Callback to Al ( Dean) and tribute


Project QL Assistant
Nov 16, 2021
I've watched the pilot at least 5 times now mainly to rewatch and hear every callback to the original QL project they mention in the pilot but I have to say what a poor and throwaway scene that was. The comment he simply died last year and also no sorrowful music at the display of his pic on the tablet when passed over to Magic by Jenn.

Again, it worries me the show didn't express any emotion or heart to the original show, it felt rushed as the whole episode did but this was the legend that is Al Calavicci who I think deserved much more, barring the tribute note at the end of the episode.

It seems to be ironic that the same speedy and abrupt way the original show ended they have seemed to replicate with this pilot episode. Wow :wacko
I've watched the pilot at least 5 times now mainly to rewatch and hear every callback to the original QL project they mention in the pilot but I have to say what a poor and throwaway scene that was. The comment he simply died last year and also no sorrowful music at the display of his pic on the tablet when passed over to Magic by Jenn.

Again, it worries me the show didn't express any emotion or heart to the original show, it felt rushed as the whole episode did but this was the legend that is Al Calavicci who I think deserved much more, barring the tribute note at the end of the episode.

It seems to be ironic that the same speedy and abrupt way the original show ended they have seemed to replicate with this pilot episode. Wow :wacko

The next episode will definitely have a solid connection to Al. There are spoilers out there.
The next episode will definitely have a solid connection to Al. There are spoilers out there.

They'll connect it to Al no doubt with his daughter Janis but that throwaway line " He died last year" was poorly thought out :disbelief
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I've watched the pilot at least 5 times now mainly to rewatch and hear every callback to the original QL project they mention in the pilot but I have to say what a poor and throwaway scene that was. The comment he simply died last year and also no sorrowful music at the display of his pic on the tablet when passed over to Magic by Jenn.

Again, it worries me the show didn't express any emotion or heart to the original show, it felt rushed as the whole episode did but this was the legend that is Al Calavicci who I think deserved much more, barring the tribute note at the end of the episode.

It seems to be ironic that the same speedy and abrupt way the original show ended they have seemed to replicate with this pilot episode. Wow :wacko

I agree it was rather cold and abrupt. It was like they just wanted to mention Al real quick and get it out of the way, (and Sam too) just to show a connection with the original series.
I have only watched the pilot once but the photo they briefly panned on of Al Calavicci showed him as a Captain. Clearly he was a Rear Admiral in the original series. Otherwise, I will watch more episodes but I doubt this series will get anywhere near five seasons like the original. We'll see...
It’s a picture of Dean from the movie Mchale’s Navy. Probably because there are no good photos of him full uniform from Quantum Leap. They would if needed to take a screenshot that would look blurry.

It’s so small you can just imagine a photo of Al when he was younger and before he was promoted.
I personally liked the tip of the hat without it going overboard into being sentimental. A big music flourish would have seem "too much", but everyone will have their own feelings on it.
I personally liked the tip of the hat without it going overboard into being sentimental. A big music flourish would have seem "too much", but everyone will have their own feelings on it.

It felt more like a throwaway comment about "lesser characters" gooshie or Dr Beeks not the legend that was Al Calavicci, it certainly deserved more of a tribute but again it was only the pilot episode so more can be done throughout the season.
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It felt like a throwaway comment about gooshie or Dr Beeks not the legend that was Al Calavicci, it certainly deserved more of a tribute but again it was only the pilot episode so more can be done throughout the season.

I've now seen that "Magic" knew Al (I'd forgotten that bit) so it was a little strange, though maybe he's keeping it quiet for a reason?

But I do quite like the fact that it doesn't break the fourth wall, in that they might be famous to US, but to the characters, it's some guy who worked on the project 30 years ago.
but to the characters, it's some guy who worked on the project 30 years ago.

It is that point exactly which didn't sit right with me, the comment made and said by Jenn like not knowing the importance of Al to the whole project back in the day.....sigh.
It is that point exactly which didn't sit right with me, the comment made and said by Jenn like not knowing the importance of Al to the whole project back in the day.....sigh.

I kind of know what you mean, and I felt bad about it in the same way, but equally I enjoyed the sobering effect of it.

After all, in our daily jobs, do we really think about whoever first worked on them 30 years ago?

It was harsh, but a kind of unexpected harshness. I would have thought they'd have gone overboard, had soppy music and slo-mo, etc. The fact that they went the other way was jolting.
Yeah. I thought it was a good scene. It served its purpose. Did you want the characters to hum the sad QL music?
As is the theme in the reboot show everything is being rushed through from scenes explanations and even poignant tributes to legends lost.
I personally liked the tip of the hat without it going overboard into being sentimental. A big music flourish would have seem "too much", but everyone will have their own feelings on it.

I think this is how I look at it. The show wants to try and create its own legacy, while being respectful and acknowledging the original show.

In this pilot alone, we also got a clear image of Sam onscreen, complete with infodump from Addison. Some could argue that having the reference to Al at the end at all is already leaning on the original show too much, too soon. Heavy continuity references so early on can be off-putting to those who are not already avid fans of the show, and remember us fans are only a minority when it comes to the overall viewership. The showrunners need as many people watching as possible to ensure the show is a success.

As it is, I thought it was handled just right. A photo, a quick mention, a bittersweet parallel to Dean Stockwell's actual passing, with the dedication to his memory at the end. Classy and touching. Those 'in the know', hardcore fans, will understand the significance. Seems bizarre that some think these characters should be kneeling in reverence in this moment, where he's briefly mentioned as part of the ongoing mystery about Ben.

He's obviously going to be referenced further, especially considering the characters that appear in the second episode (at time of writing, all we've seen so far). Overwrought music and dialogue would no doubt have elicited criticisms about the show being too reliant on referencing the past, and afraid to stand on its own two feet.

I guess at the end of the day, reboots are often divisive for this reason. One of the reasons the original show was a success was the fact it was innovative, trying truly original things. Some people are therefore happy to see the new show continue trying to evolve in a world and TV environment that's very different 30 years on (still with plenty of nods to the original), but there will always be those who want it to simply reheat and rehash the elements they loved about the good old days with Sam & Al.
[FONT=&quot]Some could argue that having the reference to Al at the end at all is already leaning on the original show too much, too soon. Heavy continuity references so early on can be off-putting to those who are not already avid fans of the show,
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[FONT=&quot]I don’t know if i would say off-putting , from the off the show was conceived as a continuation of the original series so it is only right they “catch-up” the new audience and hook in original fans like us, after all it was one of the most original legendary sci-fi shows ever.
He's obviously going to be referenced further, especially considering the characters that appear in the second episode (at time of writing, all we've seen so far). Overwrought music and dialogue would no doubt have elicited criticisms about the show being too reliant on referencing the past, and afraid to stand on its own two feet.
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[FONT=&quot]That he is and ongoing through his daughter Janis and a great callback to an appearance by Beth, however for that 5 sec throwaway comment it felt cold and not very heartfelt but the caveat is its only been 2 episodes and as OG fans of the show it allows us to judge it from a very subjective standpoint . If the show wants to stand on its own two feet then it should have been called something different like “ Time Jump” or similar and have no reference to jumping into lives of others.[/FONT]
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I guess at the end of the day, reboots are often divisive for this reason. One of the reasons the original show was a success was the fact it was innovative, trying truly original things. Some people are therefore happy to see the new show continue trying to evolve in a world and TV environment that's very different 30 years on (still with plenty of nods to the original), but there will always be those who want it to simply reheat and rehash the elements they loved about the good old days with Sam & Al.
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[FONT=&quot]This is why other recently done sequels have faired so badly i.e Magnum P.I, Beverly Hills Cop, Knight Rider and even ST: Picard. If you look at how successful Cobra Kai has been with its original Miyagi-verse and emotional callbacks to legacy characters its something Quantum Leap should learn from, take Star Trek Picard as an example, it has had its critics and been poorly received in its 2 seasons but when legacy characters were announced to be returning for season 3 the internet blew up![/FONT]
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