Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 17:52:16 From: Christina L Bartruff Subject: "ETC" Author's Notes, etc.p00 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" AUTHOR'S NOTES: "Hey," you say, "This isn't the same as the one on the Fan-Fic page!" You're right. The big, bad computer ate Chapters 1-3, so I took the opportunity to run it through the Spellchecker and corrected the grammar (well, a little). From Chapter 4 on to the end, whatever I send to Mr. Patten, will be sent to the archive. VERY IMPORTANT CHANGE: I promised a Leap. I have one, but it took on a life of it's own. What this means is, shorly, I will be submitting TWO stories at once. Even if I cut it down, I still want it outside the ETC story. It will make sense, trust me. Just in case this is the only forum that you, wonderful reader, can access (meaning you can't get the fan-fic page no matter how hard you tried), I will include some of the Original Author's Notes from Chapters 1-3: GEORGE EDWARD PHILLIP WHITMORE-JONES: This character started out as plain George Whitmore, but he sort of snowballed out of control (AND CONTINUES TO DO SO) as my imagination ran amok. He is Al's bestfriend. I don't like Chip Fergueson. EDWARD ST. JOHN V: He is George's second cousin. HARMON RABB (SR.): I couldn't resist. This isn't a crossover, yet, but since he's technically property of Don Bellisario. I felt he would fit in nicely. There's a groaner in Chapter 2, during a conversation between Al and Beth at lunch. I couldn't resist. My deepest apologies to any real descendents of John Paul Jones. Questions? Comments? Send to (Please be gentle. Lost Sheep are easily upset). THIS IS BASICALLY ABOUT BETH AND IT'S FOR THOSE OF US WHO WONDERED ABOUT HER. IF YOU HATE HER, SKIP IT ENTIRELY. ALL STANDARD DISCLAIMERS OF CHARACTERS, AND THE RIGHTS TO THEM, APPLY. Christina L. Bartruff