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February 18th, 2005
By Helen and M.J. Cogburn


Hi folks, I suddenly realized that it was time for my turn again, and I put on my thinking cap for a subject for this month’s Rodette. I finally came up with the idea below, and lo and behold, while working on it, I happened to start talking to MJ on MSN and she proved my point exactly! So we got chatting about it, and she added a few ideas of her own, and before we knew it – voila! We hereby present to you a joint Rodette, fruit of both our labors.

- Helen


You know you’re obsessed by too much Quantum Leap when:

  • You find yourself saying "Oh boy!" more than a dozen times a day.
  • You find yourself singing any of the Quantum Leap songs that have played on any of the episodes and can then place it in the episode that it came from.
  • You drop your glasses and the lens falls out, and your first thought – even before "I hope it isn’t broken" is "Just like Seymour! Where’s Sam to pop it back in for me?"
  • The phrases "Thou Shalt Not" and "So help me God" make you think ‘episode of Quantum Leap’ first, and the Bible second.
  • You can quote the opening saga cell on demand.
  • If someone quotes a line from an episode, not only can you identify which leap it comes from, you can quote back the line that follows it.
  • Every time you are stuck in a doctor or dentist or optician’s waiting room, you wonder what wrong Sam is putting right in your life.
  • Sam’s (or Al’s) image adorns your desktop, your office walls/bedroom walls, your folders, anywhere you can get away with displaying them.
  • You buy a copy of Brigadoon, just because it is Sammy-Jo’s favourite story.
  • You buy a copy of Man of La Mancha just because Sam played Don Quixote in ‘Catch a Falling Star’.
  • You buy your daughter a cuddly Donkey and call it Hoté (Donkey Hoté = Don Quixote, try saying it aloud!)
  • You hear or see the line, "It’s not fair," and you can recite the whole scene from "The Leap Home" or you can hear that sentence echo in your head from hearing it in the audio play "The Impossible Dream".
  • You give people advice based on what you think Sam would say/do.
  • You see an unusual situation, either in real life or on TV, and you start to picture Scott Bakula as Sam trying to cope in the same situation – or think "That would make a good Virtual Season’s episode".
  • Even a line from a stand up comic can inspire a whole two-part VS episode. (Skin Deep 1115/6)
  • You dream in Quantum Leap episodes.
  • You hear it is Lunar New Year, and wonder which animal Sam/Al is.
  • You have a notepad virtually grafted to your hand lest a QL plot idea should be forgotten.
  • The first thing you ask a new member at Al’s is "Do you write fanfic?"
  • The first thing you tell people about yourself is that you are a QL fan.
  • You see a face you recognize but can’t place in a movie, and as soon as it is over, you check IMDB to see if they appeared in an episode of Quantum Leap.
  • You watch ‘Third Rock from the Sun’ just because Tommy was in ‘Permanent Wave’.
  • You watch Friends just because Rachel was in ‘Nowhere to Run’.
  • Silly little things like a character in ‘Stargate Atlantis’ being called Doctor Beckett make you smile and think of Sam.
  • You name your favorite teddy bear, not for your partner, but for Sam or Al.
  • You are given cuddly critter slippers and you name them Sam and Al (yes, I know somebody who did this, but to spare her blushes I won’t name her!)
  • You wish you could have more kids, just so you could name them Sam and Al.
  • You start rewriting song lyrics so that they fit the realm of Quantum Leap – for example: Celine Dion’s "Call the Man" becomes "Call for Sam".
  • If you do have a wreck (heaven forbid) that you miss a week of your life... it leaves you wondering... how did Sam save my life?
  • Your significant other threatens to cite Sam Beckett/Al Calavicci in divorce papers. (Those of us that this would be held over our heads… we blush in shame and grin evilly.)
  • In fact almost everything you hear or watch or come across in your everyday life reminds you in some way or another of your favorite series!

Can anyone come up with any more examples?

Of course, there is actually no such thing as TOO MUCH Quantum Leap!


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