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January 2nd, 2004



Happy New Year Hot Rodders and Hot Rodettes!!!!

Last year was a stinker, May 2004 be the Year of The Rod!!

In recent weeks, it appears as though RodVision's numbers are falling. There may be reasons for this, new members not fully appreciating The Rod, perhaps Hot Rodders and Hot Rodettes have forgotten or stopped caring who He was and still is.

With this in mind, The Rod invites all Hot Rodders & Hot Rodettes to take a trip down memory lane with Him, back to where The PhenomeRod began.

Buckle Up & Click Here


Quantum Leap The Video Game

With any successful movie or TV franchise you usually get an added bonus…. Video Games based on or around that particular product.

So how would a QL game play?

Possible game formats could vary, from a 1st person shooter, to a platform-oriented or even a role-playing game.

The game plot would probably be mission based, starting out with fairly easy ideas to eventually having complex storylines and even Evil Leapers!

As seen with various other TV/Movie tie in video games, the developers could even include series footage to aid in the storyline. From Sam’s "Oh Boy!" to Al’s "Aint that a kick in the butt!"

There could even be sub missions in between levels. Basing these submissions on the various different characters within the world of Quantum Leap.

By the way, if any game developers are reading, remember to credit The Rod for this idea!!!


The RodMobile CD of The Month

The Rod wants to do some thing he has ALWAYS wanted to do, no, not become a full time RodKini Inspector (He is working on that, and having a beach nearby is helping!!!), instead He wishes to have a little bit of time dedicated to great CDs. He knows it is not really Quantum leap related…Well; actually, it is for 2 reasons:

  1. The Rod’s Profession involves Him travelling, or Leaping, between different places repairing damaged equipment or putting right what once went wrong. Major travelling requires a lot of music within The RodMobile to keep Him going. As most of you know, He usually composes RodVision from within The RodMobile!
  2. As everybody knows, Donald P Bellisario has gotta be a Hot Rodder, so with The Rod’s guidance, a decent QL score can be composed.

Pretty weak reasoning, you’re DAMN right, but this is RodVision baby, where anything goes!

This CD is a perfect fit for Quantum Leap, the band involved having consistent hits dating back to the 70s and right through to the late 90’s He is sure you will agree.

Aerosmith – Young Lust, The Aerosmith Anthology.

With classics such as "Sweet Emotion", "Deuces are wild", "Hangman Jury" and more recent hits such as "Falling in Love (Is so hard on the knees)" this Greatest Hits CD would be a perfect CD for any 70’s, 80’s or 90’s episode of Quantum Leap.

He IS The Hot Rod BABY!!!


Rod Out!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at:

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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