"A Single Drop of Rain"
Cut scenes: In the first version of the script, dated 7th October 1991, Coutis spends more time at the start setting the scene ("a big wind blew through about July, turned the whole place into dust and blew it clean away''), and there's a one-line barber character called Charlie, whose line (about filling Billy's radiator) is later given to Coutis. Ralph is more outspoken early on giving more reason for Annie to argue with him, and he jokes about the fad of colour TVs - Sam unsuccessfully tries to convince him to buy into them, Al says "Kowabunga!" (1991 was, after all, a big year for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.) The rain-making kit is sent up by an old plane instead of by balloons - Davison has an old Waco which seems to be on its last legs but they somehow make it airborne, and Coutis flies it while Sam watches from the ground. Although this would have been budget-restrictive, it means we also lose Al's line "[Next is] the dangerous part. You mix it with the acetone, then you take it up in the plane and then you burn it. Not the plane, the silver stuff". Sam doesn't have his prayer scene, but he does describe his character as a "two-bit no-good huckster'" (Clinton corrects him- he's "a damn fine huckster'). |