From: Aaron Thomas Date: Sat, 29 Jan 1994 03:16:26 EST Excuse me, but does anyone know what that last quote was about in Ms. Kwong's post? BTW, two more from yours truly: "Ziggy says there's a 84% chance that you're here to ... do the same thing you do every night - try to take over the world!?!?" (couldn't resist ;) "Sam, you're part of an government experiment gone wrong, and you must bring these two guys back to their own time via some "time tunnel" device. You can't actually go after them, because they are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them - they can go back to any time and they always wear these Ivy League sweaters that even ancient Romans don't recognize as unusual." "Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to save some US govt. official's daughter from the clutches of a Latin American dictator. Ziggy says forget it and go to Vegas." Aaron ("Sam, just say, 'Where the hell are the singing cats?'") Thomas