From: (Michele Martin) Subject: XOVER:The Witness pt6 Date: Sun, 26 Mar 1995 15:12:39 -0500 (EST) scene 8 Metro Police Station 7:15 pm "Wait..who's Russell Nash?" Nick asked in confusion. From the look on Scully, Mulder and the Captain's faces, this was an important revelation. Obviously he was someone who'd been connected with similar incidents...and that could be a major break in the case. "He was a suspect in a similar set of incidents in New York City in 1985, but no charges were ever filed. Possibly due to the fact that Nash supposedly turned up dead not long after he first became a suspect," Mulder answered. "Decapitated?" asked Nick. "Car accident. But it appears now that either he was mistakenly identified, or someone was trying to cover for him. Or else we've got someone out here who looks an awful lot like him." As he said this, Mulder handed Nick the file on the 1985 cases. "Perhaps you can show us what you have on these cases?" he asked. Nick nodded. "Sure. Captain, if you'll excuse us, I'll show agents Scully and Mulder what Schanke and I have...and tell Schanke we've got an ID." Captain Cohen nodded as the three left the room. Nick saw his partner standing by the computer waiting for a response to his inquiry. He introduced "Schanke" to Mulder and Scully, and passed on what Mulder had told him about Russell Nash. He then showed the agents the files on the pass four cases and Scott's statement about that night's murder. Scully began looking over the files as Mulder informed the detectives about the US cases...and his theory. "So you think there are basically a bunch of these guys going around cutting off each other's heads for some unknown reason?" asked Sam. "I know it sounds a little odd..." "The whole thing's rather odd, if you ask me. You theory sounds as good as any we've come up with," replied Nick. "But that still doesn't explain these electrical disturbances or the damage in the immediate areas of the murders." "Maybe the swords act as lightening rods in some instances?" suggested Scully. "If that were true, the Middle Ages must have been a real trip. I really don't have a reasonable explanation for that...but I can toss out a few unreasonable ones," said Mulder. Scully rolled her eyes. "According to Sherlock Holmes, once you eliminate the impossible whatever's left, however improbable, is probably the answer," replied Sam. "Agent Mulder's explanations often cross the line between impossible and highly improbable," Scully noted. Mulder shrugged. "Well, I really can't conceive of a good scientific explanation for these phenomena. The closest I can come up with is the release of some sort of psychoenergetic force precipitated by the decapitation of one of these people. Maybe they're tapped into some sort of weird cosmic force... And when they kill another member of their group or whatever..." "They take his force? That's a little farfetched. Correction, that's alot farfetched," said Nick "Do you have a better explanation?" countered Mulder. Nick had to admit that he didn't. "Anyway, I think I'd like a chance to talk to Scott Edwards," continued Mulder. "Maybe there's something else he's remembered that could help us make sense of all this." "And I'd like a chance to look over Dr. Lambert's most recent files and perhaps get a look at some of the victims and any other evidence she has. And perhaps I could talk to her as well?" asked Scully. Nick nodded. "I'll show you to the Coroner's building, Agent Scully. Nat's at dinner right now with an out of town friend, but I can page her if you want to talk to her." "We can give her a bit more time. From what I saw of the files she already sent us, her information is pretty complete. I'd just like a chance to see everything for myself and compare it to the information we have from other cases." "Okay. Come with me, then. Schanke.." "I'll go get Scott and tell him we need to speak with him again," filled in Sam. Mulder nodded and indicated that he'd wait there until Scott came back up...and keep an eye out for a reply to their query about the now identified "Russell Nash". 7:45pm Police station cafeteria Scott and Paul were just finishing up when Sam came to tell them the FBI wanted to speak with Scott. Paul decided to wait in the lobby again, mainly to mull over the strange events of the past hour. Scott kept looking intently at "Detective Schanke" to see if he could see the man his father claimed to see. *Maybe if I touch him somehow...though I'd need a good excuse* With that thought in mind, Scott purposefully stumbled as they made their toward Schanke's desk. Sam instinctively reached out to steady him, and Scott tried to repress a gasp of astonishment as the features of the man beside him suddenly shifted. *Dad was right. Well, not that I ever doubted him. What is going on around here?* "Are you okay, Scott?" asked Sam. "Ah, yeah. Guess it's just been sort of a long day." "Can't say I blame you. Agent Mulder, this is Scott Edwards. Scott, Agent Fox Mulder from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation." Scott shook hands with the rather youngish looking federal agent before him. The fact that this man was named Fox made him even more uneasy. It wasn't a good sign. *And since when are you superstitious?* "I take it you have some questions for me?" "A few. I'll try to be brief since you look a little bit tired out. Were you hurt in the incident?" Mulder asked, pointing to the bruise on Scott's temple. "Got hit by something during that..., well, I don't know what to call it." "Some kind of freak electrical storm? Which occurred right after the victim was decapitated?" Mulder prompted as he motioned for Scott to have a seat. "Yeah. I take it you read the report?" "Actually, this isn't an isolated incident. We've had similar cases in the US. I just want to clarify what you saw. I know you're probably tired of telling this story, but can you describe what exactly you saw?" Scott nodded and settled down to narrate his story for the third time. *At least this guy isn't like other federal agents I've run into...or seen on TV. He actually seems like a nice person. I thought there was some regulation against that or something. Maybe I've just had too much exposure to the likes of George Fox and company.* Sam wondered where Al was. He'd expected to find his hologrammatic friend watching over Paul and Scott and was rather dismayed that he wasn't there. Of course, it was possible that he'd learned something important from listening to their conversation and he wanted to check on it with Ziggy. He hoped that was the case...he really hated having no clue as to what to do. At present, he was still waiting for word on the inquiry they'd sent out regarding Nash. As he let his gaze wonder over the room he caught sight of a familiar face hiding in a corner. Al began waving frantically at him to get his attention. *Now why is he _hiding_?* Al began making frantic gestures indicating that he wanted to talk to Sam and that he had no intention of coming over there. Sam gave him a strange look. *Okay, guess it's time to use the old bathroom excuse again. This is getting annoying*. "Ah, will you excuse me for a moment Agent Mulder, Scott. I have to ah, well, you know...." Sam began. Agent Mulder nodded and continued questioning Scott. He'd pulled out the old mug shots of Russell Nash and Scott positively identified him as the man he'd seen. Sam made his way over to the bathroom. As he passed Al he gave him a glare. He was about to say something when Al shushed him. He rolled his eyes and checked out the bathroom. Two for two--he was lucky tonight. No one was in there. "Okay, Al, what's going on? Why are you _hiding_ of all things? I hope you have something to tell me...something I can _use_." Sam began. "Um, we have a bit of a problem, Sam. I think Scott and Paul can see me...and Paul, at least, can see you," replied Al. "What?! How?" "Well, Ziggy's working on that. It's really weird. You should have heard their conversation." Sam ran his hands over his face. This was getting out of hand. "Okay, nevermind. We can't do anything about it now, at least not until Ziggy figures out what's going on. Do you have anything new for me? Was Ziggy able to get into the FBI records?" " They're classified." "Classified?? Look, Al, all I've got here is some wacko running around with a sword cutting off people's heads coupled with some bizarre electrical should hear Agent Mulder's theory on _that_ one! He thinks it's some kind of psychoenergy force thing or whatever..." "That doesn't surprise me. We were able to get some backround on those two Agents. Agent Fox "Spooky" Mulder is known for his weird theories and obsession with the government conspiracies and paranormal phenomenon. According to his personal files, his sister dissappeared in 1973 when he was 12 and hasn't been seen since. Apparantly Mulder believes she extraterrestrials. Poor kid. Seems that her disappearance destroyed his family and he's been obsessed with UFOs ever since." "I guess when you put it into perspective he's doing pretty well." "I'll say. He's got a master's in Criminal Psychology from Oxford and is considered one of the best criminal profilers in the Bureau. In fact, he helped solve several high profile cases and was able to manuever himself into anything he wanted. He chose to work with the X-files." "X-files?" "Unexplained or unsolved cases. I think this is right up his alley." "Okay, what about Agent Scully? She seems a little less...out in left field." "She's got an MD from the University of Maryland and apparantly was assigned to keep an eye on Mulder. Hmm, that's interesting. Anyway, they've been working together now for several years. Oh, and Ziggy says they're both still with the FBI, so you're not here to help them out. Though we did find some internal memos dating to about this time that seem to imply that Mulder and Scully were both severely reprimanded for continuing an investigation that they'd been told to terminate." "I wonder if that has something to do with..." Sam stopped suddenly as the door opened and Scott Edwards strolled in. Scott rubbed his eyes wearily. The evening's events had worn him out more than he'd thought. Agent Mulder seemed aware of that fact and didn't press him too hard. Scott easily identified the mug shots Mulder showed him of someone named Russell Nash as the man he'd seen earlier that night. The murderer. Scott hoped they'd be able to catch this guy soon. His mug shots made him look really dangerous--though it could just have been a bad day for him. *Well, if you're having your picture taken by the police I guess it is a pretty bad day*. As that thought passed through his mind, he heard the man who wasn't Detective Schanke ask permission to, well, you know. *I bet it's that 'invisible' guy again.* He snuck a glance to one side, following 'Schanke''s progress to the men's room. Sure enough, he caught a glimpse of bright clothing and saw the detective glare at the man who was hiding behind a file cabinet. *Hmm, wonder what they're up to...and who the heck they are. Well, there's one way to find out* He rubbed his hands over his face again and yawned. "Tired?" asked Mulder. "Yeah. Guess that's not surprising. Um, how much longer is this going to take? I don't mean to sound impatient..." "Actually, I think we're almost done. Just a few more questions." "I don't suppose I could take a break to wash my face or something. I'm kind of zoning out here." "Just a bit longer, really, I...." Mulder was interrupted by a noise from the computer. A message came up indicating that they'd finally gotten some feedback on Nash. The fax machine began to spit out a copy of the same mug shots Mulder had shown Scott and what looked like a police rap sheet appeared on the screen. "Okay, I guess you can take a break while I look at this. Send Detective Schanke back out here as soon as you can. He'll want to look at this as well," Mulder said as he turned toward the computer. Scott nodded, then headed to the men's room. He halted just outside the door, and hastily looked around to make sure no one was looking his way. Then he pressed an ear to the door. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but he could definitely hear voices. A sneaky smile crossed his face. He knew _exactly_ what he was going to do. The conversation came to an abrupt halt as he made his entrance. He pulled a comb out of his back pocket and made as if he were going to the mirror to comb his hair. As he approached Al, he looked straight at him and said, "May I take this opportunity to say I really like that tie. Especially the way it totally fails to match a single other item you're wearing." He made a few cursory swipes at his hair with the comb. Then he turned to the man everyone had been calling Schanke and reached out as if to shake his hand, "By the way, I don't believe we've been properly introduced. My name is Scott Edwards." "'s me, Detective Schanke..." "Ah, no. Actually I don't believe it is. You see, I think that _that's_..." he pointed to the reflection in the mirror...a reflection that showed not the man he saw in front of him, but the man he'd seen up until the false Schanke had reached out to steady him when he'd purposely stumbled, "...Detective Don Schanke. You, on the other hand, are a younger, slimmer, taller, blonder man. And since it's cumbersome to keep referring to you as 'not-Schanke' or 'guy-everyone-else-thinks-is- Schanke', I thought I'd take this time to find out who the heck you are." The other two men exchanged glances. The one that didn't show up in the mirror shrugged. His associate took a deep breath and said, "Okay, you win. You're right, I'm not Detective Schanke. My name is Sam Beckett." "'re an early twentieth century playwrite who's somehow jumped forward in time?" Scott said suspiciously and more than a little sarcastically. "Well, no, actually I'm a late twentieth century physicist who's somehow leaped backward in time..." "This _is_ the late twentieth century." Scott pointed out. "I haven't leaped very far back," replied Sam. Scott looked back and forth between the pair. "Okay, and you are?" he looked at the other man. "Just call me Al." "If you say so," Scott replied. "By the way, Agent Mulder wants to see you when you're finished whatever it is you're doing in here. There's finally been a reply to your inquiry about this Nash guy," he said to Sam. Then he made ready to walk out. "That's it? That's all you want to know?" asked Sam incredulously. "Look, if there's anything I've learned tonight, it's not to pry too deeply into other people's weirdness. It just gets you into trouble." With that, Scott walked out.