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July 21st, 2005



The Rod knows that RodVision hasn’t exactly been a regular occurrence these past few months, hell, its birthday has came and went and nobody uttered a word.

Surely you lot haven’t forgotten about The Rod and His RodVision??

So, here is the birthday edition of RodVision….

Forget continuation, Instead: Reinvention!

Ok, so everybody knows about Quantum Leap. Everybody Knows about how abruptly it ended, without finishing off the storyline.

Officially, Universal blamed ratings.

So, who’s to say that a continuance of a supposed flagging show would improve these ratings? Sure, all the original QL fans want to see the story finished correctly, but what The Rod feels they DON’T want to see, is a new series, abruptly ended before it has the chance to begin, for the very same reason as the original:


Face it leapers, perhaps QL will never be what it was meant to be. Too much time has passed, and the main star of the original may not be interested.

Sure, Enterprise is dead in space; that does not necessarily mean that Bakula is stepping into the Accelerator Chamber once again?

Allow The Rod to elaborate:

If He were fired tomorrow, He would not go back to His desk job. Its not that it was dull & boring, for it was….rather you NEVER go backwards…… Only onwards.

Scott may not wish to go back to being Sam, that’s backwards, not onwards.

So, allow The Great One to help the powers that be out. Its real simple, go watch the new Battlestar Galactica.

Better yet, have you seen Batman Begins?

The Rod had reservations about this film, being a huge Batman fan, He felt that it would serve only to hurt Burtons vision: Batman.

He discovered that Begins is gonna be the start of a new future for Bats, much better than Burton had envisioned, more like the comic.

Now, QL has an opportunity here. They can go ahead and continue from where Mirror Imager tried to end; perhaps they would not royally screw it up. Remember your reservations about Star Trek: The Next Generation? Many people felt this would be terrible due to the fact that Kirk et al would not be in it.

They were wrong…

Alternatively, reinvent QL, give a new leaper the chance to kick start this show back to life. If ratings were an issue, then go back to the original concept and reinvent that concept, update it for this new show in this time period.

Sam Beckett visited the past, maybe its time to visit the future.

Never go back.

Of course if this is the way to go, then you will never see Sam in QL, at least not in the 1st series. But, think of it like Airwolf. In the 1st and 2nd seasons, the main character (Stringfellow Hawke) promised to return Airwolf when his brother was found, dead or alive. In a couple of episodes you are led to believe that Sinjun has actually been there and that Hawke had just missed him.

Perhaps they could incorporate this idea into QL. Once Bakula is impressed that the new QL is a success, then he will be ready to make cameos here and there, but not a full return.

Just The Rod’s humble opinion….


Completely Off Topic…

The Rod finally got around to seeing Batman Begins (Yeh, He knows He is supposedly a huge Batman fan, and he knows its taken FAR too long to see this film, but Hey, don’t you guys have to work too???)

He really enjoyed it; what’s more, it feels more like a Batman film then Burton's Batman.

The Rod was unsure going into this film about whether or not reinventing the franchise was a good idea. His idea of Batman had more or less been pretty similar to what Burton gave us in 89. But sheesh, this was an amazing film.

The whole concept of Batman was better captured in this film, probably because it used the same darkness that Burton envisioned, and then some!!

A welcome sway AWAY from CGI effects (Unlike Batman Forever & the unforgivable Batman & Robin) left the fans with actual stunts….What about the Batmobile sequence!!!

So, for the next super villain it appears as though The Joker is being lined up. Crispin Glover is being touted as the new Joker, after his performances from Charlie’s Angels 1 & 2, bring him on.

Also, there is to be NO Robin!!!!!

So, lets summarize:

  • Great Storyline
  • Excellent effects
  • No CGI Interference, instead REAL Action & Stunts
  • And the BEST bit: Absolutely NO Robin whatsoever…

Roll on the sequel..


The NEW RodMobile V4.0 ‘Rock n Roll’ Corner Baby!!

For those of you new to The Rod’s ways, He travels the highways a lot, this having a lot of time to spend listening to good music. As He is a generous guy, He likes to share His musical enjoyment with all of you.

He has a wide and varied taste in music, with a tendency to lean into the olden days of Rock/Metal.

Today’s auditory delight is Warrior Soul’s Salutations from the Ghetto Nation…

Warrior Soul were one of the 1st Bands The Rod saw live. While they were pretty bad live, their albums are pretty good. Salutations is a kind of Glam Rock album from this heavy rock outfit, but, if you like Rock n Roll, well, Heavy Rock n Roll, you will like this…

Of course, The Rod has to try and tell you how these particular brands of music could fit into any Quantum leap episode, but you know what, it just would!

Don’t complain, this is RodVision….And MOST importantly:

He IS The Hot Rod BABY!!!

Rod Out!

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at:

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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