Scott in "No Strings"

You're welcome. Here's another photo from "No Strings".

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Yeah, he looks great!

He does look great.

Having both Shenandoah and No Strings to compare...I found that while No Strings is totally and completely enjoyable, I found a lot more "importance" in Shenandoah.

From the first time I watched Shenandoah to the end, I found myself having viseral reactions to what what happening in the play. I was mesmerized. Part of it had to do with the situation that our country is in currently but I don't think that is it entirely. The whole concept of trying to stay out of things and the fact that the world pulls you in regardless of how much you wish to control the situation and protect those around you is timeless.

No Strings, is fun and quite a treat as well. However, I don't find the storyline mesmerizing. That's actually a good thing because the main issue in No Strings is the romantic relationship that the two leads have (she black, he white) that is fully acceptable in Europe but wouldn't be if he takes her back to Maine. And the problem is, he can't stay in Europe because the lifestyle is destructive to him. While this was a serious problem back in the 1960's when the show came out, I don't think that the relationship would be quite as problematic today although there are still pockets of prejudice that would mean it would be a problem under certain circumstances. In some ways the ending reminded me of the leaving of Dianne Chambers on Cheers when Sam tells her to have a good life and she says she will be back. In that case, she never really did. It's left up in the air in No Strings.

Scott's singing/acting and the entire cast in both have been wonderful in No Strings (just like in Shenandoah.) There has been chemistry in both productions. The production operations themselves in both have been interesting to watch. Both have utilized setting techniques that are more modern, allowing the story to flow without the need to stop action to set the scene. Innovative is what I would call it.

All in all, I'm sure glad I came out to LA to see this. One thing about Scott and always get his best.
asearcher said:
He does look great.

Having both Shenandoah and No Strings to compare...I found that while No Strings is totally and completely enjoyable, I found a lot more "importance" in Shenandoah.

All in all, I'm sure glad I came out to LA to see this. One thing about Scott and always get his best.

You get no argument here about the relative weight and gravitas of Shenandoah. I'm familiar with the show, although I didn't see it with Scott at Ford's, darn the luck.

I am envious of you for having seen Scott live.