From: dbriggs Newsgroups: Subject: QL: Farm Boy - part one Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 20:53:30 -0800 Organization: IDT Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is my first really long QL story. I really hope you enjoy it. This is the first part out of my two-part QL saga, "Leaps of the Heart." (As the saga's title suggests, it's kinda a love story, but not totally. It's mostly just about the different things that happen in Sam's and Al's young lives.) I would really like to "hear" your comments and thoughts about it. Thanks. There are somethings in my story that are mysteries about the characters. I can't tell you exactly what they are, until the answer is found out in the story. If my story was a tv show according to the new US rating system, it would be probably be rated TV PG (might be TV PG-14.) It has some bad words ("hell" or "damn"), kissing, and deals with a serious teenage problem (but not really heavy ones, such as drugs or violence. I can't tell what it is yet. Don't want to give anything away too soon.) Well, here we go . . . . ++++++++++++++++++ FARM BOY BY: D. MONICA Briggs Sam felt the blue aura of electricity running through his body as he leaped. As Sam finished leaping, he noticed where he was, and he could not belive it. He was home again! Well, his childhood home anyway. He was in his high school's small auditorium back in his hometown in Indiana. He sat at the brown upright piano that was toward the rear of the high wwooded stage near the beige back curtain. The person he leaped into must have been playing the piano until he leaped in, because his fingers were arched over the black and white keys of the keyboard. A microphone was propped up in front of him. He looked out toward the audience section. Several familar faces of students were looking at him from their seats in the rows of metal folding chairs. *It must be in the late sixties* he figured. *Otherwise, I wouldn't reconize any of these people.* He looked at the fashions of the people before him, and thought that was decidedly so. His high school English teacher, Miss Gray, was pacing up and down in the front aisle between the stage and the rows of chairs. "Oh, boy!" CHAPTER ONE "Mr. Beckett, is there a problem?" Miss Gray asked. *Mr. Beckett! She called me Mr. Beckett! I cannot believe it! I leaped into myself again!* Sam thought. *What are the chances of this happening. A million. No billion to one, at least.* Even though Sam did not really know for sure yet, he had a very good feeling. The power of deduction lead him to this theory. His family was the only Becketts in town. His father would never be in the high school auditorium on stage. His older brother, Tom, who was only a few older that Sam was, gave up the piano when he was tweleve, so he would not be playiong in high school. He coulds not remember his brother playing anything except chopsticks. *I'm me! Me! This is so wierd!* "There's no problem," he told her. "I never felt better." "Good," she said. "Now continue." Sam's high school girlfriend, Kelly, leaned over to him from the spot next to him where she was playing. She was more gorgeous than he remembered her to be. She looked beautiful. Her long honey colored straight hair cascaded over her right shoulder. She was wearing a hot green and orange dress that showed off her perfect girlish figure. She held her wooded guitar close to her. Kelly was smiling at him. Her smile was the one thing that Sam could never forget about her. Sam recalled her always to be smiling. Kelly always had the sweetest personality out of everyone that he ever knew. He felt that nothing could ever get her down and blue. It was her attitude that made Sam fall in love with her. "Sammy, do you want to take it from the top?" "Sure. What song?" Sam had no idea of what he had just been playing. He did not even know why he was playing. He remembered that back in high school, he used to play the piano often for school functions, such as award cerimonies, ring day, talent shows and other such events. "The song you were just playing, Sammy." He always loved how she called him Sammy. "What song is that?" *How was I supposed to know what I was playing about thirty years ago? It may have been minutes ago to me back then, but it's years to me now.* "What a minute. It's a Beatles' song, isn't it?" he asked suddenly getting a strong hunch at the song. "Of corse, it is. It's the senior class song, cutey. It's the Beatles' 'With a Little Help From My Friends,'" she said as if he should know what was going on. Her large brown eyes twinkled as she looked over at him smiling. *That song was my class' song - the Class of 1970,* Sam remembered. *It must be my senior year of high school.* "Ok," Sam said as they began to play and sing the song. He found himself stumbling a few times. He pretty much knew the song, but he guessed his surroundings were gettting to him. He was back home again. Back around all of the familiar surroundings he knew as a teenager. He was doing the same thing that he did back then. Kelly and Sam finished the song. "Good job,' Misss Gray commented. "You need a lot more practice on it, but it was almost perfect. Make sure you know it perfectly for the talent show." *Talent show!* Sam thought. *That must be what we were playing for. This is a rehersal for the school show.* Sam followed Kelly to two empty seats towards the back on the right side of the auditorium. He sat down, nd Kelly sat down next to him on his left side. He looked over at her. Just being with her made him feel like a teenager all over again. He wanted to have her near him. He wanted to spend time with her once again. He wanted to remember the love and feeeling they once had for each other. He placed his left arm around Kelly's shoulders. She snuggled up sclose next to him. He could smell the sweet perfume she always wore. "So, how was school today?" he asked her looking at the stage where three female ballerinas were now preforming. "School's school," she answered indifferently. "How was that test you took?" * People always seem to be taking tests in school. It is a legitimate question, even if she didn't take a test that day.* "It was so hard! You know how Mr. Jones' tests are. He's such a nozzle. That test we tok today was his abolute worst," she commented. "How I detest science! Who cares why things happen? They just do, and that's reason enough." "Come on! It might not have been that bad!" "Oh, yeah! Sam, you're such a genius. You were the first one done, and you probably got another hundred to boot. Next time, can I borrow that brain of yours?" She looked up at him and smiled. "If I can find a way to give it to you, I'd do it, but I needed it too." "Sam, you're already accented to MIT. It doesn't matter how you do from now until we graduate in a few weeks. You're the only senior here, who doesn't have senior-itis yet. Get a life, Sammy. Live a little. I'm going to live a lot. I'm not going to college." "Why?" "I must of told you about a hundred times," she said enthusiacally. "I'm going out in the world to find myself. Travel all around the country. See everything I could possibly see. I think I'll go back to New York for a while. Then maybe, some of my friends and I will hitch out to San Francisco." Sam could tell that she was very excited about her after school plans. "I still can't believe that's what you're going to do, but I have a feeling that you're going to like it out there," Sam said remembering that she actually went ahead with her plans. Kelly stayed out in San Fransisco for a long time, before they lost touch with each other during the mid-seventies. "Come on, Sam. Why don't you go with me? It'll be fun, and really far out, or as your little sister would say 'really awesome.'" "I don't think so. Why don't you come off to college with me?" "I want to see the world," she said. "Maybe, then I'll join you instead. The only lessons in life aren't in classrooms in school, especially not in large universities." "I guess so." Sam knew there were plently of things that he learned, just from leaping. He learned all sorts of different things about people and places. It was an education he would not get any other way - not even with a million university degrees. "A guy that hung out in my old neighborhood taught me that about life. He's just a few years older then us, and my brother's best friend. Nobody could keep him in one place for long - no matter how much people tried. He was always running away to have adventures. I guess that's why he joined - " She hestited for a moment. " - Joined my brother in California." "Are you going out there to be with him?" Sam questioned. He wanted know if there was another man in Kelly's life, or just the possiblity of another romance down the road. "No," she answered. "You're the onl one for me, Sammy. You're the complete opposite of this guy." She looked into his eyes. "He might be cool, but you're sweet, smart, cute." Sam closed his eyes and moved in to kiss her. He once again wanted to feel one of her gentle kisses. She tilted her head moving her lips to met his. Just as their lips were about to met, someone showed up. The imaging chamber door opened, and Al stepped out. He was looking down at the handlink, and had not yet noticed what was happening. "Sam, who you leaped into this time is really amazing," he said making his presence know. He gazed pver at Sam and Kelly as the door closed behind him, and saw that his best friend was about to kiss the girl sitting next to him. "Whoa!" He had a look of astonishment upon his face. Sam moved away form Kelly, and turned to Al. "You have great timing. Do you know that?" *Why couldn't he show up five minutes later? One single kiss is all I want.* "You just got her, and you're almost in a lip lock with - " He looked over at Kelly, who was sitting close to Sam looking at the stage." - With the most beautiful babe I ever saw. Hubba hubba. Who's this?" Al said indicating Kelly as he looked lustfully at her. Sam looked towards Al. "She's my old girlfriend." "What did you say?" she asked. "I said your my girlfriend, and I love you," he said covering up his conversation with Al. "I just remembered I left something in my locker." He got up out of his seat. "Hurry back, cutey," she said looking at Sam with pleading puppy dog eyes. "Be back, before my shoulder get cold." "I will," he told her. "Folllow me," he whispered to Al. "I can't believe that you dated a girl that looked like that. She's a total tweleve out of ten on the babe meter," Al said as he turned around to get a last look at Kelly before they walked out of the auditorium into the wide hallway of Elk Ridge High School. They walked over to the narrow blue lockers that lined the walls in between the different classrooms. The hallway was completely empty, since it was four o'clock. All of the students left to go home already, except for the few students at talent show rehersal. "She's really something. Just think you were the lucky one to get a babe like that when you were younger. There's something about her that reminds me of someone. Somehow, I have the feeling she's from some other place and time, too. There's a certain weird feeling she gives me." "Well, I think it's just wishful thinking," Sam said. "Maybe, youre jelous. I'm the one with the beautiful girlfriend. Remember?" "Hey, when I was a teenager, I had millions of sexy babes all over ythe five Burroughs." *Al probably did have many,* Sam thought, *but millions?!* "Some of them were even hotter than her," Al continued boastfully. "I'm telling you New York produces the hottest babes. Tina is even from New York. Well, she's originally from upstate New York, which is totally different from the city. Some of the New York babes are nowhere near your hick girlfriend." "I think Kelly;'s from New York?" he mentioned remembering when she first moved into town when they were about fourteen. "No wonder! Really? Where?" "Staten Island, but I'm not too sure," he told. "I think she lived in the Bronx for a while, before she came here. I really don't remember though." "Maybe, that's -" "She lived out in San Francisco, since she was eighteen, I think." Kelly walked out the door of the auditorium. "Hey, Sam! Did you get what you wanted yet?" she asked. She was a good distance away from Sam and Al, so she proabably couldn't hear Sam talking. "Not yet," Sam yelled back. "I'm just going to get a drink," Kelly said turning towards Sam and Al. Kelly walked over to the low white water fountain that jutted out of the wall, and bent over to take a drink. Sam noticed Al's eyes wondering over to look up Kelly's short dress. "Leave her alone," he said noticing what Al was doing. He moved over to block Al's view of her. "She's only eighteen." "So? Sam, you have it made," Al said. "You're a teenager again, and have a sexy young girl after you. Man, I wish I was young again!" Kelly moved away from the water fountain and looked up at the poster on the wall that announced the talent show a few days away. "I'll met you back in the auditorium." She gave Sam a coy sext smile, before she walked back into the room. "Sam, your girlfriend really has a great set of hooters," Al complimented on his friend's fanastic taste in babes. "Al, I doubt that you came here to ogle my girlfriend." *Actually, that's probably was the reason had he really know that she was going to be here.* "Not a clue on why your here," he told him looking into the auditorium to get another look at Kelly. "I just came here to tell you what I know. You leaped into yourself again. It's the middle of June 1970." "I know. Is that it?" "That's it! Also, I want to tell you not to freak out, and scare everybody you know, like the last time you were here, right before your brother got shipped off to Vietnam." "You're the one who's flipping," Sam said. *I think his hormones got the best of him, and he's confused her with ever good-looking woman he ever slept with.* Al walked over to the door of the auditorium. He looked inside at Kelly sitting all alone. "I know that I know her from somewhere, but where?" "Maybe, she's just reminds you of someone." "I don't think it's that. She looks so familiar, but I really don't know where she's from. Well, bye Sam," he said before he disappeared into the future. +++++++++++++++++ GO TO CHAPTER TWO. "Get back. Get back to where you once belonged. Get back. Get back to where you once belonged. Get back, . . . Go home." - Beatles, "Get Back." (song - 1969.) D. Monica Briggs