Quantum Leap
Video Library

Behind The

Pilot Episode - Bryan Wynbrandt
Arriving in Vancouver

Pilot Episode - Day 2 filming
Bryan Wynbrandt’s Instagram

Pilot Episode - Day 3 in the staffroom
Bryan Wynbrandt’s Instagram

Pilot Episode - First night shoot
Bryan Wynbrandt’s Instagram
March 20, 2022

Pilot Episode - More night shooting
Bryan Wynbrandt’s Instagram
March 21, 2022

Pilot Episode - The holding area
Mason Alexander Park’s Instagram
March 22, 2022

Pilot Episode - Earthquake Blast
March 26, 2022

Pilot Episode - Helen Shaver directs
  March 27, 2022

Pilot Episode - Helen Shaver
directs Raymond Lee
March 27, 2022

Control Room Set

Pilot Episode - Jewel Staite helps a pedestrian hit by debris
March 27, 2022

Pilot Episode - Jewel Staite on set
March 27, 2022

Pilot Episode - Helen Shaver directs Raymond Lee & Jewel Staite
March 27, 2022

Pilot Episode - Raymond Lee, Caitlin Bassett rehearsing
March 27, 2022

203 Closure Encounters
Hospital room set

207 A Kind Of Magic
Prison set

209 Off The Cuff
Gas Station Set
Universal Studios Backlot

207 A Kind Of Magic
Daniel James Chan piece
performed by Camille Miller

208 Nomad
Raymond Lee on set in Egypt

210 The Family Treasure

212 As The World Burns