"It's a Wonderful Leap"
Cut Scenes: The second version of the script, dated 19th February 1992 contains the marvellous description of Angelita's accent: 'Note: Angelita is unintentionally creative with the English language. Her dialogue should be read with a Puerto Rican accent... try it aloud if you like!' Angelita tells Sam a story about how her father had a heart attack, was buried, and then woke up in his coffin after three days napping. She sits in the back seat when Sam drives her around New York in Act Two, claiming she prefers it back there. She tells Al that heaven is "right here, all around us'"', and Al retorts "gee, and I always thought this was Manhattan' to which she explains "The kingdom of the Father is spread upon the earth, but men do no see it'. There's a montage of Sam collecting his final fares and tips. When debating how to avoid the mugging, Al says "If she's an angel, she screwed up and let Max get shot in the original history", to which Angelita argues "Original history? And you say I'm crazy!" |