[Transcribed by Chris Hill (P*MJGV51A) prodigy(R)] This is a letter to His Lordship, on Leap Day 1992: Dear Happy: Sorry I couldn't be at the Luncheon, but you more than anyone understand family commitments. I remember the first time I heard your name associated with "Project Quantum Leap." I was then, as I am still today, in shock that you would be considering this unknown quantity with this unknown actor. I am still pinching myself. What you have brought, and wrought, to this huge 3 1/2 year old effort is immeasurable. Your passion for the work, your wacky sense of humor, and your love of humanity has made this leap the highlight of my comparatively short professional life. I'm still trying to figure out how, out of all our journeys, the one time we switch places you get the girl and get laid! I only hope that someday Don will leap me home the same time you're there, so I can give a _real_ hug in person. I feel privleged to be part of your special day, and I feel privleged to start every workday with a guy who enters the makeup trailer and announces, "Good Morning, everybody, the fun starts now!" Your Leaping Buddy, "The Hunk in a Dress," "The Prime Time Slime," Dr. Sam Beckett