"Heart of a Champion"

That's the first time I've seen a vending machine with a head on it!
-- Al, "Heart Of A Champion"

There's some women that get a thrill out of watching men suffer.  Trust me on this, I've been married to most of them.
-- Al, "Heart Of A Champion"

Your husband ... remember him, the man you're married to, the rather large man who enjoys ripping things apart.
-- Sam to Sherrie, "Heart of a Champion"

This doctor must walk like a duck.
Because he's a quack.
Oh Al.
-- Al and Sam, "Heart of a Champion"

Sam, are you OK?
Do I *look* OK?
Well, not really.
-- Al and Sam, "Heart of a Champion"

I'm gonna beat him!
Beat him?  You couldn't slow him down with a tranquilizer gun!
-- Sam and Al, "Heart of a Champion"

What do you think he would do if he saw you here like this?
Before or after he killed you?
Yeah, right.
-- Sam and Sherrie, "Heart of a Champion"

Robohead is letting himself in ...
-- Al, about Carl ripping the door off, "Heart of a Champion"

There's women that get a big thrill out of watching men suffer.  Trust me on this, I've been married to most of them.
-- Al, "Heart of a Champion"

-- the wrestling announcer, "Heart of a Champion"

Sure, next thing you know, you'll be telling us wrestling isn't real.
These are the kind of guys that keep those fishing shows on the air.
-- The guys in the bar and Al, "Heart of a Champion"

If I want to see violence, I'll watch the news.
-- Myra, "Heart of a Champion"

He must have picked up something.
Yeah, his medical bag.  Right after he pronounced Ronnie 'fit as a fiddle'.
-- Al and Sam, "Heart of a Champion"

That's not a plan, that's suicide.
-- Al, "Heart of a Champion"

I've got to cut off the oxygen to his brain.
Brain, what brain?
-- Sam and Al, discussing the sleeper hold, "Heart of a Champion"

You want to see the sleeper again?
-- Sam, "Heart of a Champion"