always try
his Comedy routines on his fellow employees in the mid 60's to early
70's. He then went west to Hollywood and had fairly good success
playing character parts in movies and TV. He was a semi regular on the
Barney Miller (1975) series.
Hardie as Professor Sebastian LoNigro: James
Hardie is
known for Ghostbusters (1984), Death Warrant (1990) and Remington
Steele (1982).
Shepherd as Thomas: John
Shepherd was born on November 18, 1960 in Manhattan, New York, USA. He
is an actor and producer, known for The Stoning of Soraya M. (2008),
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2004) and The Ultimate Gift (2006). Was
offered, but chose not to reprise the role of Tommy Jarvis in Friday
the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986).Has a character named after him in
Friday the 13th: The New Blood (1988).
Snyder as Nick Kochifos: Anyone
lucky enough to have seen his work never forgets the incredible
richness that John Snyder brings to film. With his uncanny Christopher
Lee demeanor, Joe Strummer looks, and James Mason-esque gaze, it is
perhaps his haunting and indelible voice that makes his career so
legendarily paved. Born in 1952, John holds a BFA from Boston
University College of Fine Arts. He has appeared in over sixty plays,
films, and television episodes. He has received acting awards from the
Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle, LA Weekly, Drama-Logue and The Boston
Phoenix. On stage, he appeared in the original Broadway cast of "Bent"
and the world premier of Denis Spedaliere's ''Vicious''. His directing
credits include stage and video productions of Hybrid Vigor, Scenes
from an Interracial Marriage, Finnegans Wake-up Call, and Shaving
Orbits, as well as PXL productions of Venus in Flames, and Locals. His
essay "Confessions of a Wakefiend: Bibliomantic Readings in Finnegans
Wake" was originally presented at the 2001 International James Joyce
Conference at the University of California Berkeley.
Harigian as Peter Langly (Mirror image): Mark
Harigian is known for Quantum Leap (1989) and Total Exposure (1991).
You can see the stunt driver near the beginning as Sam backs out of the
shatters completely when Nick shoots it. Windshield glass is sealed
with laminate and would not fall into tiny pieces as depicted.
wears a
calculator type Casio watch, but these weren't invented until about two
Some of
the laundry
bags thrown out seem to return to the truck between shots!
photo of Sam
Beckett in the LoNigro cabin shows no attempt of making Sam look like a
20-year old.
Al walks up a
and doesn’t use the handlink to
reposition himself. You can also see his feet move the dirt as he walks
up the hill near a tree.
don't talk to yourself, you talk to an imaginary playmate!
-- Dana, "Her Charm"
How long have you been there?
Long enough to see your last pass fall short of the goal line.
-- Sam and Al, "Her Charm"
It works! Our string theory, it works! Don't you
me? I'm Sam Bec....
-- Sam to Professor LoNigro, "Her Charm"
You brought me all the way up here to get killed without any lights!?
<click> See. Light- to shoot you by.
-- Dana and Sam, "Her Charm"
(My first impression is- I'm not here for a date.)
Oh no, *not* you!
(Definitely *not* a date.)
-- Sam (to himself) and Dana, "Her Charm"
Oh I get it, you talk to yourself but you won't talk to me!
I really hate that. My ex-husband used to do that...
I'll talk to you.
(I will too.)
-- Dana, Sam, and Al, "Her Charm"
I want to love someone so much that the thought of living without him
would be too much to bear. I want to breathe him. I
the scent of him to make me smile. I want to look into his
and know that I'm alive.
-- Dana, "Her Charm"
You start the fire, I'll go find something to eat... probably have to
kill a bear or something.
With any luck the bear will kill her.
-- Dana and Sam, "Her Charm"
If you're going to sneak up on me, at least have the decency to reflect
in the mirror!
-- Sam, "Her Charm"
Hey, she's beautiful. How come you didn't tell me she was
-- Al, "Her Charm"
Old women get old because they're smart.
-- Nick's Brother, "Her Charm"
If you keep that up, people who don't know you will think you're
-- Dana, "Her Charm"
(Sam and
Dana get to the cabin
and Dana asks Sam when the last time he
was there.) Sam says, "The summer of 1973." Dana
says, "This summer?" Sam says, "What am I sayin’ ‘73!
Oh no … um … ’53 … ha ha … August … ha ha … August of ’53 … that was
nearly 20 years ago. I’d forgotten how beautiful it was."
light to shoot
you by.
-- Sam, "Her Charm"
~Al: I can
honestly say that I have never had a girl try to shoot me for making a
pass. "Her Charm"
Sam and Dana go to move the truck closer to the cabin:
says, "You can’t even start an
says, "YES! YES! I can …"
says, "Oh great, that’s great
you stalled it! … Where you going?"
says, "I’m going out to check
on the engine!"
says, "They probably cut the
wire and as soon as you step out there, they’re going to hit you over
the head!"
says, "If they cut the wire it
wouldn’t have started and if they were out there … never mind!" He
gets out and hands her the gun. "When they hit me on the head
SHOOT ‘EM!" Sam gets out and lifts up the hood and sighs.
looks at the
gauge and turns the key on
and taps the gas gauge window with the butt of the gun and the needle
goes from half to empty. She gets out of the truck and stands there not
saying anything.
startles Sam
and he hits his head on the
lifted hood and says,
"You’re worse than Al!"
says, "We are out of gas!"
says, "We have half a tank!"
says, "We had
a stuck gas gauge!"
says, "Well how was I supposed
to know we had a stuck …" Dana tosses the gun to him and he
fumbles to catch it and falls in the stream.
Dana says, "One step closer and, and I’ll
jump! Ah hell, that’s what you want me to do anyway."
says, "Dana I don’t want you to
says, "Sam! They had to have
heard that scream."
says, "Go back down the trail
and warn me when they’re coming."
says, "How’s yer … how’s your
says, "It’s all right! Just go!"
says, "You don’t talk to
yourself. You talk to an imaginary playmate."
says, "Dana …"
says, "Stay back! Stay back!"
says, "Ok … ok … I’m not going
to shoot you. Pete might … or he might turn you over to Nick. But … I’m
not Pete."
says, "You’re not Pete?
says, "Not really …"
says, "Here they come Sam!"
says, "Look … my friend … the,
the one you can’t see … just told me Nicks coming up the trail. There’s
only one way for you to get out of this thing alive and you gotta
believe me. You gotta trust me … PLEASE. It’s ok … it’s gonna be ok …"
Al says, "She’s over here Sam!" Everybody
is running around looking for each other. Al is following Dana and
finds her sitting by a tree. "Ah … poor kid. Sam! Ah … follow
my voice … the trail leads right up to the ridge. She’s been hit Sam!
Doesn’t look too bad if the bleeding stopped though." Al is
still talking and waving his arms around, holding the hand link.
"Sam … I know you can’t answer me, so I’ll just keep talking ‘till you
find us. OH! … There you are … come on she’s right up here Sam! She’s
just tuckered out I think, she ran out of spunk, can’t blame her." Sam
gets to the tree and she’s not there. She comes around from the other
side with a stick and hits Sam over the head. She keeps running up the
trail and Al continues, "Maybe she didn’t run out of spunk."
gets up and looks around. Al points saying,
"Here … come on."
Al says, "Sam you’re ignoring me! Why are you
ignoring me? Sam! Read my lips … she dies on the way to Baltimore! Ahhh
… HELLO! HELLO! You’re the one who’s suppose to be talking to him self
all the time, not me! Are we maintaining any audio or visual contact?"
(Waving his hands in front of Sam’s face)
says, "Al! I heard every word
you said."
says, "So!"
says, "So … I’m trying to get
some information from him, but this ‘ranting’ person
is breaking my concentration!"
Sam and Dana get to the cabin and Dana asks Sam when the
last time he was there.
says, "The summer of 1973."
says, "This summer?"
says, "What am I sayin’ ‘73!
Oh no … um … ’53 … ha ha … August … ha ha … August of ’53 … that was
nearly 20 years ago. I’d forgotten how beautiful it was."
says, "It is beautiful." They
look at each other and start to kiss. "No … don’t even think
about it. It’s no good for us … don’t even think about it." She goes
inside the cabin, "I can’t find the light! Don’t tell me there’s not
any lights! You brought me up here to a cabin to get murdered with out
goes inside
and turns on a lamp, "See
… light to shoot you by!"
says, "If I don’t freeze to
death first!"
says, "I’ll light a fire."
says, "Or starve!"
says, "Look! You want to eat
or be warm?"
says, "Both! You start the
fire and I’ll go find something to eat … I’ll probably have to go kill
a bear or something …" Walking into the kitchen babbling all
the way.
says under
his breath,
"With any luck the bear
will kill her."
says, "Is there a light
switch in here?"
says, "Next to the door."
says, "Oh … just a wealth of
delicacies … what’s this here … no food here you know! Lots of pots!
Who were the last people to be here anyway … Well what did you think we
were gonna live on up here anyway? I bet you … no take-out comes this
is striking a
match to light the fire and
you hear chimes as Al enters.
says, "Hummm … isn’t this
says, "How long have you been
says, "Ah … long enough to
see your glass pass to fall short of the goal line."
says, "Why haven’t" Shaking
his hand as the match burns his fingers. "Why haven’t I
says, "You haven’t saved her
says, "The deadline passed
hours ago."
says, "New deadline." Punching
the keys on the hand link. "Now she dies at four eighteen in
the morning. On a bridge near here."
says pointing
in the direction of the door
and outside,
"On a bridge near here!
AL! You said she died on the way to Baltimore!"
is standing
behind a room divider watching
and listening to Sam talk to Al.
continues, "That was before you
changed history and brought her here. Now … each time you save Dana,
the time and place of her death changes … and that’s gonna continue to
be that way until either Nick is dead or …"
says, "She is …"
Sam and handing him the tin of
sardines, Dana says,
"You should really try
breaking that habit, otherwise people who don’t know you … will think
you’re loony tunes! Dinner is served. Seems all your professor friend
had in his larder were … little hairy fish."
says, "You know even though
she doesn’t die this morning, doesn’t mean that Nick … didn’t catch up
with her before that." He retreats backwards into the imaging
chamber and closes the door with the hand link.
holding the
tin making a face and Dana says, "You hate my cooking."
Music by: Mike Post
Supervising Producer: Deborah Pratt
Co-producers: Paul Brown, Jeff Gourson, Chris Ruppenthal
Produced by: Harker Wade
Created by: Donald P. Bellisario Teleplay
By: Deborah Pratt
& Donald P Bellisario
By: Paul M Belous, Robert Wolterstroff
By: Deborah Pratt and Donald P. Bellisario
Directed by:Christopher T. Welch
Executive Producer: Donald P. Bellisario
Associate Producers:David Bellisario Director of Photography: Michael
Production Designer: Cameron Birnie Edited by: Alan Shefland
Unit Production Manager: Ron Grow
First Assistant Director: Paul Sirmons
Second Assistant Director: Rob Mendel
Casting by: Ellen Lubin Sanitsky
Set Director: Robert L. Zilliox
Costume Designer: Jean-Pierre Dorleac
Costume Supervisors: David Rawley & Donna Roberts-Orme
Sound Mixer: Mark Hopkins McNabb
Stunt Coordinator: Diamond Farnsworth
Contributing Musical Composers: Velton Ray Bunch and Jerry Grant
Sound Editor: Paul Clay
Music Editor: Tom Gleason
Panaflex ® Camera and Lenses by:
Panavision ®
motion picture is protected under laws of the United States and other
countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may
result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.
characters and events depicted in this photoplay are fictitious. Any
similarity to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Bellisarius Productions and Universal, an MCA Company
the twenty-third installment of The Quantum Leap Podcast, Albie and
Heather discuss Season two, Episode fifteen “Her Charm”. There are
first impressions, an episode recap, thoughts and opinions, listener
feedback, news, and a fun interview with Mj Cogburn, writer of Quantum
Leap the Virtual Seasons, Quantum Retribution and teacher. Also,
an article from Hayden McQueenie, and an extended chit chat segment
about our trip to DragonCon.
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