My 2 cents....
I did something that I don't think that I've ever done before. When Damon and I were talking last night on MSN, he asked me about what I thought about what was going on with the DVD Set of Season 2. The thing that I have never done? Well, I think that I made Damon's mouth drop open and actually stare at the MSN screen.
I think that he may have actually looked like this: :hair
You guys know how much of a Quantum Leap fan I am. You know that I usually live, breath, eat, ... etc. Quantum Leap. I'm sure that if I actually poked myself and started to bleed that it would come out in a lightning blue sparkling hue. The websites Quantum Leap: The Virtual Seasons and Quantum Retribution is just one of those things that I just enjoy doing and heck, I'm not even getting paid to do it. I just put it out there for others to enjoy. You guys know me.
How did I make Damon's jaw slack open? Basically, I'm not all that upset over the music problem.
Why you may ask? (or scream, or just fall out of your chair, faint and then get back up and ask -- why?)
Well, let me put a little background with this. First, I'm in a position in my life at the moment where things are just how they are. I mean, I'm away from my family, living in a town with some friends for the rest of this week before I can actually be with my family again. I've been going home on the weekends -- I see them for a day and a half, then I'm on the road to go back so that I can go to work. The move is a good thing for my family and I put in my resignation to the school that I am working for and told them that I'd finish out the semester. Things are hectic; things are not where they need to be; things are out of my hands.
Now... the gripe session can begin, right? Wrong.
Why aren't I upset about it? As far as I'm concerned, as long as the actual episode (the speaking parts) weren't tampered with, as long as the acting wasn't just completely cut apart, then I can't have cause to gripe. Okay, yes, I'm disappointed, as everyone should have a right to be, but I'm not going to write to Universal and gripe and b*tch and moan about something that they may or may not fix.
I've read through all the posts. Yes, in MIA, Georgia was their song. Yes, I know this. You don't have to point that out. No, I haven't actually seen the disc. I haven't even held it in my hands. I haven't heard the "generic" music that they put up. Heck, I didn't even know that the movie "Ray" was out even for that matter.
The music rights that Universal may or may not have may be the case. Heck for all we know, perhaps this is the "director's cut". Or could this be what the show would have actually been and then they dubbed in the songs, etc.? I don't know.
Did Universal take shortcuts and cost for the production? I don't know. If they did, they will pay the price. Is what Unseen Presence said true? Is it all about the DVD-HD? *shrugs* I don't work for Universal and I don't have an inside scoop with Donald Bellasario (as much as I'd like to.)
I asked a friend of mine in the advertising industry about this. He said that probably the expectation was high. They let us down. He also said that perhaps that they had the right to put it on VHS tapes, but not on DVD. (Did we have any idea that DVD would be out when they first bought the rights to the songs, etc?) There's a question for ya. I will say this much -- Universal should have put on the box somewhere -- with some kind of notice that not all the songs would be used and given a small reason why (perhaps inside the box).
He was right about one thing. The main thing here is that the Quantum Leap community's expectations were high. Possibly too high. Yes, they did a good job with the first season. They had all the bonus features and all the little things for everyone to see. They had the packaging all perfect. They did a good job on that one. Now, the second season is out and the expectation was just as high as the other. If the expectation is that high... and you are that put out with the DVD set, then by all means, send it back and ask for a refund. That in of itself would be enough of a damage, I think, that would make Universal think about re-doing the season. BUT... will they? That's the question.
I do understand how everyone is irritated, frustrated, griping, and okay.... down right angry because of it. They are taking a show that we all love and messed with it. Yes, I do understand that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you can't be angry. I'm just looking at this from every angle. I'm not going to beat my head against the wall and freak out about it. At the moment, I'm just sitting here thinking -- how will that help? Will it help if I kick the wall, put a hole in it, freak out, gripe, complain and then write a heated letter to Universtal to get them to change their mind? There would still be a hole in my wall and I would still have to get it fixed. No, it probably wouldn't help at all -- in fact, I would then have to get more money to pay to get the hole fixed.
Ok, they messed with it. Am I disappointed? Yes. Will I write a letter to Universal about it and gripe and complain? I don't know. I still need to think about that -- I'll probably buy the set and have it. If they indeed do decide to redo the season then I probably will get that one as well.
*Shrugs* I guess that I should be up in arms, but I just can't be. It's the way it is at the moment (just like my job) and I have to take life as it is handed to me and deal with it the best that I can.
So... that's my two cents. Take it as you will. I just reserve the right to have my own opinion on this subject and I know that the other Quantum Leap fans who read this may want to respond negatively or shockingly to it. Just respect my opinion. You may not like it; I just ask that you not gripe or bite at me for how I feel personally on this issue. If you do have a personal problem with it -- you may email me.