From: Philippa Chapman (Glastonbury, Somerset, UK.) Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 15:00 +0000 Subject: Prelude to a Leap, Part 2/2 PRELUDE PART 2 Sam re-entered the front room to find Al already there, looking intently at Susan. "If *only* you could see and hear me. I wish I could get my hands on the guy who hurt you." Sam moved towards Susan and Paula cautiously, trying to pick his moment correctly. Susan looked at Sam, then Paula. "I know that my marriage has been going through a sticky patch, but that's only because the tests they did came back negative. Charles says there's no point him getting tested now. I feel so guilty, not being able to have a child." Al's gaze turned to Sam pleadingly. Sam did his best. "You could try adopting....or fostering." Susan looked at Sam. "Charles won't even discuss it. He's become distant, working late.....I *think* he's having an affair." Al bristled defensively. "If he is, I'll kill him! I'd never be unfaithful, especially to someone as gorgeous as you are." "I keep wondering if our marriage is worth saving." Al tried to touch Susan, but failed. "Baby, a bad marriage *isn't* worth hanging on to. I should know.....oh, this is *terrible* Sam." Sam struggled to find an answer, but Paula got in first. She gently placed her hand over Susan's. "If you really can't stand it any more, you can always come and stay in our maisonette for a while. We've got a spare bedroom. It might be just the thing which shocks Charles back into his senses, if he finds out you're desperate." Sam smiled at Paula and his heart swelled with tenderness at Paula's generosity. Al tried to check the hand-link and keep his eyes on Susan at the same time. "Susan *does* leave Charles, he gets her back for a while...then she leaves for good. The bastard gives her a hard time because she can't have children....then she finds out he's been unfaithful for most of their marriage..." Al used some choice and unrepeatable words about Charles which Sam managed to ignore,"Then he comes round when the divorce is finalised and...oh, the absolute bastard, it was *him*! He attempts to rape her...but this time, she's got Jean watching out for her and Jean lands a knock-out blow with the rolling pin! Good old Jean! And then...." Al broke off and put his hand-link away deliberately,"No, I'm going to wait on the rest and find out personally when I go back. Thanks, both of you. I owe you one." A slow, hopeful smile crossed Al's face. Sam expected Al to go away immediately they left Susan's house, but he didn't. When they got back to the house, he knew why. The phone was ringing as they entered the hall. Sam picked up the receiver. "It's Sister Jones, from the ward. The electricity man has regained consciousness and is asking for you. He thinks his name is Gene, or maybe he is still disorientated. Could you come in this evening, please? It might help jog his memory." "That's it, Sam! I've got to be around to help you get your own body back!" Sam relayed the message to Paula, then they threw together some sandwiches and were off again. Al hovered close to Sam as they entered the ward. When Paula went to talk briefly to the Sister, Sam seized his chance. He entered the room almost at a run and took hold of his own hand. A strange smile broke across the other's face. "So it *IS* true. I didn't dream it." There was a huge shift in realities and Sam found himself back inside his own body. Paula entered the room and Sam's welcoming smile was almost radiant. Paula stopped, blinked, then smiled back. "Hello. I'm Sam....Sam Beckett." Al observed Sam and Jean. "Careful, Sam. Paula may have just spent the day with you, but she doesn't know that." Jean was shaking her head slowly, then left the room, still apparantly dazed. Sam's feelings of joy and attraction over-ran his usual reserve. "You have a beautiful voice, Paula." Al hit his head with his hand in despair. "Saaaam!" he warned, then looked again as Paula blushed,"Good grief, it's working! One of the oldest lines in the book and she's falling for it." "How did you hear my voice? Ohhh, Jean said the hearing is the last thing to go...I'm pleased to meet you, Sam." "Once they discharge me, I'd like to take you both out for a meal," Sam added, pressing his advantage. Paula smiled almost shyly. "That would be nice. I'll give you my address...oh, of course, you don't need that, do you?" Sam shook his head. Jean came back into the room. "I'll have to phone my boss," she said,"he'll be wondering what's become of me." Paula looked at Jean with concern. "I phoned him this morning, Jean. Don't you remember?" Jean still looked confused. "I'm sorry, Sam. I think I'd better take her home." Paula smiled at Sam and left the room. Sam looked up at the ceiling. "Thank-you.....and please, let me stay long enough to kiss her?" Al looked at Sam with a grin spreading over his face. "Just a *kiss*?" he taunted. Sam tried to be angry. "I'm not like you. A kiss would do me just fine. You won't tell me if there's someone waiting at home, so I'm stuck, aren't I?" Al shuffled uncomfortably. "I...I'm going to find out if what you did for Susan had all the right consequences, so you're on your own, Sam. And for the record, just at this moment, there's no-one waiting - but that could change the second I step back through the door. Go with your conscience, Sam. As I said before, I wouldn't blame you." Al left Sam to his thoughts and a night in a hospital bed. 'Hands are joined......' When the doctor came round in the morning and ordered Sam's discharge, Sam was elated, then realised his dilemma. He recognised the clothes they brought for him immediately. It was his Fermi suit. He had been too Swiss Cheesed to take it in earlier. "Have you anyone bringing you in a change of clothes?" Sam improvised. "No, I was....robbed. They took all my papers, my passport, everything. I was still disorientated when I rang the doorbell of Paula and Jean's house." The Sister nodded sympathetically. "I'll ring the Salvation Army. They'll fix you up with something until you contact the American embassy and the police." Sam had no option but to hang around, then follow the Sister's directions. A little while later, he emerged in a half decent set of second hand clothes and carrying L100. Sam had made sure to get the complete address so that Al could repay their kindness. He managed to navigate himself back up the hill to the crescent where Paula and Jean lived. When he rang the doorbell, his heart lifted in delight when Paula answered. "Well, you look a lot better," she smiled at him,"Jean's still sleeping; I think yesterday was harder for her than she is willing to admit. Would you like a cup of tea?" Sam smiled gratefully and followed Paula indoors. He sat at the kitchen table in a high state of nervous excitement. Paula set the cup in front of him. "So, how long have you been over here?" "Not long..." Sam said, then repeated the story he had given the nurse, feeling dreadful for having to lie twice in one day. "I suppose you're travelling all over Europe." "Not exactly.....I guess that you could say I go where the wind takes me, like a tumbleweed." Paula looked excited and wistful. "I often wish I'd had the nerve to travel the world, but I never quite made it." "It gets pretty lonely sometimes...I never know how long I have in one place before I get there; and sometimes I move on before I'd like to go..." Sam felt he owed her that much. Paula's smile was warm and reassurring. "Well, while you're here, you're our friend." "I don't know what I've done to earn your trust..." "It's just good old fashioned British hospitality. Our fathers probably entertained your fathers during the war. You helped us out, so we help you back. That seems fair enough to me." Sam knew about the special relationship and wondered how heavily he could lean on it at the moment. "About that meal.....I haven't got much money until cards get replaced, but do you like..." Sam searched for inspiration,"Italian food?" Paula nodded. "Yes, there's a very good Italian restaurant not far down the hill. If there's any problem, we'll go dutch." "Let me treat you this once." Paula looked at Sam carefully. "Alright, I accept. Would you like to book a table now?" Sam nodded and let Paula 'show' him where the phone was. After that small task was done, Sam sought for an excuse to linger. "Is Jean alright? I have some....medical training; I could look at her if you're worried?" Paula considered this offer, but shook her head. "No, but thank-you for the offer. I'd rather let her sleep at the moment." Sam slowly made for the door, then inspiration struck. "Thank-you for looking after me. You probably helped to save my life." Sam pulled Paula gently into his arms and kissed her cheek. It wasn't nearly enough, but it would have to do. As he pulled away, he saw that her eyes had closed and temptation got the better of him. He'd leaped in right in the middle of kissing a woman before now and there hadn't been complaints. Sam moved very cautiously, trying to ignore the thudding of his heart. He gently touched his lips to hers. Her lips parted instantly and Sam was completely overwhelmed in the longest sweetest kiss he could remember in ages. "Well, I never....!" Jean's voice made him pull away reluctantly. Paula whirled around, her face scarlet. "Jean! Are you feeling better?" Jean smiled warmly. "I'm just going to get myself some breakfast..." She disappeared with noticable tact. Sam gently turned Paula back towards him. "I didn't exactly plan to do that so soon, but I'm glad I did." Paula looked into his eyes. "I feel like I know you....I feel comfortable with you, as though we'd already become friends somehow." Her eyes seemed pleased and puzzled. Sam's smile was warm and wide. "I know what you mean....I'll call for you at 7 o'clock tonight. Until then?" Paula returned his smile. "Yes, until then...." Sam left reluctantly, then wandered down to the center of the city and wasted time admiring the buildings and the shops until about 6.30. He sauntered into a large hotel and managed to give himself a shave and a tidy-up without the hotel staff noticing he wasn't meant to be on the premises. the minutes dragged by until he was back outside Paula and Jean's house. Sam blinked when Paula opened the door. She was wearing a gray dress that matched the color of her eyes and she had put her hair up. "You look *wonderful*!" he enthused with genuine pleasure. , he added silently. Paula looked pleased and embarrassed at the same time. "Jean's not coming. She got invited out by an old boyfriend. I think she's trying to get out politely." Paula blushed as Sam came closer. "So it's just you and me?" Sam snatched a quick kiss while his adrenalin was still running high, then offered Paula his arm. They walked down to the restaurant and sat at at the table. "So, tell me more about yourself..." they spoke together, then laughed. Paula gestured for Sam to begin, so he gave in with good grace and told her about his childhood. When the meal came, Sam insisted that it was Paula's turn. "Well, I'm 34. I was born and brought up locally, in Bath. My dad left us when I was sixteen. My mum never really got over it, she's still lonely now. That's why she bothers me so much, being the only child and all. I managed to get away to university in Reading, then I got this job here at Bath university. It gives me enough independance whilst helping to keep Mum happy. Apart from Jean and Susan, there's really no-one else significant in my life. Sometimes I wish that I could pack a suitcase and go away for a while, but then Mum gets sick or something turns up and I never do." Sam smiled. "I already said that almost constant travelling can get a bit lonely." Paula laid her hand over Sam's. "I heard you. But don't you enjoy meeting new people?" Sam gave Paula his best slow smile. "Sometimes very much; then I wish that I could stay longer." "So why not stay? Even a tumbleweed needs to put down roots, I think..." "It's not like that. I don't always have control And this place isn't home....*that's* over the other side of the Atlantic. I could get whisked back there at any time. And then there's my friend Al to consider." "Al?" Sam described Al without mentioning their rather unusual relationship or words like 'hologram'. Paula's brow furrowed briefly, but then she smiled and nodded. Sam paid for the meal, then they walked slowly back to Paula's home. He managed to stop her several times on the way for a kiss. The light was on in the lounge when they arrived. Paula's eyes narrowed and she laughed. "I had a feeling that 'date' was just an excuse. I'm going to have to have words with Jean later!" She turned to Sam,"I've had a lovely evening. Would a final cup of coffee be in order?" Sam agreed readily and followed her into the house. he cautioned himself,. They drank their coffee in companianable silence, then Sam moved in for another long kiss. One kiss turned into several, but Sam kept a tight reign on himself. Then Jean came into the kitchen and Paula pulled away. Sam held back gallantly so that Paula could leave the kitchen first, then Jean touched his arm. It was over in a flash. There he was, looking down at his own fainting body, wearing Jean's pajamas. Sam swore to himself. Paula turned back with a cry. "Is he alright?" Sam checked the pulse. "Yes, *he* just fainted. He'll be alright in a minute......why don't we let him use the spare room for the moment? It's okay if he stays the night. We can always phone the hospital if it gets worse." Paula helped Sam carry Jean upstirs to Jean's bedroom. It was really weird, seeing himself from the outside *again* so soon. Jean muttered something inaudible as she came around, then turned over and went to sleep. Sam went back downstairs with Paula with a heavy heart. . Paula sat down heavily on the couch in the lounge. "We were having such a nice evening, too." Sam silently agreed, then tried to cover for Jean. "Well, I could see how it was going.....I didn't want to be a gooseberry. And I'm still recovering from yesterday as well." Sam sat down near Paula on the couch. Paula put her hand over Sam's. She smiled mischeivously. "You ought to have come to the restaurant, Jean. There were *dozens* of Italian men." Sam smiled back. "But not the one *I'm* thinking of!" . "Sam's a lonely sort of man....he travels a lot. But I can't help my attraction to's like I've known him longer than just a few hours." "I think he feels the same way." . "You've hardly said a word to him, Jean. You normally take ages to comment on what a man might or might not be feeling." "Er...intuition, I guess. He looks as if he's lost and just passing through, like a piece of..." "Tumbleweed!" They said it together, then Paula's eyes went wide and Sam realised what he had done. "Now hang on a minute...! *He* said that, and you just said it in exactly the same way, with the same inflexion in your voice.....then there was the way you ate your food yesterday. Just like *Sam* ate tonight," Paula looked at Sam intently, "And your eyes have gone green, just like his. I don't understand what on Earth is going on, but *you're* Sam, aren't you?" Sam squirmed uncomfortably, then decided to confess. "Yes, I'm Sam. Jean and I have swapped happened when I first arrived, then I was Jean yesterday until we went to the hospital. I've been me until a few minutes ago when she touched me in the kitchen." Paula came closer and touched Sam's cheek, then she closed her eyes. "When I close my eyes, you feel like Sam, not Jean." "You're getting past Jean's aura somehow....I'm all here and Jean's got *my* aura upstairs." To Sam's amazement, Paula bridged the gap between them and kissed him. Sam responded eagerly and fully before he had time to think about it. Paula eventually pulled away and blushed. "You're Sam alright, there's no doubt about *that*. Can you explain how this is happening?" Sam took a deep breath and told Paula the whole far as he could remember it. "So you'd like a place to stay for the night?" "Well, actually, yes. I'll sleep here..." Paula smiled. "We've got a spare room, Sam. But first, would you do me a favour?" "Anything. Name it." Paula blushed and looked down. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but we're both lonely. Would you, could you possibly just hold me until I fall asleep?" Sam smiled gently. "No problem. I can't remember the last time I had such a beautiful offer." So Sam let Paula snuggle up to him as he lay on top of the covers for his own peace of mind and only left her when she was fast asleep. "I could fall for you very heavily if there was enough time...." he whispered as he left her,"Who am I kidding? - I'm most of the way there already. I wish I could stay, Paula.." He dropped a last kiss on her forehead as he left her. 'And fear unlocked...' Al left the imaging chamber with a spring in his step and a certain gleam in his eye. He put down his handlink on the console and greeted Gushi. "Sam's going to be busy for the next 24 hours or so, Gushi. I think that all we need to do is put Ziggy on monitoring duty." Gushi looked up from his monitor with his usual nervous energy. "I don't know, Admiral. I feel that one of us ought to be here at all times." Al gave Gushi an intent look. "Tina throw you out again?" Gushi ducked his head down behind the console in a vain attempt to look busy, "You know she always takes you back. Just remember the bunch of flowers this time." Al left after he realised that the topic was closed. Al passed Sam's office, locked and dark as usual. He checked the nameplates of the other offices as he always did. No Donna Eleese.....again. Her office was there about 75% of the time; but this time it was Susan's instead. "I wish you'd stabalise your timelines, Sam. It gets really difficult sometimes. I've even had to adapt to pictures of junior Becketts that I *know* never existed for me. When Donna's here, she always asks after you. I guess when she's not here, she married the other guy instead." Al carried on, looking for Susan,"Please, let her be somewhere around. I need to know where I stand, even if it's another 'no'." In the end, he asked the guard at the bottom of the turbolift and was told Susan was in her personal quarters. There was a map near the canteen, in the reception area. Al checked it out and located his own quarters as well. "Same old condo. At least *that* never changes." Al walked over to Susan's bungalow with growing nervousness and anticipation. He checked his watch. 8.30 in the evening. The sun was going down towards the west and it was still pretty hot. Al rang the bell. "Come in, I'm pressing the buzzer," Susan called out as he announced himself. Al walked in cautiously and stopped dead. Susan was wearing a beautiful blue dress that clung to her figure in all the right places. "Wow, that dress is *stunning*!" he enthused. Susan smiled at him. It was a big, beautiful open smile and Al stopped again, trying to fit this with everything else and recover from the incredible jolt of adrenalin currently running up and down his body. Susan came closer and began to blush. "I didn't expect you to notice the *dress*." Al's smile widened. "I thought you might be offended if I appreciated what was inside it first." "Al, dear, you've been very patient.....perhaps too patient. I've been wondering lately when you were going to pluck up the courage to kiss me." Susan put her arms around his neck. Al pulled Susan closer into his embrace. She moulded against him perfectly. was his last coherent thought before his lips and his body took over. Later, much later, Al and Susan lay entwined on her bed. Al looked over at Susan with tender joy all over his face. "Sto forse vivendo in sogno?" he whispered, stroking her hair. Susan smiled back at him. "Well if it was a dream, darling, we both shared it. And I can hear your heart beating....and mine, so I know we're still alive. Though I could be persuaded that this is heaven...." "You speak Italian *too*?" Susan snuggled closer. "I understand a lot more than I can speak. You'll have to teach me the rest, sweetheart." "T'amo." "I know.....I knew you loved me ages ago, darling. I love you....I think I fell the first moment I set eyes on you six months ago." Al grinned at her. "Well, it started a little later than that for me, I have to admit. It was the sight of your glorious body in that swimsuit at 3 o'clock in the morning that set me off." Susan looked at Al very directly. "Well, I know now how sensual you are, so that doesn't surprise me....but when on Earth did you see me swimming in the middle of the night?" Al related his memory, which aroused him in the telling. "Could you possibly be willing to see if we can reach heaven a second time?" Susan smiled joyfully and kissed Al passionately, which was all the answer he needed. 'There's more than one voice singing in the darkness...' Sam woke up the next morning in the spare bed, still wearing Jean's aura. That was definitely her face in the bathroom mirror. He checked on her, but her bed was empty. Paula met him on the landing and came willingly into his arms for a morning kiss. Sam found his Fermi suit in Jean's bedroom and put it over his arm when he got dressed. Some gut instinct told him that the leap was on it's way. He went into the kitchen and started to get himself some breakfast. Paula came in, followed by Jean. It was Jean who spoke. "I understand what's been going on, but we can't stay like this for the rest of our lives." "No, we can't." Jean approached Sam and touched him gingerly. "What's this about an older Italian man anyway? I'm happily the moment." Sam smiled an apology. "Sorry. I improvised, using a friend of mine." The swirling came and Sam found himself back in his own body. "At last!" Jean exclaimed,"Now I can be myself again!" She picked up her coffee mug and retreated. Sam took Paula in his arms. "I think this is 'goodbye'." Paula looked up at him. "I wish I could come along with you...." Sam began to kiss her. "I wish you could be with me for a while, too.....I'm sorry I couldn't stay." Sam put everything he couldn't say out loud into his kiss and Paula melted into his arms, returning all his unspoken feelings. Al came through the imaging chamber door with Susan holding his hand. They were both wearing pajamas and looking radiantly happy. "I'm glad you let me be with you, darling. When you told me reality might change if we were parted....I could hardly bear it." "Neither could I, anima mia. I don't want to be apart from you ever again." Jean suddenly came into the room as Sam and Paula were kissing. She raised her right hand slowly and a beautiful smile came over her face. Al almost dropped the Handlink as he saw the suggestion of wings forming behind Jean's back. Jean turned to Al and Susan. "I was always much more than just Paula's friend....and yours." Al watched as Sam disappeared in the familiar blaze of blue light.....along with Paula. The imaging chamber resolved itself around Al and Susan. "This cavern isn't very attractive, is it?" Al knew he had just seem something unusual a minute ago, but he couldn't place it. He dismissed the fleeting memory as Susan moved closer. He smiled delightedly at her. "It is now you're here, my love." Susan put her arms around Al's neck. "Well, if I'm going to be with you, I think we should make some nice memories in this place." "I'm worried about what's happened to Sam and Paula...." Susan silenced Al with a kiss. "I know. Won't she need her own hologram too?" Al thought quickly. "Well....if we can somehow rig it so that she can be tuned via Sam's brainwaves, yes, that would be a good idea. We don't want her getting lost and completely alone in time." "I have a feeling that we're going to be working very closely for a long, long time." Al pulled Susan closer and kissed her thoroughly. "It's no good, gorgeous. I can't concentrate fully on you until I know that they're both safe." He punched the handlink and a log cabin appeared around them. Sam came to lying on a wooden floor next to a blazing log fire. He turned over instinctively and was immediately tangled in a double sleeping bag and a good deal of a naked woman next to him. He edged away hurridly, then looked at his companion. "Paula?!" She opened her eyes, took in her surroundings and blushed beetroot. "I leaped with you! I thought that was impossible...." Sam traced Paula's face with his hand. "We seem to have been somewhat...thrown together." Paula looked down at herself, then raised her hand. "Whoever we are and wherever we are, it seems that we got married sometime." Sam looked at Paula. "There's no guarantee that we'll stay together when the next leap happens...." "I know; but since I'm halfway in love with you anyway..." Sam pulled her into his arms. "And you are incredibly beautiful....and this is very close to love for me, too." Sam and Paula began to love each other with slow tenderness. Susan looked at Al. "They look pretty safe to me," she whispered. Al grinned. "Yes, they can wait until morning." He carefully shut the imaging chamber door as quietly as he could. Susan pulled him closer by the lapels on his pajamas. "Now, about making some nice memories here..." Al kissed Susan enthusiastically. After several minutes he pulled away. "Hey, we should be heading back to bed. You're driving me wild with your kisses." Susan smiled and kissed Al again, "On the other hand...this is very convenient for keeping an eye on Sam and Paula." "Mmmm," Susan added, "And I bet you can think of all sorts of other interesting places to make love." Al grinned with sheer pleasure. "Are you by any chance into role playing too?" Susan's hands stopped for a moment. "Do you mean like doctors and nurses?" Al nodded eagerly. Susan smiled and nodded back. Al started to tremble with excitement. "Cara mia, I'm going to be the happiest man in the world. Could we make this a permanent arrangement from now on? I'd love to be able to give you a wedding night to remember as well, one day." "We'll see, but hush now. Let me show you how much I love you." 'Then that one voice would never be alone....' Sam and Paula explored each other with growing wonder and delight in front of the fire. Hands and mouths traced slow patterns, building slowly by unspoken shared desire to make the first time as special and close as it could possibly be. When they finally joined together, there were tears of joy shed by both of them at the beauty they had created. Sam paused and gently kissed the tears away from Paula's face. "I love you, Paula. No matter what happens in the future, right now I adore you." Paula smiled up at him, overwhelmed with tenderness. "I know. You are the one I was waiting for, my love. You set me free, Sam." They moved together, rising to mutual sweet fulfilment. Sam and Paula held each other close as they slowly drifted off to sleep in the after-glow, his arms cradling her protectively as she rested her head on his shoulder. They had found a oneness together that didn't need words any more. A Being that had once been Jean watched them invisibly and un-heard as they lay sleeping. She smiled a blessing on both of them. "You may not always be together, but this was meant from the moment you met. You are going to show Paula how to be a Leaper, Sam. This is her destiny. Maybe one day you will be together for good, but I have not been shown that far ahead. There is at least one other who links with you in love, Sam. You helped Al and Susan find each other, now you will have love for a while and another companion on your journey. Someone to touch as well as see and hear. Al will always be there for you now, with Susan. She may well be the one to help you journey home. When you all look back on your lives at the end, you will understand fully the glorious symphony that you have created." 'It takes that one voice, and every voice will sing.' End note: I realise now that I have created something new: The Sam Beckett School of Leaping...!!! Enrolment forms available via the Cosmos!