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January 29th, 2004


Heres a Quantum Query that will hopefully start some debating.

The original series had all those funky cubey things acting as Computer interfaces, will the new Quantum Leap continue with these representations, or will the new film opt for a more traditional Sci Fi and less extravagant looking computer control room?

What do you think? Should it stay the same, or should they update it for the 00's??

It is widely agreed that early Star Trek has not quite influenced, but has had a hand in the development of certain medical and technological devices, with this in mind, has Quantum Leap had these kinds of impact?

The Rod uses a PDA daily; His current one is a Jornada 720, more like a personal organiser than Al's Handlink.

However, His NEW PDA (Due out soon apparently) is more in line with the handlink (Same sort of size, inbuilt communications requiring less Cell Phone interaction.

So with Quantum Leap using the funky Handlink, has this inspired the next generation of PDA’s? No, has this inspired PDA’s in general??

Its not such a difficult question to ask, take a look at the facts:

  • PDA’s weren’t in population during QL’s heyday.
  • No other TV series utilised PDA’s as QL did

After QL went off air, PDA’s became all the rage; in fact the most recent look suspiciously similar to Al’s.

What will Al’s new handlink look like???



Quantum Change

What do Quantum Leap and The Simpsons have in common?

No its not the crazy storylines….

Allow The Rod to answer:

They both used very moral storylines. At least the early Simpsons stories did. But in todays TV, is there scope for TV shows to morally better society?

For Quantum Leap’s next incarnation to be a success, would its original formula work?

Sam would often have to leap in and stop some cat having an affair with some kitten, he would never (unless extreme circumstances forced him to) sleep with anyone within his leaps, trying all other alternatives first.

TV today is full of sex, shows brimming with sexual innuendo, sexual scenes and lots of swearing. Just watch "Sex in The City", "Friends" or any of their prime time competitors and you will see what The Rod is talking about.

All of the above, The Rod fully endorses and encourages, but, Quantum Leap managed to be a success without any of it. So how will it fare?

To look at its possible future, lets look at "The Simpsons". It started out, with every adventure having a moral storyline running through it.

Marge wouldn’t sleep with a stranger although seriously tempted. Homer got free cable, yet cut it rather than break the rules. Bart cut the head off of Springfield’s founder, but, upon realising the adverse effects on society, he returned it. Lisa cheated during a test, because she had stayed up for nights on end playing a video game, yet in the end confessed her crime.

Yes it’s true, The Simpson’s is a great show, but these earlier episodes, viewed today make quite dull viewing.

These historical episodes bear little resemblance to more recent episodes. Now its carnage and mayhem!

So does this suggest that Quantum Leap has to grow up a little? Does it show that there is no place for moral storylines?


The RodMobile ‘Rock n Roll’ Corner Baby!!

So last month The Rod introduced you to His little spot here at RodVision promoting music, firstly for possible QL soundtracks, but mainly for you Hot Rodders & Hot Rodettes (And Oh Yeah Baby, ESPECIALLY for The Hot Rodettes!!) to just Rock n Roll!

So this month, The Rod has a real classic for you:

Van Halen – Van Halen

This track epitomises 70/80s rock and has some really catchy tunes, sure to get your feet a bopping. Tracks such as "Ice Cream Man", "On Fire" and "Atomic Punk" are good ole fashioned rock n roll at its best. Who could forget the classics "Running with the devil" and "Eruption", possibly the GREATEST guitar solo ever recorded??

Of course, The Rod has to try and tell you how this particular brand of music could fit into any Quantum leap episode, but you know what, it just would!

Don’t complain, this is RodVision, and He’s The Hot Rod Baby!!

He IS The Hot Rod BABY!!!


Rod Out!

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at:

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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