"The Wrong Stuff"
Cut Scenes: Chris Ruppenthal recalled, "There was a scene written where the young Sam Beckett came in and met this attractive woman scientist who tried to sort of pick him up and was sort of unnerved about it and failed. And the chimp kept trying to coax him along, really. No, you idiot! She wants to go out with you!" The sixth version of the script, dated 24th October 1991, opens with a teaser similar to the edit seen at the end of the previous episode: we don't cut back to mission control, instead holding on Sam's reactions. He has a brief monologue after the opening titles: "After leaping around in time, I thought I'd be prepared for just about anything... except maybe a leap to the moon." Leslie Ashton is called Leslie Mills, and Dr. Winger is called Dr. Frank Gould. Sterns is called Kenny and Welles is called Roland (they could be Kenny Sterns and Roland Welles). There are two female chimps: Cory and Vanessa, who are combined into one character for the broadcast version. Al explains (for the slower members of the audience, presumably) why Leslie can't hear Sam's voice. Al clarifies that he was on the Apollo VIII mission (as hinted at in the broadcast episode). Dr. Tucker's first name is Max and he is 56 years old. The monologue before Sam eats the banana is missing. Al mentions that Leslie grew up in Cameroon (on screen he specifies a tie to his favorite cigars, perhaps an ad lib by Stockwell?). Leslie and Frank's flirtatious chat outside is missing entirely, as is Al's "too late" advice to Sam about the caterpillars (but he does say he'd "play doctor" with Leslie given the chance). The water bottle during testing doesn't have caterpillars in it but is "covered with chimp spit". On screen Sam points to Leslie's ring and flaps his arms to signify "Winger'. In the script Leslie realises her ring is gold and he's trying to say "Gould". Leslie and Frank's argument about morality of animal experimentation is missing, and her follow up later with Tucker is much shorter. As Al is trying to wake Sam up, we hear Frank say "the subject is being monitored for ICP, EKG, EEG" (the last two of these are monitors, not things one monitors for - the episode as broadcast has different dialogue at this point). |