This is a sweet episode with a wonderful father/daughter bond.
Jamie Spontini is a well written, likable character; a strong minded, take charge kid who knows what she wants and doesn't allow herself to be pushed around.
The situation was well written and believable, somewhat like in Mrs. Doubtfire. Father with unstable home environment and employment automatically written off as unfit parent.
Honestly I don't believe any episode nozzle (to use Al's word lol) in this series pisses me off like that attorney does and no less with each time I watch. The bastard was clearly searching for excuses to make a man he doesn't even know out to be a bad guy or threaten to take away visitation rights for no damn reason. In the scene where Sam nearly got into a brawl with him I wish he would have freaking broke his nose!
The mother kinda of irritated me as well with the whole "I had no choice" bit. Now I am no expert and we of course don't know the nature of her living conditions immediately after leaving the family however when my mother left my father she ended up living with her parents, my grandparents for at least a year yet she had me with her. I was three years old. So I find it hard to imagine Maggie being unable to have an 8 year old with her where ever she ended up especially since it's pretty clear that she had planned to come back for Jamie.
In fact the claim that Harry's living conditions were inappropriate should have also worked against her because she left the child in said conditions. Reckless abandonment right there.
Though as I said since we don't know what her circumstances were this is just a rough assessment. The backstory there has a blank space in it where the possibility could easily fit. Either way she left of her own accord (not kidnapped or the child verbally threatened) regardless of the fact that her reason was understandable and even more so she left Jamie behind. Both were choices she made.
Best line in the episode:
"I didn't walk out on my daughter."
Well said Sam.
Another favorite aspect of this leap besides the father/daughter relationship is Sam's refusal to settle for the expected minimal success when there was clearly an additional opportunity presenting itself. He could tell from the beginning that these two people were still in love and couldn't ignore that.
Donofrio_QLTD said:
but most of the time throughout this episode I found him a bit too high-toned towards Al, like Al didn't deserve the land Sam was walking on.
Would you mind elaborating, what's the instance you feel this way about? I am not following. Though I did feel that the comment about Al's mother was a bit below the belt and certainly unnecessary. Where did that come from Sam? Not cool!
Honestly Sam is quite a bit unfair and selfish towards Al such as with Beth in
M.I.A (however not without regret). Though any character, especially one like Sam who has barely been shown to have a hint of darkness (which is in heavy contrast to second Leaper Alia who was more evenly distributed) would not be believable if not flawed in some way.
Personally I find the brilliance of their team in the fact that they are exact opposites in practically every way. It's because of this that they compliment each other so beautifully and of course are so hilarious.
So whatever it is you are referring to it's no doubt a necessary character flaw.