Forum list

Posting Guidelines and Rules

Please read these guidelines before posting for the first time.

Al's Place Bar - Help, Advice, and Psychiatry New

Need help? Have a question for the bartender or moderators? Come in and get the answer to your question... it won't even cost you a nickel! So... will that be regular?... or schooner?

Quantum Leap on DVD, Streaming, and Blu-ray

Post and read news about the official Quantum Leap Blu-ray and DVD releases, as well as watching on streaming services.

Character Discussions

Discuss all the characters of Quantum Leap from Al to Ziggy!

Fanfilms & Other Time Travels

Discuss other Time-Travel series and check out info on Fan-Films such as the first one professionally made titled "A Leap to Di For" from RACSO Films.

SCIFI.COM | Quantum Leap Message Board Archives

The QL messageboard has been closed. Here are archives from the many important discussions held on that board.

Quantum Leap Revival DVD, Blu-ray, & Streaming

Post and read news about the official Quantum Leap (2022-2024) Blu-ray and DVD releases, as well as watching on streaming services.

Quantum Leap (2022-2024) Artwork

Post your Quantum Leap Revival drawings, paintings, and computer creations for others to enjoy!

Podcasts New

There are a wealth of Quantum Leap podcasts including:
The Quantum Leap Podcast and Fate's Wide Wheel, PLUS:
Fandom Entanglement: QL, Starbright Project, PQL Podcast, The Leap Home, Oh Boy, and more! Please choose a prefix when posting about a specific one!

Original Fan Fiction By Our Members New

Publish your Quantum Leap stories here!

The Quantum Leap Radio Files

Discuss & visit the Quantum Leap Radio Files website!


Post your Quantum Leap drawings, paintings, and computer creations for others to enjoy!

Music Videos & Themes New

Share links to Quantum Leap music videos and other related video clips! Also post your favorite character theme songs.

New Member Introductions New

Are you a "newbie" to the forum? Introduce yourself with a first post here so we can give you a proper leap-in!

Off-Topic Forum New

If you want to chat about subjects unrelated to Quantum Leap, this is the place!

Leapers Online

No leapers online now.

Latest profile posts

i saw the video about our forum! very exciting! i have to dig up my folder of profile pics!
Trapped in the past...
I'm new to the forum, but I've been a Quantum Leap fan for a while now.
Stacie from Korman Productions here, decided to log in with my X & Insta username to streamline. Happy Leaping!!
HELLO! I am Al's Baby Girl.

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