Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 22:29:58 -0600 (MDT) From: "Katherine R. Freymuth" Subject: Mirror - part 18 Message-ID: Quantum Leap Mirror of Deception by Gary Marsh and Katherine Freymuth Copyright 1998 Part 18 She rang the doorbell several times but received no response. It worried her greatly. His car was still in the driveway and his collectibles which he drove occasionally were still in the large garage he had behind the house. To Verbina Beeks, that meant that Al Calavicci was still home but, for some reason, was not answering his viewphone or his doorbell. Verbina exhaled in frustration. She had learned, from Gushie, about Al's romance with some unknown woman - a woman about whom Al had told no one but Sam. This woman had to have a strong control on Al's heart to get him to leave Quantum Leap. Verbina was worried that Al was acting far too hastily on the matter. She needed to talk to him about it, to find out who this woman was. With no one answering Al's door, Verbina's concern was growing. She raised her right wrist and pressed a button on the colorful wristband she wore. The actions caused the band to light up in bright colors. "Ziggy," she said, lowering her arm. "Override the security lock on the Admiral's house." "But that would be a violation of the Admiral's privacy, Dr. Beeks," Ziggy replied to Verbina's order. "It might be considered breaking and entering." Verbina hesitated. Technically, Ziggy was right; it was breaking and entering. However, given Verbina's concerns about Al, she felt this was a case in which the ends justified the means. "Ziggy, would you consider the Admiral's actions in the past three weeks to be normal for him?" "Negative, Dr. Beeks." Verbina nodded in agreement. "Neither would I. In fact, I see the Admiral's odd behavior as a great indication of mental instability. The Admiral may be a danger to himself if not to those around him." She took a breath. "That means, as head psychiatrist, it is my job to check on him, whether at home or at the complex. In addition, so long as Al's resignation is in my desk drawer and not Senator Weitzman's, he's still a member of Project Quantum Leap. Now, unlock the door." Ziggy complied reluctantly, not wanting to admit that she had lost the minor argument. "Al?" Verbina called out as she slowly entered the house and looked around in it. She started for the bedroom but stopped in mid-stride at what she saw from the corner of her eye. She altered her route slightly and entered the kitchen. It was a sight Verbina would normally associate with her own kitchen, not with Al Calavicci's. The dishes remained unclean in the sink, the counters were unclean, and little specks of brown lay in various areas on the floor. Frowning with curiosity, Verbina went over to one of the larger specks. She lowered herself before picking up some with her index finger. Smelling and tasting it, she raised her eyebrows slightly. "Chocolate," she said aloud to herself. She stood up and, giving the kitchen one more look around, left towards the bedroom. "Al?" she called out again, slowly opening the bedroom door. "The Admiral's home security records show that he left the house yesterday afternoon and has not returned," Ziggy offered to Verbina, causing the psychiatrist to jump slightly. Verbina exhaled with slight relief from the brief shock. "Well, he didn't take any of his cars," she told the computer. "Let's see if we can find out where he went. "Very well, Dr. Beeks," Ziggy replied. Verbina took a few steps into the room, startled just as much as she was by the kitchen. There was a small pile of clothing at the foot of the bed. The bed itself had not been made. It was completely contradictory to Al's usual tidiness. Frowning, Verbina walked slowly to the closet and opened it. It was practically barren save for a couple of plain suits and Al's uniform. "Dr. Beeks?" Ziggy interrupted Verbina's investigation of the closet. "Yes, Ziggy," Verbina replied before noting a small pile on the closet floor. "I have found something concerning the Admiral." Verbina's attention was now on Ziggy's feminine voice. "Let me hear it," she instructed. "In my attemptes to locate Admiral Calavicci, I have made a search of all transactions and purchases placed on the Admiral's credit cards in the past week. The Admiral purchased two one-way tickets to London yesterday morning. He has apparently flown to England with a woman named Cathy Kellington." Verbina, hearing Ziggy's findings, gently crouched down and looked through the pile on the floor. "One-way, you said," Verbina said to Ziggy for confirmation. "Yes, Doctor." Verbina exhaled. "Ziggy, it looks like Al packed as if he expected not to return. The odd thing is he didn't take his medals or his uniform. Al wouldn't leave those behind." "Then it may be possible that the Admiral did not leave the United States of his own volition." Verbina took a slow breath. "I don't know but I have a bad feeling about it." She staggered slightly, feeling suddenly dizzy. She shook her head slightly, hoping to clear the growing fog. "See what you can find about this woman he left with," she told Ziggy. "I'm on... on..." A moment later, Verbina slipped into unconsciousness and fell to the floor. "Doctor?" Ziggy questioned without receiving a response. "Security and medical teams to Admiral Calavicci's residence." The response was immediate.