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1x07 "Oh Ye Of Little Faith"

Leap Date:
October 31, 1934

Synopsis: Ben leaps into a priest who has been called to assist a family in crisis on Halloween night. As he delves into mysterious and inexplicable events, he’s forced to muster all his resources as a scientist before time runs out.

Audio from this episode:

I don't believe in exorcisms
I saw an Angel looking back
Another hologram stops by

Episode Menu

TV Guide Synopsis
Broadcast Date
Leap Date
Leap Location
Name of Leapee
Synopsis & Personal Review
Project Trivia
Ben Trivia
Addison Trivia

Ian's Outfit Worn in the Episode
Kiss With History

Miscellaneous Trivia
Guest Cast
Guest Cast Notes
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes
Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes

Songs & Music
Say What?
Quotable Quotes

Production Photos
Production Videos
Production Credits

Poster by J.J. Lendl

Commercial for this episode:

TV Guide Synopsis:

Ben leaps into a priest who has been called to assist a family in crisis on Halloween night. As he delves into mysterious and inexplicable events, he’s forced to muster all his resources as a scientist before time runs out.

Broadcast Date:

Date: October 31, 2022 @ 10pm on NBC

Leap Date:

October 31, 1934

Leap Location:

Coventon, Maryland

Name of Leapee:

Father James Davenport

Detailed Synopsis:

We open on a creepy dark night, in an old town, as Ben leaps in and is welcomed at a dimly lit doorway. He enters the house, and as he passes through the doorway, the house number 669 turns into 666 as one number falls off it's hinge.

As the episode begins its story, we quickly find out Ben has leaped into the body of Father James Davenport: 1934 Covington, Maryland, and this isn’t a costume party despite being Halloween. Ben a man of science, has leaped into a situation where he is being asked to perform an exorcism of a possessed child.

We are introduced to Lola, Daisy’s mother…. Daisy being the girl that is supposedly possessed. We are also introduced to the maid, Magda. We get our first “jump scare”, when Addison makes her silent entrance into the show, and spooks Ben (who is already on edge). And we lead into meeting the other people in the home and we get some classic moment where Ben speaks to Addison with others around, and has to cover. He follows Lola, where we meet Charles, father of Daisy, and Percy, his brother. Contessa Gray, the grandmother, joins the crowd, and they are all potential suspects.

Addison tells Ben that Ziggy says there’s an 89% chance he’s there to perform an exorcism. Ben reacts to this news outloud, "What?" and as it’s the first time he speaks to others in this episode, he has to cover himself.
“What…. is the condition of the afflicted?"

Ben asks for a restroom, and Addison suggests a water closet, in the parlance of the 1930’s.

Ben declares: “Exorcisms aren't real. And even if they were, I'm not religious. I don't believe in possession.” Addison replies: "You're literally possessing that guys' body right now.“ Ben replies, "Okay, fair point." He then declares: "The demon is not real.”

A previous priest failed, and Daisy Grey has about 6 hours till she dies a little after midnight. We enter Daisy’s room, and it is straight out of classic horror and classic demonic shows/movies. Dark, dingy, smells, writing on the walls, and Daisy strapped to the bed for her (and other’s) safety. As we see Daisy for the first time, deep cuts on her face, possessed eyes. A little chilling.

Lola says that the possession started three weeks ago, her strength doubled unnaturally, speaking in riddles, and can’t remember things she’s said or done.

Ben asks about the smell. Lola says it's the rotting flesh of the demon.

They enter the room, Daisy is moaning, all demon like, there’s a sign on the bed that says “Open Mine Eyes To see” written in blood, it looks like.

Daisy (non possessed) says she sees an Angel when looking at Ben, sent to save her.

Addison tells him that there are three steps to an exorcism.

1) Command the Demon to reveal himself
2) The exorcist and Demon fight for the soul of the possessed
3) The Demon leaves.

Ben reads from the book. The lights flicker, Addison flickers, struggles to be heard and eventually disappears. Ben see’s a vision of some demonic looking thing… Ben hasn’t been dosed yet.
As the demon rises up, Ben shouts, “Oh hell no”..

Ben is now on his own to figure this out, Addison and the PQL team are out of the picture.

Back at the project, Addison is trying to figure out what is going on, and apparently Ian’s trying to figure out the problem while wearing cat ears. Addison asks, "Are you wearing cat ears?" Ian replies, "I keep them in my desk. In case of E-meow-gencies."

The Doctor is introduced, who thinks Daisy is suffering from a mental condition. Ben and the girl bond, and reveals that she started to see terrible things three weeks after her 18th birthday. Daisy believes in the demon and is very religious, intending to be faithful even into death.  The doctor gives her a sedative and wants to perform some new procedures: electro-shock therapy and a labotamy. Ben immediately cringes at the thought, thinking this is what is going to kill her, as he knows neither of those are going to work.

Daisy is sleeping, so Ben gets to know some of the others in the house: Percy a traveling salesman, that is... someone that enjoys his time with the housewives he visits.
Percy offers him a drink. He doesn’t take it, but the uncle puts the glass down in case he changes his mind. He just leaves it laying around. Lola thinks that perhaps the demon is there  because she was young and unmarried when she got pregnant.

Charles, Daisy’s father, has come onto hard times because of the Great Depression. Daisy’s mother, Lola, is just distraught over everything. Magda, the maid is serving Contessa Gray, the grandmother of Daisy. There are troubles in this family... an unwanted pregnancy, jealousy amongst the brothers, a spiteful aunt, distrust. We hear more about how the family came together, and why. And when everything started…. Daisy’s 18th birthday. Ben thinks 18 years is a long time for God to dole out a punishment.

They hear a scream! Everyone runs up to Daisy’s room, Lola asks who untied the restraints. The doctor and Ben exchange looks, because it was them… "Where’s Contessa?", the brother asks?
Contessa Gray is dead and placed on top of the armoire, in a locked room with Daisy. They all believe that Daisy killed her, because of the demon.

We cut to the body being removed. Where are the police? Ben says there needs to be rational explanation. The doctor is awfully quick to give up on the rational… while Ben the Priest, surprises him, by still looking for a logical explanation.

The press takes a picture outside, which in the future, Ian sees on their computer as they do research to find out more about the leap. Without a link to the past, they have to rely on old news reports from sources like Reddit to keep up.

Ben sneaks around the house, and ends up taking the drink left on the table. Ben asks the uncle, who catches him snooping around, what happened three weeks ago. Apparently it was an argument between Charles and Contessa over money. He lost his job, and Contessa told him she would not have him relying on her inheritance. Or so says Percy.

Charles over hears this, and apparently Percy lost their money on a bad investment. They get into the argument about whose at fault for the demon. Ben ends up trying to break the fight up. Magda enters and reports that Daisy is unwell. She wants Ben to accompany her, not the doctor.

Daisy is babbling, and Ben is seeing things. He sees a demon, and the walls moving, and starts screaming. It all stops, and Ben asks if Daisy is okay, then realizes that it’s silly to ask. He steps on a paper, which has a dead fish inside.

The doctor comes into the scene, and Ben tells him he found the source of the demon smell, and must find out whose responsible. Magda opens the door and confesses it was her. She did so because the fish protects from the Dibik, according to Jewish tradition.

Magda, is eliminated as a suspect. But they learn that after her 18th birthday, Daisy would inherit her grandmothers wealth after she died. Magda doesn’t think, Daisy would ever hurt her grandma.

Back at the project, Addison reveals to Jenn that she never wanted to get married, because of her parent’s marriage, but Ben was so lovable. Jenn insists that they are going to bring Ben back.

In the past, Ben needs someone to talk to, so he seeks out a priest, specifically his own mirror image. He seems resolved to try and actually perform an exorcism. He starts step one, getting the demon to reveal itself. Daisy’s eyes glow, and she rises from the bed. He sees an evil spirit, it seemingly attacks Ben.

When we return from the commercial break, Ben is in a dream state with Addison, they embrace for the first time in a long time, but Ben knows it isn’t real. And this vision of Addison confirms it. Ben knows he is “tripping”, and it starts to make sense to his analytical mind. He has been drugged. Daisy has been drugged as well,
which is the scientific explanation for what has been going on. Someone murdered Contessa, and is going to murder Daisy at 12:06. 

In the dream state, Ben imagines the five variables he didn’t consider, and includes the doctor in that.  The maid? Suspicious; tried to save her with the dead fish. Mother? Couldn’t have killed Contessa; she was at the piano. The doctor: no motive. The angry father, and Percy: one of them would gain money if Contessa and Daisy were out of the picture.

He speculates theres a secret passage way to Percy’s room. When his hallucination ends, Ben finds it.

Ben, sitting at the bedside, says there's been some progress. Lola tells him that Magda is going to bring her some soup. Ben says he needs to make a quick call, but realizes down stairs that 911 hasn’t been invented yet. Madga tells him that the phone is dead, and its because of the demon.

Ben wants to know what happened the day of Daisy’s 18th birthday. During the argument, Charles says that he is not one of his mothers charity cases, and didn’t want her money. Contessa decides to cut him out of his will. The killer is the one who stands to get the money after Daisy, and realizes it was Percy.

Ben wants to know what he was dosed with. He wants the internet, but realizes the encylopedia is the internet of this time period and begins to flip through a volume. Ben asks Madga if she was asked to get anything unusal and it turns out to be
Jimsonweed. That’s what Ben was dosed with, and what Daisy was also dosed with. And what Percy is going to use to kill Daisy with. He asks Magda for help in exposing him, and will need the doctors' help as well.

Ben sets up a charade, where everyone believes Daisy is dead, but Ben still gets signs that the demon is still there.

Step 1, reveal the demon, Daisy sits up in a sheet. Step 2, fight for the persons soul - What does the demon want? Daisy points to Percy, telling everyone that someone killed Daisy. Percy starts freaking out, and gets him to confess to everything.  He didn’t do it just for the inheritance, he did it for Lola, to get the money and run off with Lola!

Percy asks for forgiveness, but Ben doesn’t have that authority. Daisy takes off the sheet and forgives them, because of her faith and beliefs. But the constable is not so forgiving. Percy and Lola are taken to jail.

Ben says step 3, the demon leaves, the exorcist wins. Father and daughter embrace.

At the project,
history is changed. Reddit confirms it as the story “disappears.” The rest of history knows the change, but the team inside the walls of Quantum Leap HQ still know what was originally there. They celebrate, but it's short lived. Ian has figured out the reason for the interference. Ian doesn’t say why.

In the past, Daisy has decided to start a company she calls Goodwill with her inheritance. Daisy reveals that she saw Ben at the beginning of the episode, but not now… she says "You're leaving now", and Ben thinks she means he’s about to leap, but she's referring to the priest going back to Baltimore.

Ben picks up the book with the exorcism rules. He turns to see a smoky figure emerging. The demon? No, it's Janis Calavicci as a hologram!
It was an imaging chamber she was building, she was the one that severed Addison’s link, and was the “demon” appearing throughout the episode, attempting to talk to Ben. She speaks thorugh her fading holographic image, "My name is Janis Calavicci. You don't remember me, but I'm here to warn you that--" Ben begins to leap as a fog of energy and light envelop his body. Janis yells, "Ben no, no!" He leaps before he can hear her explanation.

We find Ben in a more modern time, in the outdoors, and kids running by.. telling him to get moving, then some security personnel. Ben gets in a car with the rest of them, and they are off…. Escaping from what appears to be a “school”. We will see where this goes in 1x08, the Fall Finale, before a several week break on new episodes.

Synopsis by Dave Korman with inserts by Earl Bonovich. Edited with additions by Brian Greene.

Personal Review by Earl Bonovich:

A lot of fun, a lot of nostalgia both to QL and to classic movies and shows. Kerri Medders, the actor who portrayed Daisy Gray was fabulous. She really portrayed the possessed teenager very very well done.

This was the first episode that Ben really had to complete the Leap alone, and that was used many times in QL:OG. And it shows how resourceful Ben is, and doesn’t always need the QL HQ team.
We didn’t get anything more on the possibility of what Leaper X is about (and this makes sense given the possibly writing and filming order of the episodes), but we did get back to Janice. And that many of us were right, she wasn’t leaping, she was building an imaging chamber to talk to Ben.. Would have loved just one more word to go on for the reasoning, but…. Cliffhanger.

I thought the story was well done, with the “it could be anyone”, and the slowly removal of suspects. But it did become very obvious it was the mother, on the one flashback, and kinda spoiled the reveal at the end.

This episode had great cinematography and presented very well. A strong call back to the Demon episodes of QL, without it actually being the case. Classic references to the Exorcist movies and stories of old.

Episode 8 next week.. the Fall Finale. Disappointed it is already here, but those that were alive and watching QL:OG when it first aired, this is nothing new. 8-10 episodes into the season, there would always be the hiatus. So people can catch up on re-runs, that they missed (VCRs were around, but far from perfect. No DVRs, No Streaming). Episodes were still being filmed and edited as well. So yeah, next week.. last one for a while, and this series has been so much fun.

This episode was very good. Out of the 7 so far, I am placing this one at about a 8 out of 10.

Project Trivia:

Addison says that the "Machine" sent Ben there for a reason, suggesting again that the Leaps are not random and have been programmed with set targets in time.

Ian is using Reddit to look up info on what may be happening to Ben since the Imaging Chamber is not operational at the time.

Father Devenport (Ben's host) can motion to Ben in the mirror. The script for the episode confirms this to be true.

Janis has successfully created her own home-made Imaging Chamber and is using one of the original handlinks to communicate with Ben.

We get to see more of a full body leap-out.

Ben Trivia:

Ben doesn't believe in exorcisms or possession of a body. He states he is not religious.

He can read and speak Latin, which he learned in high school (according to Addison)

Addison Trivia:

Her parents are divorced and at the end of the marriage, could not stand to be in the same room together.

Ian's Outfits Worn in the Episode:

Burgundy collared shirt with chain necklace and cat-ear headband for Halloween.

Kiss With History:

Daisy creates the charity "Goodwill" which Ben thinks will take off.

Miscellaneous Trivia:

atura stramonium, known by the common names thorn apple, jimsonweed (jimson weed), devil's snare, or devil's trumpet is a poisonous flowering plant of the nightshade family Solanaceae. It is a species belonging to the Datura genus and Daturae tribe. Its likely origin was in Central America, and it has been introduced in many world regions. It is an aggressive invasive weed in temperate climates across the world. D. stramonium has frequently been employed in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. It has also been used as a hallucinogen (of the anticholinergic/antimuscarinic, deliriant type), taken entheogenically to cause intense, sacred or occult visions. It is unlikely ever to become a major drug of abuse owing to effects upon both mind and body frequently perceived as being highly unpleasant, giving rise to a state of profound and long-lasting disorientation or delirium (anticholinergic syndrome) with a potentially fatal outcome. It contains tropane alkaloids which are responsible for the psychoactive effects, and may be severely toxic.

The Quantum Leap theme logo has a reddish hue for the Halloween episode. The musical theme is played by an organ instead of the usual instruments.

At the beginning of the episode, when the door shuts, the number 669 hang down to form 666. This was done purposefully to nod to the original series "The Boogiem*n", but in that episode, the original number was 966.


Dr. Ben Song
(Portrayed by Raymond Lee)
– Ben is a first-generation American, a world-renowned physicist, and a man of faith. He’s also working on Quantum Leap, a time travel project. But when he uses the project on himself, he’s transported back in time with a bout of amnesia – forgetting what made him time travel in the first place.

Addison Augustine (Portrayed by Caitlin Bassett) – Addison is a smart, witty, fearless ex-military operative who now serves as Project Observer at Quantum Leap HQ. She’s in charge of the technology they use to communicate with the past, and tries to rescue her fiancee, Ben, from his time-flung existence.

Ian Wright (Portrayed by Mason Alexander Park) – Quantum Leap’s nonbinary chief architect of the AI program.

Herbert “Magic” Williams (Portrayed by Ernie Hudson) – A Vietnam vet and current head of the time travel project at Quantum Leap. Herbert “Magic” Williams tries to keep the Pentagon at bay while the team tries to rescue Ben. Doctor Sam Beckett leaped into Magic during his Vietnam tour.

Jenn Chu (Portrayed by Nanrisa Lee) – Head of security at Quantum Leap HQ. Quirky but formidable, she makes it her mission to figure out why Ben erased all evidence of why he Leaped.

Guest Cast:

Colleen Foy as Magda Pardo
Elyse Levesque as Lola Gray
Kerri Medders as Daisy Gray
Amanda Carlin as Contessa Gray
Shane Callahan as Charles Gray
Josh Meyers as Uncle Percy (Percival)
Chido Nwokocha as Doctor Felix Watts
John Grady as Father James Davenport (Mirror Image)
Vincent Foster as Constable
Georgina Reilly as Janis Calavicci
Deborah Pratt as unseen background screams
Preston Galli as Boy in Crowd

Guest Cast Notes:

Elyse Levesque (Lola) began acting at the age of 11, when she became part of the repertory company for the acclaimed children's television series, Incredible Story Studio (1997). This was followed by commercial work for both television and radio and the role of the villainous "Dr. Maxine Rich" in the futuristic YTV series, 2030 CE (2002). Following high school, Levesque traveled the world as a model, before returning to her hometown to study fine arts. She eventually relocated to Vancouver, BC, to seriously pursue an acting career and began landing parts in a number of television and film projects for both Canadian and American film markets. In 2008, Levesque won the role of "Chloe Armstrong" in the sci-fi TV series, Stargate Universe (2009), the third installment of the highly-successful MGM Stargate franchise. Among her achievements, Levesque was nominated for the UBCP/ACTRA Award for best performance in the hit BBC America series Orphan Black. Her more recent credits include Fox Searchlight's Ready or Not, opposite Andie MacDowell and Adam Brody, The Big Ugly opposite Ron Perlman and Malcolm McDowell, as well as a recurring guest star on the popular Canadian series Private Eyes, opposite Jason Priestley.

Shane Callahan (Charles) is known for Dopesick (2021), The Wilds (2020) and Reprisal (2019).

Josh Meyers (Uncle Percy) is an actor, writer and stand-up comedian. Josh was born and raised in Bedford, New Hampshire and went to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. After graduating, Josh moved to Amsterdam to be an actor at the famed "Boom Chicago Theatre," which for twenty years has been a thriving European outpost for American improv comedy. While there, Josh wrote and performed with noted "Boom Chicago" alums, including Jason Sudeikis, Jordan Peele and his brother, Seth Meyers. From Boom Chicago, Josh was hired into the cast of MADtv (1995), where he became known for his celebrity impressions, such as Owen Wilson and Matthew McConaughey. The sketch, "A Football Thing", which he wrote and performed with frequent partner Ike Barinholtz, is historically one of MADtv's biggest viral hits, with over 5 million views on YouTube. Meyers left MADtv for another Fox show, when he starred in the final season of That '70s Show (1998), replacing Topher Grace. Josh made his Broadway debut in "The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway", where he joined friend Paul Reubens and recreated various iconic roles - most proudly the voice of "Conky". Josh has been a regular contributor to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (2009), starring in their parody series, "Jersey Floor", and is a frequent guest when he and his brother Seth play the "SiblingWed Game", where they compete to see who better remembers their childhood days. Recent television roles include The Mindy Project (2012) (as a singing male prostitute) and a regular role on The Awesomes (2013), an animated superhero series, where he plays the insufferable "Perfect Man". Film works include Sacha Baron Cohen's Brüno (2009), where he played "Kookus" and the role of Liberace's attorney in the Emmy-winning Behind the Candelabra (2013). Josh is developing the sitcom, "Untitled Meyers Brothers Project", for Lorne Michaels' Broadway Video along with fellow "Boom Chicago" alum, Peter Grosz (The Colbert Report (2005)). Josh performs improv comedy regularly at the Hollywood Improv as well as stand-up comedy throughout Los Angeles and in Pasadena's famous Ice House.

Colleen Foy (Magda) is best known for her performance as 'Inara' on the ABC/Shondaland series Station 19. Introduced in season three as a victim of domestic violence, Inara formed a romantic relationship with firefighter Jack Gibson and their family was a mainstay throughout season four. Additionally, Colleen has guest starred on 9-1-1: Lonestar, Bones, Castle, Franklin & Bash, Code Black, Cold Case, The Client List, Criminal Minds, Tacoma FD, and has recurred on The Bold and the Beautiful, Sundance's This Close, and CBS All Access' Strange Angel. In 2007, she made her feature film debut in the Academy Award winning film There Will Be Blood, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and starring Daniel Day-Lewis. She will next be seen in the highly anticipated feature Blonde, alongside Ana de Armas.

Chido Nwokocha (Dr. Watts) is known for Murder in the First (2014), The Night Shift (2014) and Destroyer (2018).

Kerri Medders (Daisy) was born on January 7, 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA. She is an actress, known for Bring It On: Cheer or Die (2022), Spin (2021) and Promised Land (2022).

Amanda Carlin (Contessa Gray) was born in Queens, New York, USA. She is known for Superhero Movie (2008), Liar Liar (1997) and Friends (1994).

Guests Who Appeared in Other Quantum Leap Episodes:

Georgina Reilly returns as Janis Calavicci.

Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes:

None. Sam Beckett is mentioned.

Songs & Music:

"My Darling Clementine" by Roman Raithel - played on piano by Lola

"Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darin - plays after the commercial break after Ben is knocked down by the Demon.

"Song 2" by Blur - plays as Ben leaps in as the kids escape from school after the Leap-out sequence

Say What?

Despite having a more definitive Leap effect nailed down, the production still uses the eye zoom-in/out to convey the Leap at the beginning of the episode and into the next episode.

Goodwill Industries was created in 1902 by Reverend Edgar J. Helms, a fact that would likely have been an entry in the 1934 encyclopedia that Ben has access to in this episode. Are we in a different universe in this series?

Ben figures out the solution to the Leap in a dream sequence with Addison. This was the best way?

Walter Perez apears in the opening credits, but does not appear in the episode.

Ben sees the "Demon" before he drinks the gin the first time. Or was this really supposed to be what Janis looked like fading in on her first attempt? She says she's been trying to reach him all day...

Meme courtesy: Morgan Feldon

Quotable Quotes:

Ben: "Exorcisms aren't real. And even if they were, I'm not religious. I don't believe in possession."
Addison: "You're literally possessing that guys' body right now."
Ben: "Okay, fair point."

"Helllll no."

Addison: "Are you wearing cat ears?"
Ian: "I keep them in my desk. In case of E-meow-gencies."

"Sam Beckett believed that God was guiding the Quantum accelerator, so maybe a demon really is trying to interfere."

Dr. Watts: "I'd like to administer a sedative."
Ben: "Yes please, what have you got for me. ... Oh for her! Yes, absolutely. Good call."

"We're gonna solve this thing. Just gotta have a little faith."

"Sometimes we need to step outside what we believe to see things for what they are."

Production Photos:


Production Videos:

Coming Soon

Production Credits:

Consulting Producer: Moira Kirland
Tim Scanlan
Meg Fister
Co-Executive Producers: Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes
Co-Executive Producer: Drew Lindo
Co-Executive Producer: Aadrita Mukerji
Produced by:
Marc Bienstock
Executive Producers: Steven Lilien & Bryan Wyndrandt
Executive Producer: Chris Grismer
Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Executive Producer: Donald P. Bellisario
Executive Producer: Dean Georgaris
Executive Producer:
Martin Gero
Created by:
Donald P. Bellisario

Written by: Margarita Matthews
Directed by: Chris Grismer

Associate Producer: Ethan Henderson
Story Editor:
Margarita Matthews
Casting by:
Jennifer Cooper, CSA
Casting Director: Kamala A. Thomas

Director of Photography: Christopher Duddy
Production Designer: Mayling Cheng
Edited by: Benjamin Bumgarner
Music by: Daniel James Chan
Unit Production Manager:
Melanie J. Elin
Unit Production Manager: Marc Bienstock
First Assistant Director: Ben Scissors
Second Assistant Director: Tiffany Cheng
Costume Designer:
Genevieve Tyrrell

A Camera Operator: Dave Hirschman
B Camera/Steadycam Operator: Josh Harrison
Production Sound Mixer: Kevin Bellante
Chief Lighting Technician: Donna Vega
Key Grip: Peter Chrimes
Art Directors: Danny Cistone & Liz Looczkowski

Set Director: Tim Stepeck
Costume Supervisor: Heather Sladinski
Property Master: Erik Grasteit
Construction Coordinator: Matt Sazzman
Casting Associate: Melanie J. Brown
Department Head Hair: Amy Marie Wilson
Department Head Makeup: Julia Lallas
Leadman: David Napoli
Stunt Coordinator: Jeff Barnett
Location Manager: Dan Milner
Transportation Coordinator: Sandra Ninham-Gallardo
Production Office Coordinator: Sofie Johanna "Bubbles" Dejus
Assistant Production Office Coordinator: Will Potenberg
Production Accountant: Natalie Chiengkul
Script Supervisor: Heather Pollock
Script Coordinator: Sue Palmer
Casting Accociates: Lindsay Jameyson & Mia Cascio
Post Production Coordinator: Gabriella Scudieri
Music Supervisor: Season Kent
Music Co-Supervisor: Leah Harrison
Music Editor: Zed Starkovich
Assistant Editor: Jaclyn Rogers
Online Editor: Richard Wells
Colorist: George Manno
Visual Effects Supervisor: Trent Smith
Visual Effects Assistant Editor: Michael Defilio
Supervising Sound Editor: Kelly Cabral
Re-Recording Mixer: Yuri Reese &
Sean Madsen
Key Makeup Artist: Annie Tagge
Makeup Artist: Misa Aikawa
Makeup Artist: Brittany White
VFX Artist:
Matt Collorafice
VFX Artist: Takashi Takeoka

The State of California and the California Film Commision, California Soundstage Filming Tax Credit Program

Copyright 2022 Universal Television LLC All Right Reserved

Dean Georgaris Entertainment
Quinn's House
Universal Content Productions
Universal Television


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