From: (Kitkin) Newsgroups: Subject: WHATEVER IT TAKES 1/9 Date: 10 Jun 1996 11:51:04 -0400 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Message-Id: <4phg98$> Hi all, I've written a few very short fan-fics before, but this is my first looooong one. It didn't start out this way, and I hadn't intended for so much of it to deal with Al. (Could this be one of the early warning signs of Al-choholism? :) Any way, it's one of those post MI pieces, and was inspired during the most recent onslaught of MI related posts on the newsgroup. Since I haven't read any of the others, I hope it doesn't end up sounding like someone elses. All standard disclaimers of characters, and the rights to them apply. Here goes. ( 9 PARTS ) "Whatever It Takes" PART 1 ............whatever it takes, I'll get you out of this........................ Al Calavicci awoke with a start from a particularly non-restful night's sleep. He had that unmistakable feeling that something had changed. It was the feeling he sometimes had whenever he came back from seeing Sam, in most cases, right after Sam lept. He might walk into his own office at the Project, an office that only by his handprint on the security panel, would allow access to it's interior ; and find a desk piled high with books or blueprints, which had'nt been there the last time he had walked out the door. Or, he may find that Tina, who had been his lover when he left to meet with Sam, was now dating Gooshie when he returned even if he'd only been gone 20 minutes. But this was the disturbing part. Had Sam lept yet? He could'nt seem to remember.He propped himself up on one elbow, and thought with a sigh,"Oh great, now I suppose I'm swiss cheesing." While Al contemplated the answer to his question, he heard the sounds of someone moving around in the the next room. "Who's in head?," he wondered silently. Then, correcting himself out loud, he said, "Bathroom." The military really ingrained itself on some things. The answer came to him, that it had to be Tina, for when the door opened a crack, steam from the shower billowed out. On the warm cloud of mist though, there also came a lovely floral scent. "Wow," he thought, if Sam had to change something this time around, he was glad it was Tina's loud perfume. This was soft and subtle, and gave him a comfortable sensation that washed over him like warm memories on a cold night. She entered the bedroom, her hair done up in a towel. She was just tying the sash of her robe as she stepped from the misty aura surrounding her while the steam slowly disapated. "Did you say something about the bathroom honey?" Al stared without saying a word, because no words would come to him. Beth looked back at him with a puzzled expression. "Al, are you all right?" Al's mouth opened and closed, but still no words issued forth. Beth crossed her arms over her bossom, and with a wry grin said," Why mister Calavicci, I didn't know I could still get that kind of reaction out of you just by wearing a bathrobe. To think what would've happened if I'd come out wrapped in a towel!" She smiled sweetly, still under the delighted misconception, that her husband's look of blank astonishment was the modern Italian equivilant to " But soft, what light through yonder window breaks.." She stolled over to Al and as she kissed the top of his head, he felt an overwhelming desire to pull her close and never let go. However, that urge was mixed with an equally strong one to jerk away from her touch. As a frustrating compromise, a single tear tracked down his cheek as he closed his eyes at her tender kiss. Luckily for them both, with Al's head bent down, the tear went unnoticed by Beth as she gave his sleep jumbled hair a playful tousle, and left to return to the bathroom to put on her make-up. When she later emerged from the bathroom, Al was gone. It had been a difficult ordeal for Al to come home from Vietnam after years of torture and degredation at the hands of his captors, only to find that his beloved Beth was no longer his. Nights of barely wanting to stay alive had been survived by thoughts of her warm brown eyes and the taste of her lips. He often found himself repeating over and over again, as someone reciting a Rosary, "I'm coming back Beth, I'm coming back" When he finally did come back, he found out that she had given up on him. On them. She had married someone else after having Al legally declared dead, and a strange metamorphosis of emotions had taken place. Love turned to hurt,hurt to anger, anger to resentment, and from there, it just sort of disentegrated into self pity. It had taken its tole on Al, but nothing that he had endured while seperated from Beth as a POW,nor during his agonizing period just after his return home when he knew he had lost her, had prepared him to deal with the conflicting emotions that had bombarded him upon seeing her in his quarters that morning. It was only through sheer determination of will, to not let on that something was wrong, that had gotten Al through the awkward situation. Back in 1990 or so, just at the nadir of his self destruct process, while beating up a vending machine at the "Star Bright" project, along had come Sam Beckett to rescue him. And now, God love him, apparently Sam had done it again, but at what cost? To Sam, quantum leaping was a balled up piece of string, but from Al's standpoint, it always seemed more like a spider web. Concentric circles, each one connected by small threads to the next one. Whenever Sam changed something drastically enough, you left the circle you were on and walked along that little connection to the next circle. You'd see the same people, same places, but it would be a different version. Sort of like the same cast of characters all on the same set, but with a new script to learn. Well, this script was a doozie! Here ya' go kid, lets see what ya' can do with this. You awake to find your ex-wife that you havn't seen in decades, coming out of the bathroom, but get this---to her, it's as if you've never been apart since you got back from that hell-hole called Vietnam! NO DIVORCE, NO DECLARATION OF DEATH, NO DRUNKEN BINGES, just ' and they lived happily ever after'. A helluva nice ending, provided you got to participate in all the stuff that had come after 'once upon a time.' Al contemplated all of these things as he paced aimlessly up and down the unfinished and abandoned tunnel that would have become more living quarters if funding had allowed.This was his sanctuary. A place he could go to whenever he felt the need to be alone, completely alone. Ziggy didn't even have a connection to this place.They had just never gotten around to it. He came here when he was too tired to think clearly, or when a problem arose that needed his un-interupted concentration. After Beth had dissappeared back into the bathroom, he had gotten dressed as quickly as he could and came straight here, for if ever he needed un-interupted concentration, it was now. .......................................................................... ......................... March 1969 "Hello?" "Hi Dirk, it's me, Beth." There was a slight quaver to her voice as she spoke into the phone. "Oh," he cooed sensually, "I was just thinking about you. We still on for Mexican tonight?" Beth didn't quite know how to begin to break the dinner date they had planned for this evening. After all, Dirk Simon was a wonderful man, kind, caring and quite good looking, but after last night, she just didn't know if she could be comfortable in his company. "You know, I was going to surprise you after dinner," he continued, not waiting for her answer and apparently not noticing that she sounded the least bit shakey. " but, I thought I'd take you for a moonlight sailing trip around the bay afterwards.Then..." "Dirk, I'm not going to be able to go to dinner with you." Beth finally interupted him. A dissappointed pause was followed by Dirk's equally dissappointed reply,"Why, what's the matter? They have you working a double over at Balboa again?" Being a nurse at Balboa Naval Hospital did keep Beth busy more often than not, so it wouldn't have been out of the ordinary for her to be asked to work a double shift. She was tempted to take the easy way out and just tell him yes, but decided that a lie would not be fair to him, and it simply was not her style. "No," she hesitated. " I just don't think it would be right, I'm....I'm still married you know, and I just...well, I shouldn't have led you on like I did. Oh Dirk, I'm so sorry." Not willing to let this lovely woman he had just met a week ago get away from him, he said,"C'mon Beth, it's not like we were sneaking off to some sleazy hotel, it's only dinner after all...uh..and...well,we don't have to take the moonlight sail afterwards you know, I mean if it'll make you feel more comfortable" Feeling tears beginning to threaten over this whole situation, Beth answered with determined conviction, " I just can't." "But Beth,.." Dirk began to argue, "can't we.." "I'm sorry Dirk, good-bye." As soon as she had hung up the phone, the tears came. And why not? She had been married to Al Calavicci for 8 years, yet they had actually only spent a handful of them together. The rest of the time he was off on one naval assignment after another, and taking that extra tour of duty in Vietnam had nearly caused them to divorce. Instead, it now caused her to live a neverending nightmare of dispair, loneliness, and the anxiety of not knowing if Al were dead or alive. She was tired of being alone, and now she had just broken a wonderful dinner date with Dirk. Not only was he a successful lawyer, but he was charming and fun to be with. Charming and fun to be with. Beth was suddenly drawn into a wistful memory of how charming and fun Al had been the first time they met.Ensign Calavicci was feeding coins into a juke box, when she first laid eyes on him. It was back in 1960, when she first became permanently assigned to Balboa. She and another nurse, Patty Jablonski, had just come off of working their first grueling double shift at the base hospital. It was late when they had finally gotten off, and they both felt that they deserved a little R&R. Patty drove them to "The Barbary Coast." It was a fairly classy place in San Diego, that featured a combination bar, restaurant,and dance floor. At least it beat the Officer's Club on base. Preferring to sit in the restaurant rather than the bar, the two women found a table and ordered a couple of beers and club sandwiches. "Be right back Pat," Beth said, as she picked up her purse and headed toward the ladies room. The restrooms were located in a small alcove, which ran between the restaurant and the dance floor. As she was passing through the dance area, she noticed a jukebox near the alcove's entrance.Beth made a mental note to stop on her way back, and pick out some music to listen to. When she approached the jukebox on her return trip, she saw a dark haired ensign who was busy making a number of selections. Beth stepped off to the side a bit to wait her turn. Holding her coin up in one hand, while her purse dangled from her arm, she used her other hand to rumage through it's contents in search of a cigarrette. When the insign finished making his final choice, he suddenly turned and looked straight into Beth's eyes. With a smile, he asked in a slightly graveled, almost whispered voice,"And what'll it be for you, angel?" If that line had been delivered differently, Beth would have meerly said,"No thanks" and returned to the table, waiting for a better opportunity to make her selection. But there was something, almost mesmerizing about his style. His dark eyes were locked on hers, with an intensity that was softened by his gentle smile. Still holding out the coin she was going to use, and still caught in the grip of his gaze, she said,"Ray Charles?" Taking the coin from her fingers, Al turned, dropped it into the slot, and made the selection. Once their eye contact had broken, just as if a spell that had been cast had now lost it's power, Beth was able to make her escape, and hopefully avoid a continuation of an already awkward situation, which had left her feeling embarrassed. When Al turned back around, she was gone. "What kept you, Beth? I was beginning to think you'd fallen in." Patty said with a chuckle. "Oh, nothing really, I just met an incredibly cute insign with eyes like brown velvet and a smile that turns you into a warm puddle of goo." she said to herself. Out loud, she said simply, "Stopped off at the jukebox." ......................CONTINUED IN PART 2..............................