Welcome To The World of Alia, Zoey, Thames, & Lothos. . .

Alia, the evil leaper, seems to be here to put wrong what Sam has put right!

Zoey is Alia's holographic aid, with the help of Lothos. . . Ziggy's evil counterpart.

In Part 1, titled "Deliver Us From Evil", Sam & Alia meet for the first time. . .

Commercial promo .................................................................................. Commercial Sam & Evil Leaper

Alia leaps in .............................................................................................. Alia smiles at Sam

Zoey's doorway ............................................................................................................ Zoey closeup

Alia & Zoey vanish as Sam & Al look on. . .

In Part 2, titled "Return", Sam and Alia meet again, but this time Alia wants to leave with Sam. . .

In Part 3, titled "Revenge", Zoey leaps back to stop Sam & Alia

Sam & Alia leap together ............................................................. Zoey leaps in to stop them

Thames arrives as Zoey's holograpic aid, when Zoey leaps back in time. . .

Al & Thames enter together ............................................... Alia & Zoey in the cloud dream

Alia leaps to freedom ................................................................................ Zoey leaps out

Alia & Zoey return in this novel taking place between "Deliver Us From Evil" and "Return"

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