Bold Leap Gossip Re: Scott


GizmoDuck for PQL Security
Staff member
Jun 4, 2004

Gleaming the Tube - A Cocktail of TV Gossip
Posted on Wed, 9-Feb-2005

With "Enterprise" all but a pile of space dust, star Scott Bakula is talking to a couple of other networks about new gigs - one of those is joining the new "Quantum Leap" redo. He was expected to cameo in the pilot for the series, but with his schedule freed up, it's more than likely he'll be a permanent fixture on the show. Dean Stockwell is also in talks.

Thanks to Jill from the Sassies for bringing this tidbit to my attention (as well of those here who are also part of the Sassies list) ;) !
This is the best news. Scott always talked about how he wanted to do a new QL and that it was Universal who thought the show wasn't marketable enough. What do Universal think now? What changed their minds? I guess they must think the show is marketable now, but why now and not before. Does anything Universal does make any sense???
Well, the plans for a new QL have been in the works for a little over two years now. My guess is that one of the reasons they realize it is marketable is because of our Revival Initiative letter writing campaign; they probably got so many letters that they realized they'd have a good audience for a new QL.

I think they also realize that sci-fi/fantasy is becoming really big on TV and they can take advantage of this trend as well as get viewers by bringing back an old, loved sci-fi show.

let's hope!

Oh wouldn't it be WONDERFUL? :hurray Let's hope there's a lot of truth in the rumors, and that some (definate) news comes out about the series soon.

Re: let's hope!

We just need to be careful about any info that comes from Moviehole (and IESB). Both those sites have a very bad reputation of posting false information as fact. In fact, it was IESB that reported that false story about Scott Bakula wanting to leave Enterprise, and Moviehole posted about the IESB article.

Someone on the Sci-Fi board said he called Belisarius Productions and got some info on the show; Bellisario is going to be executive producer "in title only", and Dean so far is the only one signing on as a full-time lead. He said he learned that Scott's screentime was planned to be 10-15 minutes long. You can read his full report here:

Re: let's hope!

I saw that too, but I'm not sure I really believe it. Anybody can see that they know someone who can give them information. My cousin used to work in the marketing department at Sci-Fi, but he's not there anymore unfortunately. My view on this is still that I'm not going to get myself too excited until I actually start seeing TV spots promoting the movie. Just because a script has already been written doesn't mean they're going to use it. Movie studios buy screenplays all the time; at least half of them probably never even make it into production... and if they do, they often go through so many rewrites that the final production is nothing like what the original writer envisioned. That's just how the industry works.

I would sure HOPE that Don Bellisario has direct creative input into a new series. I don't want what happened to Sliders, happening to Quantum Leap either. We deserve better than that.
Re: let's hope!

Well the impression I have of this whole thing is that so far, Trey Callaway has written a script and it appears that it is set in stone. Although we've heard that Don Bellisario is involved, I honestly can't see him having much input in this project on top of all of his other work right now. I mean, someone else wrote the script, screenplay, etc. and it seems like they had him just read it over once or twice to get his blessing.

I haven't heard anything about Deborah Pratt being involved either. I wonder if she is? Anyway, what I'm getting at here is that if Don Bellisario doesn't have direct input or at least a significant influence on the upcoming film, then I feel it could make or break it. This would make no difference whatsoever to new viewers, but it would to die-hard fans like ourselves. I hope this movie/series still has Bellisario's unmistakable style. If not, things just won't be the same.
Re: let's hope!

On the scott backula thing now that enterprise is cancelled some people have argued that Scott would return to Quantum leap full time now, but also some people say he may not because he may not want to play Sam full time, all I can say is it will be interesting to see what unfolds, do remember everyone Scott has continuesly tried to get Quantum leap back on the air and continuesly said he would love to do quantum leap again.
In my oppinion I think Scott may return full time some time within the series and have all 3 Dean, Kimberly cullum and Scott Backula in it, my guess is really the only way it could work is have Sammy jo and Al sometime in the beggining of the series find Sam again and theron have Sammy Jo leap back to the project and have her and Dean be the observer, kinda like a switchoff, I curious to hear any other ideas if Scott does return full time because now we have to put Sammy Jo somewhere.
Comments from Scott...

Scott just gave a chat on and he said there have been tons of wild rumors about him being in a new Quantum Leap movie or series or that he is already making them. He said he knows nothing about any QL projects! A chat transcript will be up later tonight but that is the basics of what he said.

I really don't think this project is even close to as far a long as we thought. A part may have been written for Scott but if he has not been asked to do it yet they can't be ready to start anytime soon.
Re: let's hope!

So far it seems like Don does have creative input, or else he wouldn't be listed, what usually happens is someoe else writes it and Don reads it over to make sure its Quantum Leap style and not some other crap that would ruin it, i don't think don would let anything go by that would ruin quantum Leap, quantum leap is his baby.
From Scott himself

Here is the question Scott was asked and his answer from the transcript of tonights chat -

Archer500: Hi Scott, I heard that there'll be a new Quantum Leap series, And Sam will finally come home because his daughter takes over for him. Who'll play Sam Beckett's daugter?

SB: I know nothing about that series. There are wild rumors flying about Quantum Leap all over the globe right now. What I know is I have not made a movie of Quantum Leap, I have not made a television movie about Quantum Leap, and I am not getting ready to do a new series of Quantum Leap.
Re: From Scott himself

You know, if you really thought hard about it, you could say that Scott has told the truth and can *still* have agreed to do a cameo in the movie, as that person at the Sci-Fi board said he was told by Belisarius Productions.

Scott says he knows nothing about the new TV series. Well, that's probably true, since they haven't even begun on the TV *movie* yet.

He says he hasn't made a movie of QL--that's true, because there was never going to be a theatrical film. He hasn't made a TV movie of QL--that's true, because he's still filming Enterprise and won't have time 'til it finishes in March. And he probably isn't getting ready to do a new series of QL because he was never meant to be a lead on it in the first place.

He never said, "I won't be doing that 10-15 minute cameo that Belisarius Productions said I would be doing." He simply said he hasn't done anything yet--which is true, because he's still filming on Enterprise.

*sighs* Yep, the Optimistic Leaper strikes again. ;-)

Re: From Scott himself

Yes thats very true, Scott wouldn't know or have done a QL series yet, nothings been done obiously.
But also do remember my fellow peeps that Dean Stockwell himself and Scifi channel conformed a bold leap forward. And Scott is written to do a cameo, not be the star, so he didn't lie about that.
Also i'd like to point out to everyone that I am in the entertainment buisness and when the fans ask ARE YOU RETURNING, the entertainers always say no and BOOM suprise everyone. They always lie!!!
Also Scott did say, aren't we in it!!! fact is no one really knows anything right now because nothings been done But he did say aren't we in it, therefor he knows about it so he did lie!!! And if Dean knows/confermed it, Scifi channel conformed it how could Scott not know anything also with Scott himself going on live tv saying Aren't we in it!!! Common. Remember right now as was just said he still has enterprise to finish, and nothing has been done yet for the new QL movie all there is is a script and Scifi pushing for it to be filmed. I think Scott is keeping it a secret. and bieng careful on his words.
You all seem very optimistic at what appears to be Bakula (apparently him) dismissing this ABLF thing "I know nothing about that series" Why would he say that? He also was very negative about the mention of QL - i'm not doing this, i haven't done that - why would he state the obvious that he hasn't done it yet and not allude to the possibility of a TV movie or even his cameo if it was likely? Just to surprise us later? I don't know, it doesn't sound good.

Probably Callaway has written a spec script, Bellisario said sure i'm busy with NCIS i don't want to touch the material again - but you can, Stockwell said he'll do it (or any thing else) and sci fi has shown a vauge interest. So in an attempt to garner support he leaked it to imdb as a happening project.

If i was Bakula i'd be calling my agent, Callaway, Bellisario productions, the sci-fi channel or anyone and trying to secure something - esp. MORE than a 10-15 minute cameo! Lets face it his career from the end of QL until he got Enterprise wasn't to spectactular - a part in the woeful 'Color of Night', a tiny bit part in the superb 'American Beauty' the odd tv part, 'Murphy Brown' and the odd telemovie. He'll never be an A-List celebrity so now Enterprise is canned he should be jumping all over any QL project before he can't get arrested, if he doesn't his brain is 'swiss-cheesed' too.
Re: Bold Leap Gossip

Hi... I just read the transcript of the talk that Scott did on, and he said he didn't know anything about a "Quantum Leap" movie, TV series, etc. Do you think anyone has approached him about playing Dr. Sam Beckett again? I know that his fans would like to see him reprise the role, even if it's just for a cameo appearance. I know that I would like to see him play Sam again!
Re: Bold Leap Gossip

My theory is that he doesn't *want* to have a lead role on the new QL. He doesn't want to be typecast. So, a 10-15 min. cameo in the movie and possibly guest appearances on the show is probably all he's willing to do. I do know he wants to spend more time with his family and also work more in musical theatre, so signing on as a lead on yet another TV series seems like something he wouldn't want to do.

I dunno. I just didn't think his answer was a straight answer. I think he was beating around the bush as a way of not getting hopes up nor beating them down. It could be he's currently in negotiations and can't say anything about it yet. It could be that his cameo is/was supposed to be a surprise. Who knows.

Re: Bold Leap Gossip

I really don't think what Scott wants is really the issue right now. Right before Enterprise was cancelled he was asked in an interview if it was what would his plans be. He said he would take sometime and think about what he wants to do next. Enterprise is still filming and will be for a few more weeks. This new Quantum Leap has developed from the beginning as different from the first. Staring a new character. Whether that is just because Scott was already on Enterprise or Sci-Fi just wanted something different, or maybe a little of both. I think it is assuming a lot to think he would never want a lead role. Because there never was a time in the development of it that he would have been available to have one. It is still way too soon to see if Enterprise's end will change that.

I think the rumors he was specifically talking about was the thinking that A)Enterprise cancelled B) New Quantum Leap talked about = Scott Bakula to start filming new QL really, really soon! Things don't move that fast. When Sci-Fi released their last list of new movies and shows it was developing QL was no where to be seen. Maybe he did give some kind of promise for an small appearance but I have noticed that actors do not want to talk about new jobs until they are a done deal. Meaning they have signed a contact and know the day they are to be at the studio.

Bottom line, I don't think A Bold New Leap is that far along and most likely will not start filming this year. That may be good though because Scott's new availability may change the extant of his involvement. It really depends on what all of the different parties involved,Scott, The Producers, and mostly Sci-Fi, want to happen with this whole thing. Which still very much remains to be seen.
Re: Re: Bold Leap Gossip

A few tidbits here,
In alot of cases now days stars don't find out their fired until they see it on the news, or don't know about an upcoming tv show until a hardcore fan tells them, maybe with filming enterprise Scott is just too busy to look into what Bellsario productions is doing. Also with A bold leap forward Scott could be in it and not actually have anything to do with it, they could simply flash back alot which I know they will and with scenes with Sam and Sammy Jo from Trilogy. Also in the scene where Sam is supposed to meet Sammy Jo they could just show her talking to someone and and kinda hide who she's talking to and then show someone leap out,then she runs to her teacher who is Al and says ," I just saw Sam!! just a few tidbits I'd thought I'd share about Backula's Role in it.
Re: Re: Bold Leap Gossip

You know, people need to realize also how the industry works: Paramount and Universal are competitors; Scott still has a contractual obligation to support and promote his current employer, and I would certainly think that he's not really allowed to talk too much about any possible future projects he may have been approached to do, especially if they involve the competition. That's how it works for any business you work for; I'll give you the perfect example: I knew someone who was a photo assistant and his father was also a photographer. (My father is a photographer, and we all know people who work in the industry.) Basically, my friend was assisting another photographer at a photo shoot and began talking to the client about how his dad was also a photographer and how good he was. He gave the client his father's business card, meanwhile he was supposed to be showing support for the photographer he was working for that day. Even though he was trying to help out his father, it wasn't a very professional thing to do. You just don't do stuff like that. When you're hired to provide your services for a particular company or employer, they usually expect you to focus more of your talents and abilities on THEIR projects, not to direct a client elsewhere. Or let's say you're a freelance graphic artist, like myself, and you work on another project on company time. That's a huge no-no and if the employer you're working for found that out, they would kick your butt out the door and tell you not to come back. Companies expect their employees to focus their time and energy on the work they've been paid to do, not to sneak in time on someone else's project.

A few people here made really great points, and I think it's ultimately a combination of all of them. Nothing has been set in stone yet as far as a QL movie/spinoff is concerned, and until that time comes, it would be irresponsible for ANYONE in the production field, including Scott, to add to the rumors and speculation, even if he's already been approached to do a 15 or 20-minute cameo. A script has been written... that's all. Production has not even begun, actors have not been signed yet, budgets have not been determined... These kinds of things take a lot of time to set up. Like Joy also said, it would be irresponsible to say something to get people's hopes up, when nothing is set in stone as of yet. Scott is still actively involved with Enterprise and is very likely not at liberty to discuss upcoming projects that he might have been approached to do. (Operative word there being "might"!) It was a Star Trek chat... not a Quantum Leap chat. It's one thing to mention projects he's already been a part of or currently involved in... it's an entirely different case to mention an upcoming project that may or may not happen, especially if it involves a huge competitor like NBC/Universal.

Everyone should just try to be patient and not to analyze everything that has been said so closely. And to whoever said it was "(apparently him)" in that chat, yes, it really was Scott Bakula in the chat Friday night. STARTREK.COM is Paramount's official website. If an official website (or Al's Place ;) ) claims that a celebrity will take part in a chat, then you can usually believe it.
Re: Re: Bold Leap Gossip

Very good point, nothing is set in stone yet, right now its just an idea even if its Don Bellsario and Trey talking. Well have to wait until enterprise is over.
truely if Scott is not in the role as I said above its sooo easy to do it without him stepping foot on set.
Re: Re: Bold Leap Gossip

Ok i am going to get to the bottom of this right now, recently I auditioned for a tv spot for a scifi channel reality show. I got the companys number and I recently found it.
I am going to call them myself and ask them about a bold leap forward on weather or not it is going to be made or if its just an idea. i'll also ask them if they're expecting any new QL series with Dean and Scott. I am going to call them right now and i'll get back to everyone about what is truely going on with this new QL series.