From: Lenora McCoy Subject: "Quantum Leap: A Visit to a Weird Planet" (4/5) Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 22:54:39 -0700 Organization: Sprint Internet Passport Message-Id: <> "Quantum Leap: A Visit to a Weird Planet" by Lenora McCoy (part 4 of 5) When they reached Crane's office, Dean decided that as long as he had the chance, he might as well have fun with it, so he walked right through the door to Crane's office. He waited a minute and stuck his head back out to favor Sam with a glare. "Come on Sam, you're a cop, jimmy the lock!" He stepped back into the office and watched Sam through the privacy glass. "I'm not a cop! I don't know how to jimmy the lock." Dean thought to himself, No, of course the Prudent Prince doesn't know how to jimmy the lock. I'd better help him, and he stuck his head back out, "Try a credit card!" Sam did so and cautiously entered the office. Dean looked around at what he could see without being able to move stuff and directed Sam to where he thought potential clues might be. After a while, they had found nothing, but then Dean had a brainstorm. "The rolodex! Why didn't we look in the rolodex!" Sam did so, and discovered that Crane had been seeing both Peter and Janice DiCaro. That evening at dinner, Sam discussed his suspicions with Rosselli. After a short dinner, Sam went back to Stone's place and went to bed. Dean followed his example and went to bed himself. As he laid down in Admiral Calavicci's bed, he thought, Gee, I'm almost beginning to enjoy myself. Being a hologram is kinda fun. But I'd still rather get back to where I belong and have Al back here where he belongs. The next morning, Al found the makeup trailer without any trouble. He sat down in the chair next to Scott. "So, Mr. Ad-lib, how much of the script are you going to throw out the window today?" Al smirked, "Whatever do you mean?" "Just don't throw me something totally off the wall. I want to get done at a normal time today so I can get to Chelsea's recital." As he stood on the set, Al felt a bit more relaxed. He'd done summer stock as a kid and this wasn't that much different. He even got to wear his kind of clothes -- golden yellow pants, a black shirt, and a golden jacket. It was right out of his closet! And the script was so well written -- it was so much like him that he didn't really have to act that much. After a couple of hours, he even began to ad-lib a little. But he still had a nagging worry for Sam in the back of his mind that he tried to forget about. He was enjoying himself, but he still wanted to get back to Sam. After a few takes saying his lines as scripted, Al took up Scott's challenge and began to ad-lib. The character was really himself so it wasn't hard. They were filming a scene towards the beginning of the script, at the crime scene. "What happened? Holy mackerel!" If Scott was upset over the minor ad-lib, he didn't show it. Al moved to look into the room with the body as scripted, and seeing the dummy all made up as the body of Janice DiCaro, Al reacted as himself, forgetting the script. "Ohhhhh! Jeeeez louise!" "Why am I here Al?" Scott, however, still stuck to the script. He had a Prudent Prince kind of personality, like Sam. "Ziggy gives it a ninety-nine percent you're here to save a guy named Peter DiCaro. Oohhh!" The rest of the scene went pretty much as scripted. Al was having a good time, but worry for Sam still occupied the back of his mind. "Admiral, it is oh-nine-hundred hours and we have discovered some relevant information that Dr. Beckett should be informed of immediately." "Oooh! Thanks for the wakeup call, Ziggy. I'll be down in five minutes. Anything on my situation?" "Negative." He heard a click -- apparently Ziggy didn't want to talk anymore. -------------------------To be continued----------------------------- -- Lenora McCoy, confessed Obsessed Leaper, Al-coholic, and Dean-drooler Author of "Quantum Kirk" and other stories (list and/or requests by e-mail)