422 A Leap for Lisa

A Leap for Lisa

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Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
A Leap for Lisa
June 25, 1957

Pensacola Naval Base, Florida

Sam leaps into Al as a young navy pilot facing charges of raping and murdering a commander's wife. In the original history, a married nurse named Lisa Sherman told the Navy that she and Al were together...so Al never went to trial. But Sam accidentally tells Lisa not to testify and she dies in a car wreck later that night. As the odds rise that Al will be convicted and sent to the gas chamber, Sam, Future Al, and even a guy named Edward must work to prove his innocence.

Written by: Donald P. Bellisario
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.

Rate and comment on the fourth season finale!
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;) This one is one of my all time favorites.Sam leaps into Al as a young Navy pilot it has alot of suprises that Sam doesn't
know about Al.

There is also a future leap that is connected in away with this
leap with a big suprise for Al
This is the perfect ending for the fourth season. As Sam said "I leaped into myself, women, and a chimpanzee, but nothing is as strange as leaping into Al." Al temporaily dies and Sam has a new observer. Al gets to talk to himself in the waiting room. This is also the first time we really get to see the waiting room.
jmstone65 said:
;) This one is one of my all time favorites.Sam leaps into Al as a young Navy pilot it has alot of suprises that Sam doesn't
know about Al.

There is also a future leap that is connected in away with this
leap with a big suprise for Al

Blatant plug for the Virtual Seasons! :D But I like it! Especially since it's for a story I co-wrote!

Cpt Jules said:
Blatant plug for the Virtual Seasons! :D But I like it! Especially since it's for a story I co-wrote!


Hi Kat! I didn't even know you were "Capt Jules". You and MJ both wrote it right? And Then Came Another

Based on the character Lisa Sherman
Created by
Donald P. Bellisario​

I'm hoping to work in a past character into my "A Leap For Rachel" episode. A Character that was also created by Don Bellisario for one leap only. :)


P.S. A Leap For Lisa, A Leap For Rachel. :)
See Authors' Quarters in TVS forum.

P.S.S. A Leap For Lisa: Excellent episode! One of my personal favorites!
Great Episode. Well written,well played. Good story. And one of the best episodes of QL. For now it's my number 4,after "The B**gieman","MIA" and "Good night,dear heart".
we also discover some interesting details about Al(Like his attraction to nurses... ;)),And we finaly had a good view of the waiting room.
Now there are 3 things i want to say -
1. Have you ever noticed,that if we'll take the name of this episode,write it in initials we'll get ALFL - AL FL.Now if we'll take the initials FL - we can also say it's the initials of First Love => Al First (true) Love.
Do you think DPB thought about it when he wrote this episode?!
2.If we'll take this leap,in the end Bingo leaped into himself to prevent Marci's and Lisa's Death ...Is it mean that in the present of the project as a result of this leap Inside Al there's an older Al?!:|
3.There were a dialogue between Sam an Al i didn't quite understood - When Al made his first contact with Sam. Sam told Al that Bingo has more Girls then Al had,then Al told him to look at the Mirror...
How Exactly Sam came up with this conclusion?! All he met was Lisa,and i'm pretty sure he didn't heard the stories of Al's friend about Bingo...
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The only one i've seen laughing was Al(Maybe Sam had a little smile) - and right after that he told Sam to look at the Mirror...
But it doesn't important. this scene was ment to be amusing and i guess everybody here will agree ,that it was.
isz said:
1. Have you ever noticed,that if we'll take the name of this episode,write it in initials we'll get ALFL - AL FL.Now if we'll take the initials FL - we can also say it's the initials of First Love => Al First (true) Love.
Do you think DPB thought about it when he wrote this episode?!

Yes! :lol (No, I'm kidding, in case anyone's not clear on that.) But you better be careful about suggesting that anyone other than Beth could be Al's true love... :D

isz said:
2.If we'll take this leap,in the end Bingo leaped into himself to prevent Marci's and Lisa's Death ...Is it mean that in the present of the project as a result of this leap Inside Al there's an older Al?!:| ...

It would make him 2 or 3 days older. I love the way they got into time travel twists in this episode.

isz said:
3.There were a dialogue between Sam an Al i didn't quite understood - When Al made his first contact with Sam. Sam told Al that Bingo has more Girls then Al had,then Al told him to look at the Mirror...
How Exactly Sam came up with this conclusion?! All he met was Lisa,and i'm pretty sure he didn't heard the stories of Al's friend about Bingo...

I think you have a good point here. I would have to watch it again to be sure, but I think Lisa is the one girlfriend of Bingo's that Sam knows about--so why would he say that? Why would someone else tell Sam stories about Bingo's conquests when as far as they know, they're talking to Bingo? I suppose they just had Sam say that to set up the neat little bit of dialogue, "Funny you should say that..."

naggindragon said:
It's so funny seeing Dean Stockwell's voice come out of Bingo's mouth hahaha.

Especially since that's the voice of middle-aged Dean, not young Dean. It was quite different when he was Bingo's age.
Snish said:
Yes! :lol (No, I'm kidding, in case anyone's not clear on that.) But you better be careful about suggesting that anyone other than Beth could be Al's true love... :D

You know what- that the thing, you can't be sure about it,because according to the original History,before Bingo prevent Marci&Lisa death by leaping into himself - Lisa Died,so you can't know what could happend with Al&Lisa relationship if she wouldn't died...
In the other hand-Lisa was already merried,so...
Excellent episode. Sam is HOT in his dress whites, and all the dialogue is right on the money. The scene with Commander Riker gave me chills the first time I saw it. I really love the sense of escalating panic because they don't know what to do.

There are two really cute moments between Sam and his Marine guard. One is when Sam tosses over his shoulder, "C'mon, Shadow," as he's going back into the courtroom (the Marine valiantly trying not to notice that Sam's talking to himself), and when Sam discovers the cigar - and the Marine very seriously tells him, "I WILL shoot you, sir." It's those completely natural throwaway moments, not the big dramatic moments that make an episode for me.
Well, I don't think they gave much thought to it :hmm. It was evidently done to create as much contrast with Al as possible ;) and to make Sam (and us) realize how miserable he (and we) would be without Dean Stockwell in the show :heybaby
This was the highlight of season four. Sam leaped in near the end of Al's dream, and (present) Al was dead for a short while. Quantum Leap would be nowhere near as good if the observer was Edward Sinjin (The Fith)
Confusing, but awesome. Multiple leaps and suspects.

Al's late-to-the-party arrival scene was great. I loved the way he was acting like a tourist in his own past life and, when he realized that Sam didn't know who he had replaced, he enjoyed telling him to look in the mirror. ROFLOL

I loved the Lawyer character, just playful enough, yet obviously good at what he REALLY does: lawyering.

I had forgotten about the replacement observer, played by Roddy McDowell. Al's much, much better. I enjoyed the way they transitioned them in and out without the audience being forewarned.

Gushie marries Tina, well Ziggy said they were having an affair. Alpha? Gak. Ziggy is much better and I like the gender assignment as well.

I laughed when Sinjin said that Bingo was very interested in Tina, lol.

I wonder why they didn't link an observer to Bingo?
Does the former rape/murder victim continue her initiations?
What happens to Bingo and Lisa?

Inquiring minds want to know!
I just saw this episode again yesterday, I must see it in the original next time. I think it will be even better but I like it in the german version, too.
Yet another excellent episode. One of my favourites.

I've seen the episode so many times now I'm finding it difficult to explain the things that drew me to it in the first place.

I did love that Sam leaped into Bingo's dream. It was just as confusing for the audience as it seemed for Sam to understand what was happening on the beach and suddenly be in his quarters.

My one negative comment would be about that picture of Lisa that the lawyer asks about. It does not look in the least like Lisa Sherman to me. When the lawyer asks Sam again in the doctor's office if she's his girlfriend or fiance it was only then that I realized the nurse and that picture were the same person.

The whole premise of Sam leaping into Al and Al speaking with himself in the waiting room was just fabulous.

I too loved the quick changes from Al to St. John and St. John back to Al again without any warning.

I, however, do not understand how they leaped Bingo back into the timeframe prior to the rape/murder without Sam leaping out of there. With Bingo leaping back to just prior to present time there would be no one in the waiting room anymore and Sam was still young Al.

It's an episode I can watch over and over again.
Actually, with Bingo leaping into himself pre the rape/murder, the Bingo from THAT time would have been in the Waiting Room.

So when Sam leapt, the leaping Bingo took his place, and the Bingo in the Waiting Room took THAT Bingo's place.

Did that make any sense?
I really like episodes that touch on the real lives of Al and Sam, but this one fell flat.

So many things were stretching the bounds of believability.

Not one person seemed to show any shock or disgust at the fact that someone had apparently been raped and murdered, regardless of the fact that it turned out to allegedly be an accident.

Seeing young Al was cool, and the switch of Al to St.John was interesting, but the story was so cheesy and concluded so quickly you got the impression that the writers just lost interest.

No explanation for what happened to Bingo when he was sent back in time to keep watch over Chip on the night of the accident.

In conclusion, a poor episode, a bit rushed, but easily the most beautiful girl so far in the series, Lisa was stunning!

PS. Nobody mentioned that the Commander Riker (a star trek reference?) was played by Charlie Rocket, who was also the main subject in the Christmas Carol episode (A Little Miracle - Season 3, Ep10).

Along with Willie Garson from 'Play it again, Seymour' (Season 1) and 'Lee Harvey Oswald' (Season 5) he's the only repeat actor I've noticed in the entire series so far.
I really like episodes that touch on the real lives of Al and Sam, but this one fell flat.

So many things were stretching the bounds of believability.

Not one person seemed to show any shock or disgust at the fact that someone had apparently been raped and murdered, regardless of the fact that it turned out to allegedly be an accident.

Seeing young Al was cool, and the switch of Al to St.John was interesting, but the story was so cheesy and concluded so quickly you got the impression that the writers just lost interest.

No explanation for what happened to Bingo when he was sent back in time to keep watch over Chip on the night of the accident.

In conclusion, a poor episode, a bit rushed, but easily the most beautiful girl so far in the series, Lisa was stunning!

PS. Nobody mentioned that the Commander Riker (a star trek reference?) was played by Charlie Rocket, who was also the main subject in the Christmas Carol episode (A Little Miracle - Season 3, Ep10).

Along with Willie Garson from 'Play it again, Seymour' (Season 1) and 'Lee Harvey Oswald' (Season 5) he's the only repeat actor I've noticed in the entire series so far.

There are a few others - off hand I can think of Weird Ernie in Genesis is Al the Bartender in Mirror Image, and Zoey the evil hologram/leaper is also the ghost in "A Portrait for Troian".
These are the actors I can think of quickly who appeared in more than one episode:

John D'Acquino: Frank Lomotta in "Jimmy" and he reprised the role in "Deliver Us from Evil"; Tonchi in "Mirror Image"

Brad Silverman: Jimmy in "Jimmy" and he reprised the role in "Deliver Us from Evil"

Richard Herd: Moe Stein in "Future Boy"; Ziggy Ziganovich in "Mirror Image"

Olivia Burnette: Susan Bruckner in "Another Mother"; Katie Beckett in "The Leap Home"

Susan Isaacs: Myra in "Heart Of A Champion"; Lucy in "The Last Gunfighter"

Eric Brukotter: Glen in "Raped"; Red in Liberation; Beau in "Memphis Melody"

Michael Bellisario: Little Boy in "Kamikazi Kid"; Billy in "Play Ball"; Martin, Jr. in "A Tale of Two Sweeties"; Kid #2 in "Mirror Image"

Mike Genovese - Don Geno Frascotti in "Double Identity"; Mr. Collins in "Mirror Image"

WK Stratton - Dr. Berger in "Genesis"; Sheriff Lyle Rountree in "Goodnight Dear Heart"; Larry Stanton in "One Little Heart", "The Last Door", and "For Your Love"

Don Bellisario is known for repeated castings of actors - not only within one series but across many of his series. Quite a few of the actors who appeared on Quatum Leap went on to appear in JAG and NCIS and had already had roles on other Bellisario series such as Magnum PI.
These are the actors I can think of quickly who appeared in more than one episode:

John D'Acquino: Frank Lomotta in "Jimmy" and he reprised the role in "Deliver Us from Evil"; Tonchi in "Mirror Image"

Brad Silverman: Jimmy in "Jimmy" and he reprised the role in "Deliver Us from Evil"

Richard Herd: Moe Stein in "Future Boy"; Ziggy Ziganovich in "Mirror Image"

Olivia Burnette: Susan Bruckner in "Another Mother"; Katie Beckett in "The Leap Home"

Susan Isaacs: Myra in "Heart Of A Champion"; Lucy in "The Last Gunfighter"

Eric Brukotter: Glen in "Raped"; Red in Liberation; Beau in "Memphis Melody"

Michael Bellisario: Little Boy in "Kamikazi Kid"; Billy in "Play Ball"; Martin, Jr. in "A Tale of Two Sweeties"; Kid #2 in "Mirror Image"

Mike Genovese - Don Geno Frascotti in "Double Identity"; Mr. Collins in "Mirror Image"

WK Stratton - Dr. Berger in "Genesis"; Sheriff Lyle Rountree in "Goodnight Dear Heart"; Larry Stanton in "One Little Heart", "The Last Door", and "For Your Love"

Don Bellisario is known for repeated castings of actors - not only within one series but across many of his series. Quite a few of the actors who appeared on Quatum Leap went on to appear in JAG and NCIS and had already had roles on other Bellisario series such as Magnum PI.

Brad Silverman also appeared as a mirror image in Shock Theatre and played Pete in Mirror Image.
Not one person seemed to show any shock or disgust at the fact that someone had apparently been raped and murdered, regardless of the fact that it turned out to allegedly be an accident.

Yeah, this bothered me as well. There was a real underlying vibe of 'well, she was a tramp, she deserved it'. It's part of the reason I only rate this episode as Good not Excellent. Even Sam didn't seem to be as shocked and disgusted as I would expect, but I chalk that up to there being so much going on and the leap being so discombobulating for him, especially since things start going wrong pretty much from almost the start of the leap.

I also agree that the story was a little rushed.

The casting of young Al was flawless. He really looked like him, especially the eyes. In general the guest casting was really good. The lawyer who represented Al was great, Charles Rocket as Riker was effectively twisted and creepy and I love Terry Farrell. It was a hoot that they got Roddy McDowall, too.

They did a fantastic job transitioning from one hologram to another both times, from Al to St. John and then St. John back to Al. That was one of the best things in the episode.

It was interesting to see Al's past, and sad as he learns (and we learn) that the guy he thought was his best friend was willing to let him be executed for something he knew Al was innocent of instead of coming forward and telling the truth. We get an idea of just how lucky Al is to have Sam.
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I do understand what you mean about nobody expressing shock or horror over a rape and murder and agree it was rather rushed, but it is probably hard to address everything within the time frame of an hour show. I think the whole point was to put things right and make sure the murder never happened, and that's how the epiosde ended. There were other episodes where they were pretty clear about how horrible rape and murder is.

I wanted to strangle Riker, he was a creep.

It's not my all time favorite episode either, but I liked the background on Al too, and the guy who portrayed him as a kid did have a pretty strong resemblance.

Dean and Scott both look great in military uniforms by the way.
Some fridge brilliance: It always struck me as odd that St John had trouble keeping track of who was who, for example, telling Sam he was "quite impossible" when Bingo was taken to the Control Room, when it was really Bingo. But it actually makes perfect sense. The neural link between Sam and Al was tweaked so that Al could see Sam after he got so distressed during "What Price Gloria". If St John wasn't distressed by it, they probably wouldn't have done the tweak and so he would have been seeing Sam in Bingo's aura, and Bingo in Sam's aura. So to him, it really would have looked like Sam being the one who was "quite impossible"...
Sam was only joking.

It's so funny seeing Dean Stockwell's voice come out of Bingo's mouth hahaha.

Yeah I kind of thought the voice sounded weird for someone that age, not sure it was necessary to dub in Stockwell's voice.

It bothered me that Chip wouldn't come forward, I mean I'm assuming he was not eventually charged since it was an accident (he never came foward even later on, evidenced by the fact that Bingo was found guilty), but all that cover up and then it turned out to be an "oopsie" after all? I never quite bought that, especially as you have to wonder how this would have effected Bingo and Chip's friendship afterward.

There's something else that bugged me from this episode, when Sam was talking to Cmdr. Dobbs after Reicher said that Marcie "deserved" to be raped, Dobbs replied, "The Navy won't trust him with a rowboat after this testimony, but they'll believe it for exactly that reason."
Yeah I kind of thought the voice sounded weird for someone that age, not sure it was necessary to dub in Stockwell's voice.

It bothered me that Chip wouldn't come forward, I mean I'm assuming he was not eventually charged since it was an accident (he never came foward even later on, evidenced by the fact that Bingo was found guilty), but all that cover up and then it turned out to be an "oopsie" after all? I never quite bought that, especially as you have to wonder how this would have effected Bingo and Chip's friendship afterward.

There's something else that bugged me from this episode, when Sam was talking to Cmdr. Dobbs after Reicher said that Marcie "deserved" to be raped, Dobbs replied, "The Navy won't trust him with a rowboat after this testimony, but they'll believe it for exactly that reason."

You do realise that when Bingo was put in the accelerator and leapt back into himself, Chip never took Marcie out and so none of this ever happened, don't you?
You do realise that when Bingo was put in the accelerator and leapt back into himself, Chip never took Marcie out and so none of this ever happened, don't you?

These are the actors I can think of quickly who appeared in more than one episode:

John D'Acquino: Frank Lomotta in "Jimmy" and he reprised the role in "Deliver Us from Evil"; Tonchi in "Mirror Image"

Brad Silverman: Jimmy in "Jimmy" and he reprised the role in "Deliver Us from Evil"

Richard Herd: Moe Stein in "Future Boy"; Ziggy Ziganovich in "Mirror Image"

Olivia Burnette: Susan Bruckner in "Another Mother"; Katie Beckett in "The Leap Home"

Susan Isaacs: Myra in "Heart Of A Champion"; Lucy in "The Last Gunfighter"

Eric Brukotter: Glen in "Raped"; Red in Liberation; Beau in "Memphis Melody"

Michael Bellisario: Little Boy in "Kamikazi Kid"; Billy in "Play Ball"; Martin, Jr. in "A Tale of Two Sweeties"; Kid #2 in "Mirror Image"

Mike Genovese - Don Geno Frascotti in "Double Identity"; Mr. Collins in "Mirror Image"

WK Stratton - Dr. Berger in "Genesis"; Sheriff Lyle Rountree in "Goodnight Dear Heart"; Larry Stanton in "One Little Heart", "The Last Door", and "For Your Love"

Don Bellisario is known for repeated castings of actors - not only within one series but across many of his series. Quite a few of the actors who appeared on Quatum Leap went on to appear in JAG and NCIS and had already had roles on other Bellisario series such as Magnum PI.

There are a few others - off hand I can think of Weird Ernie in Genesis is Al the Bartender in Mirror Image, and Zoey the evil hologram/leaper is also the ghost in "A Portrait for Troian".

Teddy Wilson: Grady in "Pool Hall Blues" and Ernie in "Rebel Without a Clue"