Date: Wed, 25 Aug 93 01:52:44 MDT From: tperreau@banshee.VLA.NRAO.EDU (Tonemiester) Message-Id: <> Subject: Once A King...Part 8 Once A King... Part VIII Scott made it to the large gathering of people that clustered around the banners of his kingdom. Duke Coris saw him, nodded and smiled. He leaned down to speak to a small boy. Sam looked around, taking in the juxtaposition of cultures present, and of the too obviously modern awning that provided shade. Al appeared and looked around. "Hey, Sam! Look at that!" Al pointed at several Middle Eastern exotic dancers. "Jeez. Maybe I should join this group." "The more things change, the more they stay the same," Sam muttered under his breath, shaking his head. He then heard his name called out by one of the persons from behind the thrones. Sam looked up as people moved aside, creating a path for him. "Al! Help! What do I do?" "Uh, you walk up to their majesties, stop about 10 feet in front of them, bow, then step up to the pillow there and drop to your knees. Try to look humble, too." Al read off the handlink. "That helps." Sam did as he was told, and apparently he did ok, for no one rebuked him. Sam knelt before "his" king and queen, feeling more than a little nervous. "People of our great kingdom, if it were not for this man, our forces today would have suffered a tragic blow." The king was on his feet. "Pray know that this man, Lord Cedric, fought off six Outlanders by himself as they were hoping to capture our banner." The crowd shouted in tribute to Sam's fighting ability, and the king had to wave them to silence. Sam noticed that Meagan had joined Al, and that they were confering over the handlink. "Lord Cedric, with the full support of the Knights of our great kingdom, by my hand, I do admit you into the circle of peers." The king produced a white belt and placed it around Sam's waist and cinched it tight. "Be welcome, brother knight." Amid the cheering, Sam looked over to Al and Meagan. Al had a smile on his face and nodded. "Good work, Sam!" Al shouted above the noise of the crowd. Sam was led away, and he heard the instructions from Duke Coris of what was to be expected. Al and Meagan were beside him. "Since you have to be at a vigil tonight, you don't get bitten by the spider, and you don't die." Al looked at the handlink. "Oh, look. You, or Ron rather, will become king too." "A king and a knight?" Sam shook his head. Meagan looked from Al to Sam and back, a cryptic little smile on her face. "Spill it major, what are you thinking about?" Sam asked. Meagan's smile got a little broader. "Oh, just something I remember from one of my history classes. A funny little quote, actually, that applies to your present case." "What's that?" "Once a king, always a king, but once a knight's enough." Sam winced, and he heard Al make a sound as he leaped...