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July 4th, 2004

Guestvision By: Sue Johnson


This is my first response to any of the "Vision" columns. Usually, by the time I've thought of something to say, it's already been said so this time I'm hoping to be first.

Firstly, I would like to welcome both Helen and Georgia to Rodette and by the look of their introductions, we're gonna be in for a real treat each month.  Helen I already know and have met, we've have had (too) many great conversations and discussions over the past couple of years, and I know we'll have more.


Both introductions scared me.  Already, I knew that Helen and I share very similar traits, we even think the same things at the same time but to read Georgia's, well that's the real scary bit.  I didn't grow up with Quantum Leap like she did but right from the very first episode I ever saw in 2001, this program touched my heart, like nothing else in my life had ever had.  Even giving birth to my one-and-only child didn't compare to the way I felt after watching that first episode (which incidentally was 'Color Of Truth').  I felt humbled and at the same time very saddened that crazy things really happened as in the episodes, but knowing all the time that they really did take place, 'cos some of them had happened to me and to those I know.  This was a show I could relate to and many-a-time I was drawn to tears at what could have been, if Quantum Leap 'was real' and the difference one person could make to the lives of so many.


I was so inspired, that even without the knowledge of HTML, I started developing my own website and on the eve of summer solstice, 2001, "World of Quantum Leap" was born.  It started off as a small site, with a few photographs I'd acquired and then as my knowledge grew so did the site.  Story-Boards were painstakingly added (do any of you remember those? teehee) and they then developed into the now, Video-Boards.  After many addresses, the site now resides at:


Being a dissatisfied Leaper after hearing about the conclusion with Mirror Image, in August of 2001, I started writing my own sequels to Sam's continued leaping (A Time Continuum).  Parts 1 (A Leap Out Of Time (originally a script)) and 2 (A Stitch In Time) are complete and can be found here.


Part 3 (The Wrong Turn) can also be found above, but is a work in progress which I hope to finish when MJ gets sick of me writing for the continuing saga at TVS.

(If you like reading scripts, the original script for Part 1 can be found posted here.


To me, QL did change my life, it made me a stronger person and revived passions in me that I thought were long dead.  For years I couldn't cry, all the time wallowing in self-pity, being a hard nut and not showing any emotion nor any interest in anything, and then at the age of 47, I grew up.  My passions re-energized, I started writing again and I owe my life to a writer of two characters in a fictional show…


From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, Don Bellisario, for giving us Quantum Leap.

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