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January 16th, 2005



Disclaimer: The Rod's normal rockin' musical background theme music which occasionally accompanies His page has been replaced by generic and totally unrelated music today. We just couldn't afford - (clears throat) I mean acquire - the rights to the music in time to release this RodVision. But we figured that you wouldn't want to wait to read the next installment from The Great One so we went ahead and released it anyway. Geez. (Press STOP on your IE broswer to stop the music.) And now for your viewing pleasure... RodVision:


The Great One finally returns to your monitors…..

As it’s the 1st RodVision of 2005, Happy New Year Hot Rodders & Hot Rodettes!

2004 wasn’t exactly The Rod’s year, a "little knock" put Him down for awhile, but The Rod is still here baby!

His main New Years resolution, to present a new picture to you all….


Quantum Leap 2005

So exactly what is in store for all of you out there in 2005. As far as Quantum Leap goes, hopefully plenty.

Hopefully the Jamokies in charge get their fingers out and resolve the current Season 2 DVD issues, although this is unlikely, it seems as though Quantum Leap has fallen foul of the same issues which have prevented an Airwolf DVD release and which almost stopped Knight Rider’s indestructible Pontiac dead in its tracks.



For Knight Rider, one of the main causes was the constant usage of material by "The Eagles" & "Fleetwood Mac". As these tracks (in the early seasons) were considered "road music" they were pretty important to the show.

Quantum Leap however is a lot different. The tracks played on the soundtrack help add to the reality of whatever year Sam has leapt into.

Al & Beth danced to presumably "their song"; it’s kinda hard to see them dancing one last time to generic crap muzak.

So why hasn’t Universal put their hands in their pockets over this? At $45 per set, you would think they could expect to make enough to cover the costs involved.

Was permission to use the tracks refused? Was the price wildly absurd? Was the Jamokie in charge allergic to "doing things right"?

Universal’s reasoning, confusing reading as it is can be found here:

Jamokie Excuses


For the general fan

2005 is also going to be a big year for movie goers and TV in general.

On the big screen you have Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith. The Rod spends a lot of time thinking over the possibilities for this one. There are plenty of rumors abound, and certainly this will be possibly the darkest film of the entire saga.

starwars.jpg (34532 bytes)

This picture was from Vanity Fair and features every main character (still alive) from all 6 films.

Good to see Ford, Hamill, Fisher & Presumably Prowse (Vader) made an appearance. Where is the great James Earl Jones though?

Surely if you can picture Jar Jar Binks (Urge to kill rising…..) then you can cast JEJ!!!

Lucas has also mentioned talk of a Kevin Smith/Mark Hamill helmed Star Wars TV Series in which Hamill will make cameo appearances.

The Rod doesn’t know about any of you, but He is very eagerly awaiting any further developments on this little snatch of news!

All current news can be found Here.


From Small…To Big…Screen….

2005 also heralds the introduction to the big screen of both Knight Rider and Transformers (Live Action).

The really confusing thing about BOTH these films is how are they going to do it?

Knight Rider’s storyline involved FLAG announcing that they destroyed the trademark black Transam. David Hasselhoff has announced that while he will be making a cameo, a new mainstay character will be introduced….


"Transformers" was a hugely successful toy, comic & TV franchise involving robots who disguised themselves by "Transforming" into vehicles whilst waging war between the 2 main factions.

There was a movie outing, a very dark movie outing which introduced the very young to heavy mortality issues when almost all of the major characters were brutally killed off.

How then, will this awesome cartoon series be "Transformed" onto the big screen?

CGI…..Is this animation a indication?

Steven Spielberg is involved, so you can bet this will be good!

The man behind this film’s website can be found here.


Computer Entertainment

Also coming in 2005 are the eagerly anticipated PC titles:

Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 2

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


Audio Pleasures

AC/DC plan to release their next studio album in 2005….Rock on Boys!

Guns N Roses (Or what remains of them) plan on releasing the (What’s sure to be an epic) long awaited and eagerly anticipated "Chinese Democracy" Album in February 2005.

Rock on Axl!

 So, perhaps 2005 WILL be a good year!!



The NEW RodMobile V4.0 ‘Rock n Roll’ Corner Baby!!

For those of you new to The Rod’s ways, He travels the highways a lot, thus having a lot of time to spend listening to good music. As He is a generous guy, He likes to share His musical enjoyment with all of you.

Allow The Rod to set the scene for you:

You’re mad at your boss/workplace in general, and you need some music to help you deal with this situation…

Rage against the Machine – Rage against the Machine

This, their debut album, is a simply outstanding mix of rock and rap music. Very angry from the start, yet if you listen to the lyrics, very intelligent writing.

Fans of the Matrix films pay attention; the music which The Matrix rocks out to (when Neo fly’s away) is on this album. The second Matrix film ended with another Rage song.

Of course, The Rod has to try and tell you how these particular brands of music could fit into any Quantum leap episode, but you know what, it just would!

Don’t complain, this is RodVision, and He’s The Hot Rod Baby!!

He IS The Hot Rod BABY!!!

Rod Out!

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at:

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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