401 The Leap Back

The Leap Back

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Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
The Leap Back
June 15, 1945

Crown Point, Indiana & Stallion's Gate, New Mexico

After a lightning strike, Sam and Al have switched places, with Al stuck in the year 1945 as an ex-POW returning from WWII and Sam confined to the Imaging Chamber which has been locked by mistake. Al must find a way to keep his host's old girlfriend from marrying someone else and Sam must get the Imaging Chamber door open so that he can save Al...and return to his lost love.

Written by: Donald P. Bellisario
Directed by: Michael Zinberg

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"You have a FILTHY Mind!!!" Sam said to Al, quite SHOCKED!!

I STILL crack up to this day watching this episode.

"Revenge is mine, sayeth the Hologram! Wuahh, Wuahhh, Wuahhh!!!"
:D I really crack up every time when I see this one to.I like how Al and Sam's mind.

What about what Al says when that women walks by."A Women with a Body like that and Your Thinking Pure Thoughts"

I did see 1 mistake in that episode near the end when Sam tryed the handlink,he used Al's voice the first time but the rest
were Sam's
This is one of the best episodes in the series. It's the perfect way to open the fourth season. Sam finally gets to go home and Al gets to do the leaping. Sam unfortunately doesn't get to stay, because he has to save Al's life, but at least it's not the end of the series.
This is my Fave episode.
especially when sam shocks Al by apearing through the door and says 'Revenge is mine, thus sayeth the hologram'. :roflmao:
But i cry at the end when Donna (i think thats her name) tells Al not to tell sam about her again. :cry
I like how this episode mirrors Al's own past and he feels that he is there to correct the mistake that happened in his past.

It was also good to see more detail for Project Quantum Leap for the first time.

I remember when The Leap Back first aired on the BBC. It was painful waiting for the outcome for months. :)
Disregarding the situation that Donna was in at the time, did anyone get kind of - irked - when she replied, "I don't care." after Ziggy mentioned Al saved Sam's life 23 times?
Her attitude still ticks me off every time I see that episode, because of her selfishness. But she does change eventually, and just in time.
LunarCrystal said:
Disregarding the situation that Donna was in at the time, did anyone get kind of - irked - when she replied, "I don't care." after Ziggy mentioned Al saved Sam's life 23 times?

I did, yes. Without Al, Sam wouldn't be there; you'd think she'd appreciate that!
Don Quixote said:
I like how this episode mirrors Al's own past and he feels that he is there to correct the mistake that happened in his past.

It was also good to see more detail for Project Quantum Leap for the first time.

I remember when The Leap Back first aired on the BBC. It was painful waiting for the outcome for months. :)
You and me both!

I remember watching the last episode of season 3 "Shock Theatre" and then watching the leap-in and the "oh boy!"

Then during the music "Quantum Leap will return later in the year..." a voice said.

I went in to a right huff! :realmad

"Aww, mammy that's not fair!" I was only 10 years old. :baby

I loved this episode...there was something when I was only a child I thought meant something else:-

Al - I've never experienced anything quite like that...I guess I owe that to you.
Sam - Well, I guess I owe you one to.
Al - Just one?

Now when I was a sweet little child I thought he meant "I owe you for saving my life more than once...." But only since I've grown up that I know what he actually meant!

Oh Al!! I love ya! :dreaming

But the ending makes me ball my eyes out almost as much as "Mirror Image"
I loved this episode. I never saw Shock Theater, that I can remember, but I've heard a lot about it. I thought this episode was so funny when Sam was passing various limbs through a tree and so on, but I thought the end was kinda sad when Sam had to leave. I mean, I'm glad he left to save Al, I would've been mad if he decided to stay and not save Al, but I still thought it was sad that he had to leave when he just got back.
Oooh I lurve this Episode!! It's my all time favourite, up their with 'The Leap Home Part II' and 'LHO', so you know it's great.

My favourite part has got to be the opening with the realising of what the heck's happened, and Al not being able to walk through stuff, the look on his face is great and Dean shows how good an actor he is in this role reversal, taking the part of Sam and vice-versa.

The worst part? All that Donna rubbish, to be honest I think Don should have left her out of QL altogether, swiftly avoiding the whole 'Is it moral?' situations Sam find's himself in over the years.

All in all a fantastic episode with great writing and the more of the project, the better in my opinion! == 9/10 == ;)
Ok, old topic but I'm new and have a couple of cents to spare...I loved the role reversal in this one. I think I heard Sam say, "...Kazooms!" There are some great one-liners in this one. Ziggy cracks me up as well..."...He'll kiss the girls and make them cry." "...Ohhh, if you weren't my father!" I prefer to look at the Donna hang up as another wrong Sam has to right before he can get to the wrong he has to right...But what I loved best in this episode is the fact that Sam doesn't let Al down even though it costs him what he wants most of all, to be home.
There were episodes prior to this one where you get a good sense of the bond between Sam and Al, but this one just seemed to cement it into my brain. Al has Sam's back in tons of tough spots but here we see that, even though Sam enjoys a little vacation with the little lady, he doesn't even consider leaving Al hanging. I know I haven't added anything new, but I did enjoy typing it. "...Tina's having an afair with gooshie." haha
Janna Galaxy said:
I loved this episode...there was something when I was only a child I thought meant something else:-

Al - I've never experienced anything quite like that...I guess I owe that to you.
Sam - Well, I guess I owe you one to.
Al - Just one?

Now when I was a sweet little child I thought he meant "I owe you for saving my life more than once...." But only since I've grown up that I know what he actually meant!

Oh Al!! I love ya! :dreaming

But the ending makes me ball my eyes out almost as much as "Mirror Image"

Ah, the innocence of youth. I remember watching episodes of QL when I was young, and Al's comments went right over my head. When the show aired again while I was in my late teens, I remember staring slack-jawed at the screen, because I didn't remember Al being quite so... lecherous. It was quite a shock. And yet, it made me love him more.
LadyKayoss said:
Ah, the innocence of youth. I remember watching episodes of QL when I was young, and Al's comments went right over my head. When the show aired again while I was in my late teens, I remember staring slack-jawed at the screen, because I didn't remember Al being quite so... lecherous. It was quite a shock. And yet, it made me love him more.

You and me both, my friend. You. And Me. Both. You should see some of the scenes we've written involving Al being - well - Al. . . or rather, maybe not. heh.
LunarCrystal said:
You and me both, my friend. You. And Me. Both. You should see some of the scenes we've written involving Al being - well - Al. . . or rather, maybe not. heh.

I can only imagine... The way Sam reacted in this episode when he had to deal with Al's filthy mind and realized just how dirty it truly was leads me to believe that Al's been holding back all this time. :D
I really enjoyed this episode. I liked seeing Sam's reaction to when he feels Al's perverted mind. It's the way Sam talks about Al's mind. I also liked seeing the project on the inside. It is among my favorite episodes.
jmstone65 said:
:D I really crack up every time when I see this one to.I like how Al and Sam's mind.

What about what Al says when that women walks by."A Women with a Body like that and Your Thinking Pure Thoughts"

I did see 1 mistake in that episode near the end when Sam tryed the handlink,he used Al's voice the first time but the rest
were Sam's
I noticed that too. Everytime I watch it, I go 'wait! That didn't sound like Sam!' But I love the episode overall. I giggle during the whole thing.
Ok, there is no way it took me this long to submit a review for this episode.

Let me just say this, after I finished seeing everything through season three, Kristen and I were so desperate for this episode that I downloaded it off limewire in my desktop before it's hiatis. It was hell too, because the download keot dying and I had to keep back clicking it and tell it to find more hosts. It must have taken about a week.

This epiosde was a ball of fun though, so the wait and hassle was worth it one million percent. The beginning was especially funny, I loved Sam as a happy hologram, he was so cute the way he was having fun with it, and shoving his head through the tree stump like "yay, look at me, I go through stuff!" He looked like a child on a playground, so that made me smile and want to hug him, pat him on the head and give him a cookie hehe. In Another Time, Another Place, there is a quote from Dean saying that he was actually kind of jealous that Scott was playing his role now hehe. But I also loved Al's role as the leaper, I loved how he was being the serious one for once with the struggle of getting Sam to focus hehe. One of my favorite lines from the opening sequence is
"Al what?"
"What you think I've forgotten my last name!?"
"I'm about to bet on it"
"Well you'd loose....it's Beckett, Al Beckett! HA!"

Kristen and I burst into tearful laughter at that one, it's priceless. Although Sam has some priceless lines himself basically everything his says in the whole resturant scene about the women with Big Cazums and the Dairy farm, we just love how the dairy farm line makes Al drop the sugar shaker and it makes a clunk on his plate. I also love how adorablw Sam is when he catchs himself using a Al line and feels so terrible like after the dairy farm line
"Stop that!"
"Oh my god I am so sorry, thats a horrible thing to say I don't know why I would...yes I do, yes I do, this is all your fault!"
"My fault!?"
"I must have gotten part of your letherous mind during the leap...oh, you've got a filthy mind!"

But I have to say my very favorite of Sam's lines in the restaruant is when Cliffard barges in to see Al and Suzanne kissing:
"Suzanne Alsinga, what are you doing!"
"Sucking face pal with my buddy here, it was real big in the 40 and 50's..."
"Will you shut up!"
"sucka sucka sucka!"
(I'd like to sucka sucka your face Scott grrrr:heybaby )

I also really liked how they so happened to end where they did with Al as the leaper in connection to what happened to himself and Beth and how he wanted to kick cliffords butt in Beth's honor. It was also fun seeing Al do Sam's flying noodle kick, and be the one confused now as he was hitching a ride home with Mike the Milkman. And then another one of my favorite Sam lines in the episode comes up when he opens the door to his house and Sam shocks him into a stumble backwards.
"Don't do that!"
"Revenge is mine this saith the hologram, wha wha wha!"
and I love his cute little motion where he pretends to swim in the air right through Al.

Ahhh, and then we have Donna. I love Donna, I think she absolutly belongs with Sam and that they were truely meant to be. I loved seeing her return in this episode, and Sam being granted a well deserved break to let himself out on the one person that loved him and married him for him. I think that She's his one and only as far as a sex life goes which makes me made when he asks her if hes ever done anything to hurt her ad she answers that she's never felt that their love has been betrayed. This is one of the reasons I hate Abigale, and the fact they he even made love to her let alone had a daughter with her. She's annoying and obnoxious as a kid and a real ditz in the second one. She's terrible for Sam, and I hate that Pratt wanted to pretend that Donna never came back in this ep(I was told this by CarolD anyway). I believe that Sammy Jo and Abigale never exsisted and that Donna is Sam's one and only true love.

I loved seeing Sam and his beloved Donna back together, you can tell by his desperation to get her together with her father in Star Crossed, that Sam truely charishes her, and that his heart always remembers and holds what his mind may forget.That in his heart is has and always will love Donna, and his heart is always searching for her in every other woman he kisses. Plus the novel prelude stresses a real good concept that Sam often pondered what would have happened if Donna had not stood him up, where would he be with this project if she were there too as his wife? So he stressed early on that he wanted to redo that day, to somehow win her back.

So I think that bringing her back in this episode is an excellent follow up on the story of Sam's heart. In fact I think they should have shown her at the project more when they did eps like Killin' Time, LHO, and other eps where they showed the leaper in the waiting room, and most definatly in Mirror Image. Sam and Donna were made for eachother, and that brings me to a subject already brought up here regarding Donna's attitude towards Sam leaving. Yes, I must admit that I was a little irritated, like one percent by the way she was so unwilling to let him save his best friend's life and finish doing God's good deeds, but you have to look at the situation with a bit more of an open heart. Imagine your husband has been gone for five long years and has now finally returned to you, made love to you and then has to leave again. Wouldn't that hurt you as well? Wouldn't you want to beg him to stay because you love him so much and don't want lose him again. Donna has been without Sam for five years and now that he's finally come back to her he has to turn around and take off again. But she's missed him and waited his safe return for five years already, she doesn't want to do it again. She doesn't want to lose him. So basically what I am saying is, yes its a little on the irritating side but if you really consiter it, her behavior is justified. She just wants her hubby back:cry
Poor Donna. I cried at the end scene where she says "I love you Sam" to the stars, like five times. And I mean I REALLY cried, I had t keep a roll of tissues on my lap. It was such a joy to see Sam back together with his true love, in the place where he belongs, but It's also good to see him back as the good ole leaper for the contiunation of the series.

The Leap Back is a Wonderful episode.It was adorable and funny to see Sam and Al switch places and a joy to see Sam back with his heart's treasure.

ook, its almost 2am here, I need to hit the hay. :p
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Wow! It's so refreshing to read such an exciting review from a first-time watcher of this episode!!

This has got to be one of my favorite episodes. This one, and Shock Theatre, . . . and MIA . . . *hugs Al and Sam*

Regarding Donna: I totally agree with you. I think they belong together. Funny how you say you ignore that Abigail and Sammy Jo exist. You're not alone. I disregard the Trilogy episodes completely. They never happened in my mind. Then again, I also disregard the whole Mirror Image thing too ("Mirror what? I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.") mainly because I don't think Al's marriage should have been "fixed".

But going back to Donna. Yes. Sam's true love. Totally agree. He wouldn't have gone to such dire straits to get Donna reconciled with her father. Even in that episode - the second episode of the series - there was that soul-mate connection between them! *whimper* True love. Yes. So, Sammy Jo doesn't exist. Instead, I wrote a story where Donna is preggers because of this eppy. ^____^ Not an original concept, but I likes it.

So - yay!!
Yay Lunar Crystal, another person on my side about the Sammy Jo thing (Sorry I am not saying I dislike all you Sammy Jo likers) :)

lunarcrystal said:
there was that soul-mate connection between them! *whimper* True love.
Yeah, In fact I forgot to mention my fav line in Star Crossed when He's wathing her get his order ready in the restruarnt
"I wanted to tell her who I was, to let her know that I was her Sam, and that we were meant to be together"
At least it goes something like that.
I loved how he called himself 'her Sam' that hows how much he really cherishes her. :)

This also made me real happy at the mail box scene when his memory was flooding back into his mind and he ran back through the imaging chamber door calling her name. Sadly this was not a surpise for me however as before I thought to download it, I looked it up and found a website to confirm that I somehow already knew that Donna was there. I forget how I knew its been almost two years now hehe. But yeah I blew it for myself and Kristen but thats not nearly as bad as my guy friend ruining Boogiem*n for us both :p

So yeah knew Donna was back but it was still a very suspensful scene seeing him remember so suddenly like that.
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This episode was brilliant! I thought it was so funny when Sam couldn't get out of the Imaging Chamber, and also when Sam says "Revenge is mine; thus sayeth the hologram!"
The Leap Back...

I figured I might as well start two debates on the forum since apparently I have nothing better to do...like...say writing my student's exam.

I've said before that I love the character of Donna and think that she has so much potential, and so much could have been done with her.

I know the Leap Back was arrived at out of marital squabble but let's leave that aside for a moment.

I honestly think the greatest weakness in the Leap Back is the way that it was dealt with. It was a great idea and has so much potential as the episode shows. The reversal of situations is hillarious, the exchange of mesons between Al and Sam is hillarious etc. etc. etc.

I think the episode could have been so much better if they had expanded it to two episodes instead of hurridly trying to get through it in one. The beginning of the episode is too slow in comparison to the rest. Sam doesn't even get through the Imaging door for half the episode and the rest passes quickly and unsatisfyingly in my opinion. Donna's wimpiness (though understandable in my opinion) is really a result of trying to demonstrate a myriad of emotions in a short period of time.

I guess I have it to be two episodes so we could have as balanced a view of the project as Al's mission.
Hey I like that Idea, of it being a two episode special. I think that would have been great. I agree they needed to do more with Donna including Bringing Terry Hacher back hehe. Although I also loved Mimi Kuyaz(sp?).

I think they could have also expanded on Donna trying to get Sam to stay home and Sam having a personal debate on it. He loves both Al and Donna but he can only help one. But we all know Sam, he has got to always find a way to help everyone. I believe this is most strongly shown in Dr. Ruth. Yet this time would be special because it's just impossible. unlike Dr. Ruth and other eps where this applies he just cannot help both. He eaither has to save Al or stay with Donna. In the end his mind wins over his heart. They definiety could have made a great two parter out of this episode.
of course, 2 eps would be best. it has to be examined because, well, we have so much going on here: donna's temperamental i want you home and al's sudden choir boy act. funny. and i think i have some issues. i gotta go to fix a few bye bye.
I love the conversations between Sam and Ziggy:

Sam: Give me what I want, baby.
Ziggy: Oh, if you weren't my father . .

Ziggy: I don't understand why people would die for love.
Sam: Read Shakespeare's plays.
Ziggy: All right. . .
Sam: Not now! We don't have time!
Ziggy: Done. [pause] I see your point.

Ziggy: I was doing fine until I reached Franklin Delano Roosevelt's death. It depressed me.

I kind of hate Donna, but I can accept that she's necessary for two really important component. One, dramatic tension - will Sam stay or go save Al? and Two, half naked Sam beneath the stars. Yum.
Oh God I can't believe I forgot to mention that in my review. I totally love that Dana. I especually love
"Mmm great legs Dr."
And I will also have to agree with it too *growl*:heybaby:dreaming

bluedanna said:
and Two, half naked Sam beneath the stars. Yum.
Oooh agreed one hundred percent. And he wasn't half naked he was all naked except for boxers. YUMOLA!:heybaby:dreaming:dreaming
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thank you for that once, al. (sam then rubs his nose and smirks)...we assume the "few times" was with donna.
thank you i've never experienced anything like that sam...al, up to his old antics with sam's choir boy thoughts. hysterical isn't it?

it's even more funny because we know the characters so well we laugh when they switch.

those had to be the most precious statements they ever did say to one another in the whole series.
Yeah lol and wanna know a fun fact. There is a quote in the book Another Time, Another Place of Dean saying that he was a little Jealous of Scott getting to be the hologram hehe.
well, i've got me a dairy farm...oh my god, i'm so sorry, you've got a filthy mind...

sam you dog!

did you have fun? (gooshie)

dammit tell me ziggy something i don't know!
tina's having an affair with gooshie!

(my grandfather explained at the tender age of 11, what sam meant when al was thanked for more than once. he asked if i knew protection and gave me a whole lecture...then smiled as i told him all the stuff his daughter instructed me on...)

(this is the grandfather who passed the very day that ashley mcconnell believes sam started leaping. strange how my grandfather's personality is so much like scott bakula's and also, he used to watch matlock, gung ho, and the other stuff scott was in. he and my grandma also went to see both romance romance on broadway and phantom of the opera.)
Actually I believe the line is
"Well if butter is all you need I got me a dairy farm...Oh my god I am so sorry that's a horrible thing to say, I don't know why I would say something...yes I do yes I do, this is all your fault!"
"My fault!"
" The leap must have given me part of your lecherous side during the leap...You've got a filthy mind!"

Lol, one of my fav lines and another is
"Revenge is mine thus sayth the hologram, wha wha wha"
that's was scott's favorite line too if i remember correctly. however, i don't like it. i liked "thanks for that one time." "just one?" my grandfather wasn't too sure if it needed some explaining when i was 11. god, how much scott in real life is like him. their outgoing personality, the family man, the lover...
I love the idea of Donna, but I've got to tell you, I wish they had hired a better actress. One of the things she does that drives me up the frickin' wall every time I see it -

Sam: "Why did you tell Al not to tell me about us?" (paraphrased)
And she makes this WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD little grimace, like "ooo, I'm in trouble now..." It was an AWFUL choice for a reaction. I think she would have been more serious and more straight up about it. Her voice was also too breathy for my taste.

My FAVORITE interplay is Sam/Ziggy:

Sam: Just give me what I want, baby.
Ziggy: OOOO, if you weren't my FATHER.

Yeah, I'll give you what you want, baby!

The other poor casting/directing choice: Tina, the bimbo. WHY????? SUCH an OBVIOUS stereotype for "Al the Lech"

Honestly, I also love the scene when Suzanne is crying and Al takes pity on her and says, "take a hike, Mr. Morals, Calivicci's taking over." Although I understood Sam's moral imperitives, I thought it was a little cruel for the women involved. For example, for Diane McBride to think her new husband wasn't eager to make love to her. THEY didn't know Sam was a stranger, after all.
laestrella said:
that's was scott's favorite line too if i remember correctly. however, i don't like it. i liked "thanks for that one time." "just one?" my grandfather wasn't too sure if it needed some explaining when i was 11. god, how much scott in real life is like him. their outgoing personality, the family man, the lover...

Really, hehe cool YAY SCOTT!
and I believe your line is
"Yeah I guess I owe you one too"
"Just one?

and Dana yours is

"Why do humans die for love?"
"Read Shakespear"
"Thank you Dr."
"Not now!"
"Why not with a million giga bites of memory I am quite capable of tapping my head and rubbing my belly and carrying out a carrying out several functions at the same time"
(this one I am sure is not exactly right I haven't seen the ep for a while)
"Because I don't have time to get into a philisophical discussion"
"I've finished reading Shakespear, I see your point."

So sorry but I just can't fight the urge to correct a mis-quoted line. And it feels uncomfortable to do it myself like the one Ziggy line above that I put the comment next to in parenthsis.

Ferther more I am not sure I mentioned this in my first review but I would have loved to see Donna walk Sam up to a mirror to let him see his own reflection and when he smiles say:
"It's been a while since you've seen him huh?"
"Yeah I've missed seeing him"
"We both have" *gives him a kiss*

That would have been so cute :)
Hehe watching the ep now I love Mike's insult to Clifford.
"You flat footed egg sucking chicken turd!"

I also love how QL is a show that is really good wit detail because if you look closely they kept the wounds on Sam's temples from the shocks in the previous episode. :)
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Another one of the best episode in the series. Teri Hatcher was missing from this episode but... i could see a resemblence between Mimi Kuzyk who played Donna and Teri. Very Funny episode and well written and Ziggy...Ziggy was hilarious.

BTW who was suppose to be the female navy soldier that appeared twice (but didn't say anything) during the episode in the control room?!

In any case - I really enjoyed this episode. Too bad,that after TLB we didn't got anymore episodes with Sam and Al switching places. From what i've seen in the episode - it's not such a hard thing to do.
Sam Beckett Fan said:
I think shes just a female Admiral she was also seated next to Al at the hearing in Honeymoon Express

Both of the female officers seen in "Honeymoon Express" and "The Leap Back" are probably aids working on the project but neither of them hold the rank of admiral.

The woman in "Honeymoon Express" has two stripes on her sleeve which would put her rank at lieutenant. It's harder to make out the striping on the female officer in "The Leap Back" but it's definitely three stripes. I can't tell if all three stripes are the same width or if one is thinner. Either way, it would put her rank at either Lt. Commander (if the third stripe is thinner) or Commander (if all three stripes are the same size).

Al's rank is indicated by the shoulderboards on his uniform. Two stars and an anchor is indicative of a Rear Admiral (upper half).

You can see a breakdown of Navy rank here: http://www.navy.mil/navydata/navy_legacy_hr.asp?id=266
Oh Maybe I was thinking of one of the books because I thought I heard reference to a female Admiral somewhere. Thanx Julia.

In any case though isz, they are just random QL workers.
OK - the one thing that's bothered me about this debate is the "Al's marriage shouldn't have been fixed." Don't forget that Sam fixed his own marriage and tries to fix his own family in the Leap Home. But he wouldn't do it for Al until he figures out he was supposed to...

If you believe that Sam and Donna should be together (and personally I don't... just because she was supposed to marry someone else before Sam... and I hate the woman who played her in TLB), then surely you should believe Al and Beth should be together.
Oh, and I also don't believe that GFTW would have let Al die anyway. I believe GFTW would have made Al repeat the leap, like in the b**gieman.
Yes I agree NagginDraggin that Al and Beth's marriage was meant to be saved as Sam and Donna's was. And I am glad that Sam got a second chance to go back and do this special task for his best friend. I also agree that God wouldn't Al die as he didn't let Sam die when he was in grave situations. Last Dance Before an Exicution is a perfect example.
naggindragon said:
OK - the one thing that's bothered me about this debate is the "Al's marriage shouldn't have been fixed." Don't forget that Sam fixed his own marriage and tries to fix his own family in the Leap Home. But he wouldn't do it for Al until he figures out he was supposed to...

When Sam refused to try to fix Al's marriage in MIA, it was before the Leap Home. He hadn't tried to save his brother yet. Also, he didn't know that he had succeeded in fixing his marriage to Donna. He was following his own "insider trading" rule. Plus he had one of his famous "gut feelings" that it wasn't the right thing to do. I guess that's supposed to cover it. It does seem unfair when you think about it though. Sam refused to fix Al's marriage, then passed up a chance to shorten his years in Vietnam--while Sam fixed things for himself.

The thing that bothers me is that they waited until literally the very last minute to fix Al's marriage. So we never get to know what Al would be like with one wife and four children. I mean, he would have to be different in some respects, not just the lack of stories about Tina and all his ex-wives. I can't help but think that stories about his kids just wouldn't be as much fun. Al would be... domesticated. And I'm sure we could love that Al too, but we never get to find out how they would have played it. :\

Oh, and I also don't believe that GFTW would have let Al die anyway. I believe GFTW would have made Al repeat the leap, like in the b**gieman.

If QL had a continuing storyline, they could have let Al continue to leap for at least one more episode, which could have made for a more natural wrap-up to this story. I can't see GTFW allowing him to die either. The scene where Sam decides he must save the day by leaping into Al seems really contrived to me. It only happens because they have to restore the status quo with Sam as leaper and Al as observer. Come on, the sidekick being hit over the head is the oldest cliche in the Hollywood book. They just didn't have time to play out a more interesting way to resolve the leap or for Sam to save Al's life without leaping in.
Snish said:
The thing that bothers me is that they waited until literally the very last minute to fix Al's marriage. So we never get to know what Al would be like with one wife and four children.

I agree I would have liked to see life at Project QL with Beth and four daughters now there.