Likes and dislikes


Registered User
Jul 15, 2006
New York
Now that we're getting closer to putting together an actual program for the weekend, you guys can help us out by letting us know about your experiences and preferences!

If you've been to a con before - and it doesn't need to have been a fan con, it could be job-related, or any kind of gathering of a large group of people - think about this...

What did you particularly like about that event?
What did you particularly dislike?

No need to name names, or even specify what kind of event it was. Something general like "I had to wait in line for an hour, and I HATED that" is helpful.

Go put your thinking caps on! And spread the word to other Leapers who might not be posting here yet. We really do want (and we listen to) your input!
What I like about (some) conventions:

Communication during the Event:
A couple of cons I've been to have had flip charts in the lobby for attendees to write messages about room parties, items for sale, etc, and it always seems to work really nicely.

Autograph Lines:
A lot of cons are now moving towards Autographs by ticket number, generally called in batches of 100, which works for me. No standing around (at least, not for too long), and you know (roughly) when you should be called.

Both of these issues have been discussed amongst the committee members, and I'm pretty sure that they will be used at the con.

What I hate about (some) conventions:

Lack of Communication from the Committee:
This really is one of my pet hates. I'm going to a con soon, and the main organiser rarely replies to e-mails or direct questions on the forum. It's really frustrating and just makes me SO cross!
This is something that I know myself and the rest of the committee are determined to avoid with this convention, and we aim to reply to any queries as soon as is humanly possible!
I think all the conventions I've been to have been really helpful to people who are disabled, like me. I was given a chair to sit on while I was waiting in the photo Q, which really helped. Just the little things :)

I think my main hate is while you're waiting for you batch, you're bored silly. I was at con a couple of months ago and I was waiting for two hours for my number batch...I finished the book while I was waiting. I kept falling asleep.

But if I think of anything else I will mention it. :)

Janine /Janna Galaxy
I have only ever been to Fanime with my friends for the past few years. It takes place in May, so its this weekend. I am not the hugest fan of anime but its always fun to be there with my friends and watch some new anime, I have actually gotten into some but I dont know how to find them outside the con but yeah...

I would have to say my fav thing though is looking around in the merchandise area. They have some pretty cool stuff like one of the coolest t-shirt stands I forget the company name though. I am a huge T-shirt fan so I look forward that every year and looking at some of the other stuff they have. I just love buying stuff there. Plus as I said before they have showings of different anime in these small rooms. basically we usually do that stuff most of the time and sometimes (or last year anyway) there was an auction of different items. none of us parctipated but we watched.

So those are some things that I like, and its all I know. I have never been to a con for one particular show before.