"Animal Frat"

Cut Scenes:

An early version of this script (which dates the episode as 1968, not 1967) appears to have run short, as numerous scenes and discussions appear in the televised version that were not in the draft:

- Sam convincing Duck to recruit him (and Duck threatening to watch him closely)
- The guys messing around at the start of the chemistry lecture
- Scooter embarrassing Sam in front of Elizabeth
- Sam's follow-up attempt to explain away initiations
- Al and Sam discussing Sam's youth during a walk outside
- A prank call from the frat house (which, in the televised version, helps makes sense of security's later response to Sam).

Most interestingly, there is only one bomb planted in the draft version - the one in the locker with the 'wire cutting' sequence is entirely absent.

In the script, but not in the episode, is a brief moment where Al wishes Sam had been around in '68 (presumably removed for clarity because Sam was around, just slightly too young to protest), along with a padding scene where Sam and the frat boys kid around in the frat house and a short extra piece of dialogue in the library where Sam tries to convince Elizabeth to go to the luau.

Elizabeth also tries to stop Sam calling campus security later because "I'll get in trouble!". Elizabeth and Sam's discussion at the luau at the end is heavily rewritten but doesn't reveal much new.