"Thou Shalt Not"

I wish a hologram could eat ...
-- Al, "Thou Shalt Not"

Oy vey, I'm the Rabbi.
-- Sam, "Thou Shalt Not"

I hope you never leap into the Rockettes.
-- Al, "Thou Shalt Not"

What's wrong with a good, old-fashioned one night stand?
-- Al, "Thou Shalt Not"

Fidelity is the basis of a good relationship ... of course I couldn't expect you to understand that could I?
My relationships have all been good, it's my marriages that haven't worked out.
-- Sam and Al, "Thou Shalt Not"

Are you all right Dr. Heimlich?
-- Party Attendee, "Thou Shalt Not"

If all the men of the world could make love with all the women of the world, there would be no more war.
Until their wives found out.
-- Al and Sam, "Thou Shalt Not"

I have kind of an unusual lifestyle.
-- Sam, "Thou Shalt Not"

That's great Sam! He hit you, that means he still loves her. Let him hit you again!
-- Al, "Thou Shalt Not"

Try clicking your heels together 3 times and saying "there's no place like home".
-- Al, "Thou Shalt Not"

Sometimes I think fidelity is highly overrated.
-- Al, "Thou Shalt Not"

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