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5x12 "Liberation" |
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TV Guide Synopsis Place Leap Date Name of the Person Leaped Into Broadcast Date Synopsis & Review Sam Trivia Al Trivia Al's Women Al's Outfits Worn in the Episode Miscellaneous Trivia Bloopers Kiss with History Guest Stars Guest Cast Notes Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes Say What? Quotable Quotes Best Scene Production Credits Podcasts Episode Photos |
Production # 68108 | ||||||||||
Guide Teaser: Sam becomes a homemaker committed to the cause of women's liberation, who must save the life of a women's leader, but might lose a husband in the process. George: Max Gail. Diana St. Cloud: Deborah Van Valkenburgh. Suzanne: Megyn Price. Chief Tipton: Stephen Mills. Al: Dean Stockwell. |
Promo: |
Place: A city in Connecticut near a college. |
Leap Date: October 16, 1968 |
of the Person Leaped Into: |
of Leapee: George (husband) Suzanne/Suzie (daughter) George, Jr. (son) |
Date: January 12, 1993 - Tuesday |
Sam leaps into a nighttime setting outside, surrounded by a crowd of women. A woman named Diana St. Cloud announces to the crowd that they are there tonight, "...not because we want more rights than men have, but because we want the same rights men have!" The crowd cheers. It's dark, and there is a fire burning in the center of the crowd. Sam notices a young woman next to him, perhaps a daughter. Diana coaxes the crowd the burn it. The
young woman, Suzanne, tells Sam to do it. Sam discovers that he is
wearing earrings and womens clothes and is holding a bra in his hand. A
photographer snaps his photo and he immediately tosses the bra away out
of just wanting it out of his hands! It land in the fire with other
women's undergarments. The crowd starts chanting, "Liberation now!
Liberation now!" Sam groans... "Ohhhh boy." The crowd continues chanting as the photographer snaps another photo of Sam and his daughter Suzanne hold up their fist and shout with the others. Although, Sam is doing it half-heartedly as he figures out what he's doing there. Diana continues speaking into the microphone, talking about having the same rights to equality as men. She says she doesn't want a female dominated society and more than she ants a male dominated society. A college-age man in the background shouts, "You can dominate me anytime honey!" Diana continues speaking and the guy keeps heckling. She begins speaking about penis-envy and he becomes defensive and says it's time to take out the trash. Sam thinks it's time to get out of there. Diana shouts, "You have the right and the power to decide" regarding what a woman wants for her life. The heckler shouts that she needs to go back in the kitchen where she belongs. Diana heckles him right back and the crowd cheers. "You're the wimps because you never bothered to develop the muscle that's rotting between your ears." The guys with the heckler begin throwing cans at the crowd and the police show up. They order the crowd to disperse as it is an illegal assembly. Sam and Suzanne are taken in a police car. At the home of Sam's leap-host, Margaret Sanders, the husband George Sanders pulls something out of the over and asks a younger boy, George Sanders, Jr. where his mother is. George, Jr. says he doesn't know. They are having guests over and George is struggling with preparing food without Margaret there. A
couple at the dinner party speaks about how his wife, who is standing
right there, bought a set of encyclopedia and it was missing three
volumes. George enters with cheese puffs and says his wife must have
lost track of time, and rolls his eyes. George offers the puffs to the
couple standing there and the wife wants one, but her husband tells her
no, because she's pregnant. "We don't want to turn into a cheese puff,"
he laughs. The
group begins talking about some new regulations at work and the men
think it should only support traditional families, but another woman
says most of the support comes from individuals. George, Jr. rushes
into the living room and is excited to tell his dad where mom is, after
taking a phone call in the kitchen. At
the police station, Diana speaks to the other women in the jail cell
about her organization. Al enters through the Imaging Chamber door
inside the cell. He walks through all the women with his arms open.
"What a scene! Chicks in cells." Talk about your major fantasy." Sam
frowns. "Thank you for sharing. Now hat the hell am I doing here?" Al
adds, "What could be better? Chicks in chains in cells." Sam
interrupts, "Al. Sam says he already knows he is Margaret Sanders, married, and with two children - Suzanne and George, Jr. As Diana continues to get her crowd motivated in the cell, Al says he doesn't know if women's lib was a help or a hindrance. Sam says he is not remotely curious about his opinion on the subject and just wants to know why he's there. Police chief, Donald Tipton, enters the cell and tells them to calm down. Diana says she has the right to assemble and he knocks her down. Sam intercedes and pushes Tipton away and against the cell bars. All tells him that that there is an 89% chance he's there to help Diana. George Sanders shows up at the cell and asks Tipton to let his wife and daughter out of the cell. George says he just left a dinner party with the son of the captain where they are deciding his future and to do him a favor. "He's got something on him, Sam," says Al. Tipton agrees to release the two women into George's custody and he will make it look like they were never there. "Next time, better keep a tighter rein on the little woman." Sam says, "Little woman?" George promises it won't happen again. Al says he thinks Sam changed history with "that little knight in shining armor there." Sam and Suzanne are released and Al says the rest of the ladies will be bailed out first thing in the morning. Diana is distraught as she watches them leave and the jail cell door shut back. At home, Sam tells George he doesn't see what the problem is. George replies, "You embarrassed me in front of the whole community!" Sam says there was no reason for Chief Tipton to act like that. George argues that Donald Tipton is one of his close personal friends and his son is one of his finest employees. "What on God's green Earth is going on, Margaret?" Sam says Tipton was wrong for knocking down Diana. George says he is going to get a pillow and a blanket and sleep in the den tonight. At this point, Al keys in something on the handlink and we get one of the clearest and close-up looks at the gummy bear handlink that is ever seen in the series. Al says that when Sam interfered in the jail cell, history changed and now "it put a tailspin on George and Margaret's marriage." Sam says that Al told him he was there to help Diana and Al replies that by doing that, he is somehow destroying George and Margaret. "Ziggy says there is a 69.2% chance that George leaves Margaret and her life is ruined." The next morning, Sam greets Suzanne, his daughter and notices she looks like she didn't get much sleep. Suzanne says she didn't. Sam asks her to tell her dad and brother that breakfast is almost ready. Suzanne says she is not speaking to dad. Sam says it's a new day and a new opportunity to change George's attitude. Suzanne wants to know why it's put on the two of them to find a way to do that. Sam answers, "Because we're the ones who want to make a change." Suzanne says she loves her dad and used to be able to tell him anything but now everything is different. Sam offers, "It takes two people to communicate." He says maybe she's approaching him in a different way now. Suzanne says women are going to have to go toe to toe with men to make them listen and that Sam ouching Tipton last night made him listen. Sam says he should not have done that. "He was wrong, but I was wrong to shove him." Suzanne says that Diana says that's the only way to really make men listen. Sam says that isn't true and that Diana should not advocate violence. Suzanne asks Sam if he is sad about burning the bra. Sam says, "The last thing I ever want to wear is another bra." George
enters the kitchen. As Sam makes griddle cakes, George comments that
they usually have omelets on Friday. Sam asks if he would like one but
George says this is fine. George says, "Let's just forget about last
night and get the family back to normal." Suzanne rolls her eyes. "I
just want my little Margaret back," he says as he gently puts his hand
on Sam's shoulder and gets right up in his face. As he goes to Suzanne,
he pats Sam's behind. George
approaches Suzanne and tries to make light. Sam hands him a cup of
coffee. George smiles, saying, "No one makes a cup of coffee like my
little sweetie pie." Suzanne snaps, "Now there's an achievement."
George looks confused. He begins talking about who to give a promotion
to at work. It's between Evy
Brownfield and Peter
Tipton. George says Evy has a year of seniority but Peter has a family
to support. Sam notes that Evy has a family too, but George says she
has a husband that can support them. George then thinks, "If I gave Evy
the promotion, I could save a lot of money on salary." Suzanne can't
believe he would say that and pay her less just because she's a woman. Sam and Suzanne both agree it's not fair to pay a woman less to do the same job. George replies, confused, "But that's policy. What am I supposed to do about that?" Sam simply says, "Change it." George can't understand why. Suzanne says she is going to leave for school, "...where people still bother to think." George Jr. enters with a newspaper and shows that Margaret/Sam and Suzanne have made the front page. George says this is the last time she makes a laughing stock out of him. Al enters, and warns Sam not to start an argument. Sam does anyway and George just can't understand why his whole world is changing all of the sudden. George Jr. watches all this happen as his parents argue. George gives Sam direction to be at the dinner tonight and to pick up his suit at the cleaners. The son walks up and Sam tells him to not even start, eat breakfast and get to school. Sam is very upset. Al
relocates to the living room to speak with Sam. "I hate the way he
orders me around like that." Al says George is from a generation that
was taught that women and men have a place, and he doesn't know how to
handle the changing world. He says men in the time period have no idea
that they are putting women down, they just were never taught another
way. Sam says his dad never treated his mother that way. "Why are you
defending him?", Sam asks. Al deflects and says that Sam is there to
help Diana, but if in the meantime he can open George's eyes, then that
would be fine. Al
advises that, "Diana St. Cloud is planning a protest march tonight. But
because of your heroic gesture, the police chief, Tipton (your friend),
he gets a little more aggressive than he normally would. He pulls out
his gun." Sam asks if Tipton shoot Diana. Al says that during the
march, Diana gets the gun away from Tipton but when he gets it back,
the gun goes off, killing Diana. "Ziggy says there's an 86% chance (if
he prevents Diana from going to the march) that you'll leap,
everything's fine, and you don't have to cook dinner." As Sam drives through town to find Diana at the women's collective, he narrates his thoughts. "When it came to women's lib, my mother always said that it was probably a good thing...for other women. But I had an understanding that no other man on the face of the Earth could have. I was a woman. Had been a woman on a number of leaps, and it was an eye-opening experience. Still, with all of the right I knew they had on their side, I couldn't condone Diana's promotion of violence." He must change her thinking. Outside
the Connecticut Women's Collective building, Police Chief Tipton
watches the door with binoculars. Inside, Diana is telling Suzanne that
women only make up a tiny percentage of doctors, lawyers and engineers.
She says that women don't have power. Husbands and wives are one, but
that one is really just the husband. Suzanne says she doesn't
understand how they let it get that way. Diana answers, "Fear." Al
enters, and hears Diana talk about her own father, who used to beat her
and berate her. Diana's mother just let him do it. Suzanne takes all
this in. Diana adds, "Suzanne, men have been oppressing women for
thousands of years, and we've allowed it." Suzanne says she isn't going
to. Sam enters and hears Diana tell Suzanne that if men "want to push
as around, we'll push back" and "if they want a fight, we'll give them
a fight." Sam
asks Diana if she really believes she can win a physical fight. Sam
says they should fight in board rooms, not a street brawl. "Stage
sit-ins or boycott.s It's better press." Diana likes the idea and Al
says now Diana doesn't get shot. At work, a coworker asks George about Margaret's picture in the paper. He replies, "Women." Peter Tipton makes a sexist joke. George asks if Peter is ready for the meeting. The police chief Donald Tipton enters and tells George that he has been asked to watch Diana's group by the FBI. George says Margaret and Suzanne aren't involved in anything subversive. Tipton informs him that he say the two women leaving the Women's Collective. "I don't think you have any control over her, George. I'm supposed to turn over every name to the FBI. I just thought you'd like to know." Then Tipton says that he is counting on the promotion for Peter, insinuating that he won't turn over the names to the FBI if he gets it. At home, Sam is making dinner. Al enters and says he's having troubles with Tina, because when he told her about the leap situation, she said Al sounds like George! "She called me a chauvinist." Sam grins. "Really, you're surprised?" Al thinks he has always been a sensitive and giving person. The handlink makes a series of tone and Sam knows it's not good news. Al reports, "Bad news Sam, Suzanne gets shot tonight at her father's club." Suzanne
enters and catches her mom talking to thin air. She interrupts and says
Diana has decided to stage a sit-in tonight at her dad's club. Sam
doesn't think it's a good idea and tells Diana to stay home this time.
Suzanne agrees as George enters the kitchen. "Busy afternoon,
Margaret?" He is visibly upset. George probes Sam for info on where
they were and asks if Sam picked up his suit. Sam stumbles and makes up
a story that the dry cleaners were closed. "Closed long enough for you
and Suzanne to disobey me." Suzanne is offended. George tells Sam that
if he finds out that they have been around Diana again, he's out of the
house. Sam says, "You don't seem to understand what's happening,
George. He replies, "What's happening is you're ruining our marriage!"
He tells Sam that it stops now or Margaret can ask their new women's
lib friends to support her and the kids. Suzanne says to her father, "Maybe you can threaten Mom, but you don't own me." She tells him she is going to the sit in, and he snaps back and tells her to go to her room. She replies that she is not a kid anymore and is not listening. Al looks on. "Hell of a job raising our daughter, Margaret." Sam snaps back and says he didn't realize he was raising her alone. Sam agrees that Suzanne should not go to the sit in and George says he will lock her in her room. "Why don't you try talking to her instead of bullying her!", says Sam. George says for Margaret to do it her way and he will do it his way. George leaves and Sam and Al discuss what's next. "Ziggy says you still have to be at that sit-in at 9:00." Al looks at the handlink. "Damn it. 85% George moves out after tonight." Evy, the woman who is up for the same promotion as Peter Tipton, asks Sam if he needs any help with dinner. The men at the table clearly have some bad ideas about their health care program. Sam says she should go out there and tell George some of her ideas. She says she couldn't do that at a party. Sam responds, "Well Peter sure does, or haven't you noticed." Sam asks if she wants the promotion and she says yes. Sam says it's up to Evy to take charge, but she says, "I'm not one of those pushy, bossy women." Sam says, "When a man is pushy and bossy, it's called aggressive and it's admired. Why can't a woman be the same?" Evy
goes into the dining room as Peter is telling the same sexist joke he
told earlier. Evy starts, "Peter, you were taking about the future of
insurance companies... but you neglected to mention a huge statistic."
Peter smiles and says he doesn't think so. Evy asks, "Did you
ever consider the number of women entering the workforce? " He gives
her a look as if she doesn't matter and asks his wife if she needs any
tea or anything, to which his wife says she is fine. Evy asks if he
thought of what the women would need. He says he dealt with that with
the "traditional family." She looks him in the eyes and responds, The
traditional family of what decade? Instead of trying to go back to the
50's, I think we should figure out how to move into the 70's!" She
smiles and George doesn't know what is happening. She goes on to
explain that a lot of women don't wan to leave their children at home
to go to work, but many have to now, and how do they assure those women
that their children will be taken care of if they become disabled. Peter
laughs and says, "No more to drink for you!", as he tries to blow her
off. "Those are the challenges we are facing, Peter." George
asks, "Evy, why didn't you bring up these questions at the meeting this
afternoon?" Evy
replies, "I didn't think anyone would listen." On the way to George's mens club, Suzanne and Diana, along with a few other women, prepare for their sit-in. Suzanne says that her father sent her to her room and forbade her to go. Diana says that she sounds like her own father, "Whack! Go to your room." Suzanne looks concerned and replies, "My father would never hurt me." Diana says she got the best of a bad bunch. They continue to speak in the van and Diana makes it clear her father was a bad man and that she came close to killing him. Suzanne seems conflicted about some of Diana's ideas, which condone the use of violence against men. At home, Sam is in the kitchen as Al pops in. Al says they have big trouble because Suzanne has escaped from her locked room and Diana plans on making a statement. Now Suzanne and Tipton both get shot. Al directs him to go! Sam runs out. In
front of the club, women hold up signs and chant, "Liberation now!"
Chief Tipton arrives and one of the club members tells him that they
just gave in and sat down in the dining room. Inside the club, Diana
starts to work up some of the ladies. Sam drives as fast as he can with Al along for the ride. Sam thinks Diana won't listen to him. Al says he overheard Diana talking to Suzanne and that she has an abusive father. Al guesses that she brings her own gun as a backup, and that's how both Suzanne and Tipton get shot. Sam tells Al to go on ahead so that he can observe what's happening at the club. Chief
Tipton goes into the men's club dining room and tells everyone that
they are trespassing and they are all under arrest. Sam arrives outside
and quickly makes his way inside. Tipton tries to pull Diana up off the
floor where all the ladies are sitting. Diana shakes him loose and
shouts, "Let go of me! You're not my father!" Diana punches him in the
face. She looks a bit shocked that she hit him. Al
exclaims, "Move it, Sam!" Tipton
and Diana struggle and she's pushed to the floor. Tipton
says, "I've had enough of you." As
Tipton is speaking, Suzanne takes Tipton's gun from its holster and
points it at him. Al
shouts, "Sam! You better get in here and do something!" Diana
scrambles to her feet and takes the gun from her, still pointing it at
Tipton. Everyone freezes, watching Diana facing off Tipton. Sam rushes
in then stops short when he sees Diana with the gun. Sam
says, "Diana, this is not the way to change things." Diana
replies, "We're not the ones who need to change. They are." Tipton
demands, "Put that gun down." Sam
asks, "Have you told them what your demands are?" Diana
seems confused. Sam
offers, "Well, unless you tell them what you want, they can't change
anything." Al
says, "Sam, keep her talking. Keep her talking." Sam
continues, "Tell them what this is for. Tell them what you want." Diana
says, "We want equal rights." Al
is busy with the handlink. "It's
segregation, Sam, but it's not against the Constitution in a private
club." Sam
directs, "Then you have to amend the by-laws. You have to amend the
Constitution of the United States." Diana says that'll take forever as
long as men control it. Sam tells her if she wants
to beat the system, she's got to confront it with it's own rules. Diana
asks "So you're telling us to go home file an application?" Sam
responds, "I'm asking you to use the law. Now come on. Put the gun down
and let's do this right." Diana is not convinced. "You're asking us to quit. Just like you quit. I won't be like you! Just take a good look at yourself. You're just like my mother. You're turning into the dutiful house frau. A messenger for the oppressor." Sam says, "Housewives and mothers are not your enemy. They're your ally. Now don't segregate us!" For a split second Diana considers what Sam has said...then cocks the gun. Suzanne intercedes, "Diana...no." Diana says, "Women like you are the reason we'll never get equal rights. You're so conditioned, you believe that as long as men say so, they system is right." Sam
comes back with, "What is pointing a gun at the chief of police going
to accomplish, Diana?" Al
checks the handlink and tells Sam he is running out of time. Sam
says, "There's so much work to be done. We need you here, not in a
prison." Diana
replies, "They'll never let me play fair. We need to take a stand." Her
voices rises. "Are you with me or this housewife?" Suzanne
responds, "You said this was about choice. There's nothing wrong with
being a housewife. Mom's right. We'll never get anywhere if we keep
blaming each other and fighting among ourselves." Diana
refuses to listen to Suzanne. Diana
says no. Suzanne
tries again, "Come on, Diana. Please." Suzanne
reaches toward Diana's arm to push the gun aside, but Diana resists.
Suzanne pushes harder, diverting the gun. Sam lunges forward to shove
Chief Tipton out of the line of fire just as the gun goes off! Diana is carried off by officers. Tipton gives them all one minute to leave the club. Tipton tells Suzanne that because she grabbed his gun, which is a felony, he's going to have to arrest her. Sam intercedes, saying that Suzanne saved his life. Tipton backs off and says they will talk about it later. He remarks, "I'm not sure I agree with everything you said, Margaret. But I have to admit, some of it made sense." Suzanne
thinks she was lied to after seeing what Diana did. Sam assures you
that what Diana said and believed in as right, but violence isn't the
answer. He tells her not to confuse people and ideas. Al gives the new
history report. "Diana spends five years in jail, and when she gets
out, she becomes one of the leading activists for changing the
constitution. Sam sees George enter the club. Al says he has one more
thing to straighten out. George asks Suzanne to go wait in the car while he speaks to her mother. Al says, "This is it, Sam. Ziggy says George is gonna move out." George asks, "What do want me to do, Margaret? You left me no choice. I'm moving out tonight." Al says, "You see? See? You gotta fix it." Sam replies, "If that's what you have to do." Al does double take. "What? What are you saying?" George,
turns and
starts to walk away from Sam, pauses then turns back
when Sam begins to speak to him. Sam says, "Let me ask you one
question. Do you think you've had a good
marriage all these years?" George says she knows the answer to that.
Sam says, "No, I don't." George continues, "I think we've had a great
marriage. That's why I don't
understand why you're throwing it all away like this." Sam replies,
"Well it seems to me like you're the one who's throwing it all
away." George searches for the right answer. "I don't know what to do.
All of a sudden you're not my
Margaret anymore. Who am I supposed to be if you're not you?" Sam says, "Maybe you could stop trying to make me into *your* Margaret, and try finding out who I really am. And you could start that by respecting me for my thoughts and my ideas, even if they're different from yours." George says he's too old to change who he is. Sam thinks that's only if he thinks he is. "And only if you don't love your wife and children enough to try." George thinks and replies, "I do love you very much, Margaret." Sam directs, "Then try. That's all anybody can ask."George agrees. Al smiles and checks the handlink. "That's great, Sam. Ziggy says everything works out just fine here." Al watches as George takes Sam's hand and kisses it. George smiles at Sam. Al continues, "Suzie and Margaret stay very active in the movement. In fact, they're key in the push for an equal rights amendment." George takes Sam's face in his hands and Al speaks a bit more nervously, yet amused. Sam looks afraid as he hopes to leap any second. "And George gives Evy Brownfield the promotion, and full pay." Sam braces himself for a kiss from George, but finally... he leaps! Synopsis by Brian Greene
Review by Eleiece <aka> Sherdran: I can't say that "Liberation" is one of my top ten favorite QL episodes. But that doesn't take away from the fact that, in my opinion, it's one of the best dramatic episodes, and I still enjoy it every time I watch it. This episode is on a short list of episodes, such as: "Running For Honor", "The Color of Truth", "Raped", and "Black and White On Fire," that dealt with other controversial subjects. I'm glad that Donald Bellisario, along with Scott, Dean and the rest of the cast and crew had the courage to tackle this subject with honesty. |
Trivia: Remembers that his father never treated his mother in a demeaning manner like George treats Margaret. |
Sam's Outfits Worn in the Episode: |
Trivia: |
Al's Women: Al is having issues with Tina during this episode due to the subject matter of Sam's Leap. |
Outfits Worn in the Episode: Red suit, dark patterned shirt, dark tie with a round tie clip/pin at the throat. Dark leather jacket with dark-goldenrod-yellow sleeves; red trousers with a black belt; shirt was a gray/slate-blue patterned shirt with a bit of very light purple; a narrow, silver tie. |
"The Flying Nun"
premiered on September 7, 1967 and ran for three
seasons. The
books on the coffee table were:
from the film Field of
Dreams was used for some of the street scenes. (Episode
screenshot on left, Field
of Dreams footage on right.) |
Kiss with History:
Cast: Scott Bakula as Sam Beckett Dean Stockwell as Al Calavicci |
Stars: Max Gail as George Sanders Deborah Van Valkenburgh as Diana St. Cloud Stephen Mills as Donald Tipton Bill Calvert as Peter Tipton Megyn Price as Suzanne Sanders Bill Cort as Flanners Mary Elizabeth Murphy as Dora Tipton Jordan Baker as Evy Brownfield Eric Bruskotter as Red Elan Rothschild as George Sanders, Jr. Matt Kirkwood as Photographer Bob Harks as Club Member |
Notes: Bob
Harks as Club
Harks came in at the tail end of the television western era, it was
only natural for him to find work on the unpaved streets of several
television westerns like Bonanza and Gunsmoke. With the downturn of
popularity in westerns, Harks made the transition from a cowboy to a
detective. Over the next 15 years, he would frequently be seen on shows
like Kojak where he'd appear around the squad room and also on shows
like Lou Grant where he'd make crosses. In the early 1970s, Harks
gained work as a utility stand-in on the Bill Bixby show The Magician
and it would be his big break. Both he and fellow Magician stand-in
Edna Ryan would later find themselves working on another show Bixby
starred in called "The Incredible Hulk." Bixby was very fond of Bob and
would frequently have him appear in roles that require Hark to be
upgraded to a pay rate than you usual extra role. Harks would usually
drive the car that would either pick up Bixby at the end of the episode
or he would use his car to pass Bixby's character up as he was
hitchhiking to his next destination. |
who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes: Bob Harks also appeared as Townsman in
"The Leap Back" and
Violin Player in "Memphis
Melody." |
A book in the living room, The Female Eunuch written by Germaine Greer, was written in the early 1970's, but "Liberation" is set in 1968, two years before the book was written. Only the other two books, "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg, published in 1956, and "Black Power" by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton published in 1967, were historically correct for this episode. In an extremely clear closeup shot of the Handlink, we can see a regular alkaline battery inserted into the advanced device.
are all over the place in this episode. The newspaper reads that it's
November, but it's October. (It also has repeated text throughout as a
prop newspaper.) A poster in Diana's office says the protest march is
on October 16th (the date of Sam's leap-in), but the march didn't take
place until a day later in the episode. Footage from the movie, "Field of Dreams" was used for some scenes which is problematic for the time period since there are several 70's and 80's cars in the shots. Al arrives in one scene via the relocation sound instead of the Imaging Chamber door. Was he lurking around before coming to see Sam? |
Quotes: Sam to Suzanne: "I'm not defending him anymore than I'm attacking her. You're going to meet people all through your life that have their own hopes and aspirations and fears. And those feelings influence the way you think. The hard part is to find a way to filter the good from the bad, no matter who's talking to you, a man or a woman." Sam (voice over, while driving): "When it came to women's lib, my mother always said that it was probably a good thing...for other women. But I had an understanding that no other man on the face of the Earth could have. I was a woman. Had been a woman on a number of leaps, and it was an eye-opening experience. Still, with all of the right I knew they had on their side, I couldn't condone Diana's promotion of violence." |
Lines: Diana St. Cloud: "You're the wimps because you never bothered to develop the muscle that's rotting between your ears." Al: "What a scene...chicks in cells! Talk about your major fantasy! What could be better? Ah...chicks *in chains* in cells." Suzanne and Sam: Suzanne: "Are you sorry you burned your bra last night?" Sam: "No! The last thing I ever want to wear is another bra." George: "Evy, why didn't you bring up these questions at the meeting this afternoon?" Evy: "I didn't think anyone would listen." |
Scenes: There
are three
'Best" scenes in this
episode. |
Theme by: Mike Post Executive Producer: Donald P.
Bellisario Panaflex ® Camera and Lenses by:
Panavision ® |
in your thoughts, theories and feedback, Send MP3s & Email to
quantumleappodcast@gmail.com. |